[waffle] [PATCH 05/12] waffle: add waffle_display_info_json()

Emil Velikov emil.l.velikov at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 10:42:24 UTC 2016

On 21 April 2016 at 21:25, Frank Henigman <fjhenigman at google.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 7:40 AM, Emil Velikov <emil.l.velikov at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 6 January 2016 at 21:56, Frank Henigman <fjhenigman at google.com> wrote:
>>> Duplicate wflinfo functionality in the API, with the difference that the
>>> information is returned in JSON form.
>>> The function has a parameter for including platform-specific information,
>>> but it is ignored for now.
>>> Signed-off-by: Frank Henigman <fjhenigman at google.com>
>>> ---
>>>  include/waffle/waffle.h         |   5 +
>>>  man/waffle_display.3.xml        |  19 +++
>>>  src/waffle/api/waffle_display.c | 284 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>  src/waffle/waffle.def.in        |   1 +
>>>  4 files changed, 308 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>> diff --git a/include/waffle/waffle.h b/include/waffle/waffle.h
>>> index df0218e..1800399 100644
>>> --- a/include/waffle/waffle.h
>>> +++ b/include/waffle/waffle.h
>>> @@ -214,6 +214,11 @@ bool
>>>  waffle_display_supports_context_api(struct waffle_display *self,
>>>                                      int32_t context_api);
>>> +#if WAFFLE_API_VERSION >= 0x0106
>>> +char*
>>> +waffle_display_info_json(struct waffle_display *self, bool platform_too);
>> The function does not work solely with the display, but it requires a
>> (bound) context. Thus it does not really fit waffle naming scheme. I'm
>> afraid that I'm short of suggestions though (barring my "returning
>> json formatted data sounds iffy, lets use tokens" rant from earlier)
>>> +#endif
>>> +
>>>  union waffle_native_display*
>>>  waffle_display_get_native(struct waffle_display *self);
>>> diff --git a/man/waffle_display.3.xml b/man/waffle_display.3.xml
>>> index 9896247..5358472 100644
>>> --- a/man/waffle_display.3.xml
>>> +++ b/man/waffle_display.3.xml
>>> @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
>>>      <refname>waffle_display</refname>
>>>      <refname>waffle_display_connect</refname>
>>>      <refname>waffle_display_disconnect</refname>
>>> +    <refname>waffle_display_info_json</refname>
>>>      <refname>waffle_display_supports_context_api</refname>
>>>      <refname>waffle_display_get_native</refname>
>>>      <refpurpose>class <classname>waffle_display</classname></refpurpose>
>>> @@ -58,6 +59,12 @@ struct waffle_display;
>>>        </funcprototype>
>>>        <funcprototype>
>>> +        <funcdef>char* <function>waffle_display_info_json</function></funcdef>
>>> +        <paramdef>struct waffle_display *<parameter>self</parameter></paramdef>
>>> +        <paramdef>bool <parameter>platform_info</parameter></paramdef>
>>> +      </funcprototype>
>>> +
>>> +      <funcprototype>
>>>          <funcdef>bool <function>waffle_display_supports_context_api</function></funcdef>
>>>          <paramdef>struct waffle_display *<parameter>self</parameter></paramdef>
>>>          <paramdef>int32_t <parameter>context_api</parameter></paramdef>
>>> @@ -129,6 +136,18 @@ struct waffle_display;
>>>        </varlistentry>
>>>        <varlistentry>
>>> +        <term><function>waffle_display_info_json()</function></term>
>>> +        <listitem>
>>> +          <para>
>>> +            Return a JSON string containing information about the current context on the given display, including Waffle platform and API, GL version/vendor/renderer and extensions.
>>> +            If <parameter>platform_info</parameter> is true, platform-specific information (such as GLX or EGL versions and extensions) will be included as available.
>>> +            Returns <constant>NULL</constant> on error.
>>> +            The string should be deallocated with <citerefentry><refentrytitle><function>free</function></refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
>>> +          </para>
>>> +        </listitem>
>>> +      </varlistentry>
>>> +
>>> +      <varlistentry>
>>>          <term><function>waffle_display_supports_context_api()</function></term>
>>>          <listitem>
>>>            <para>
>>> diff --git a/src/waffle/api/waffle_display.c b/src/waffle/api/waffle_display.c
>>> index fa19462..7abe2ef 100644
>>> --- a/src/waffle/api/waffle_display.c
>>> +++ b/src/waffle/api/waffle_display.c
>>> @@ -23,13 +23,61 @@
>>> +#include <ctype.h>
>>> +#include <stdio.h>
>>> +
>>>  #include "api_priv.h"
>>> -#include "wcore_error.h"
>>> +#include "json.h"
>>> +
>>> +#include "wcore_context.h"
>>>  #include "wcore_display.h"
>>> +#include "wcore_error.h"
>>>  #include "wcore_platform.h"
>>>  #include "wcore_util.h"
>>> +typedef unsigned int GLint;
>>> +typedef unsigned int GLenum;
>>> +typedef unsigned char GLubyte;
>>> +
>>> +enum {
>>> +    // Copied from <GL/gl*.h>.
