[virglrenderer-devel] Some question about running a GLES backend for virgl

Lepton Wu lepton at chromium.org
Thu Mar 22 01:38:09 UTC 2018

Hi Jakob,

I have seen you sent some CL to run virglrenderer with GLES backend.
I am also interested in this and tried it and it doesn't work well for
me. I have some questions:

1.  The current virgl code is using some functions which is not
available in GLES, for example, it's using glFramebufferTexture2DEXT
and glBindBufferARB,  I can't find them in header files from GLES,
then how it works with GLES backend?

2. Any rough estimation for how long would it take for virgl work with
a pure GLES backend?  basically I'd like to run virglrenderer on
windows host and it seems it's easy to get GLES on windows with angle.
So if virglrenderer can work with GLES backend, than perhaps it's not
far away to get qemu+virgl works under windows.

Thanks for your time to answer my question.

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