>>> +    GL_NO_ERROR = 0,
>>> +
>>> +    GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS = 0x821e,
>>> +    GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT              = 0x00000002,
>>> +
>>> +    GL_VENDOR                              = 0x1F00,
>>> +    GL_RENDERER                            = 0x1F01,
>>> +    GL_VERSION                             = 0x1F02,
>>> +    GL_EXTENSIONS                          = 0x1F03,
>>> +    GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS                      = 0x821D,
>>> +    GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION            = 0x8B8C,
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +#ifndef _WIN32
>>> +#define APIENTRY
>>> +#else
>>> +#ifndef APIENTRY
>>> +#define APIENTRY __stdcall
>>> +#endif
>>> +#endif
>>> +
>>> +static GLenum (APIENTRY *glGetError)(void);
>>> +static void (APIENTRY *glGetIntegerv)(GLenum pname, GLint *params);
>>> +static const GLubyte * (APIENTRY *glGetString)(GLenum name);
>>> +static const GLubyte * (APIENTRY *glGetStringi)(GLenum name, GLint i);
>>> +
>>> +#if defined(__GNUC__)
>>> +#define NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
>>> +#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
>>> +#define NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
>>> +#else
>>> +#define NORETURN
>>> +#endif
>>> +
>>>  WAFFLE_API struct waffle_display*
>>>  waffle_display_connect(const char *name)
>>>  {
>>> @@ -90,6 +138,240 @@ waffle_display_supports_context_api(
>>>                                                              context_api);
>>>  }
>>> +static int
>>> +parse_version(const char *version)
>>> +{
>>> +    int count, major, minor;
>>> +
>>> +    if (version == NULL)
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +
>>> +    while (*version != '\0' && !isdigit(*version))
>>> +        version++;
>>> +
>>> +    count = sscanf(version, "%d.%d", &major, &minor);
>>> +    if (count != 2)
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +
>>> +    if (minor > 9)
>>> +        return 0;
>>> +
>>> +    return (major * 10) + minor;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>> +add_context_flags(struct json *jj)
>>> +{
>>> +    static struct {
>>> +        GLint flag;
>>> +        char *str;
>>> +    } flags[] = {
>>> +        { GL_CONTEXT_FLAG_DEBUG_BIT, "DEBUG" },
>>> +    };
>>> +    int flag_count = sizeof(flags) / sizeof(flags[0]);
>>> +    GLint context_flags = 0;
>>> +
>>> +    glGetIntegerv(GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, &context_flags);
>>> +    if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR)
>>> +        return json_append(jj, json_str("WFLINFO_GL_ERROR"));
>>> +
>>> +    if (context_flags == 0)
>>> +        return json_append(jj, json_num(0));
>>> +
>>> +    for (int i = 0; i < flag_count; i++) {
>>> +        if ((flags[i].flag & context_flags) != 0) {
>>> +            json_append(jj, json_str(flags[i].str));
>>> +            context_flags = context_flags & ~flags[i].flag;
>>> +        }
>>> +    }
>>> +    for (int i = 0; context_flags != 0; context_flags >>= 1, i++) {
>>> +        if ((context_flags & 1) != 0) {
>>> +            json_append(jj, json_num(1 << i));
>>> +        }
>>> +    }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>> +add_extensions(struct json *jj, bool use_stringi)
>>> +{
>>> +    GLint count = 0, i;
>>> +    const char *ext;
>>> +
>>> +    if (use_stringi) {
>>> +        glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &count);
>>> +        if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) {
>>> +            json_append(jj, json_str("WFLINFO_GL_ERROR"));
>>> +        } else {
>>> +            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
>>> +                ext = (const char *) glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, i);
>>> +                if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR)
>>> +                    ext = "WFLINFO_GL_ERROR";
>>> +                json_append(jj, json_str(ext));
>>> +            }
>>> +        }
>>> +    } else {
>>> +        const char *extensions = (const char *) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
>>> +        if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR)
>>> +            json_append(jj, json_str("WFLINFO_GL_ERROR"));
>>> +        else
>>> +            json_append(jj, json_split(extensions, " "));
>>> +    }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void
>>> +add_generic_info(struct json *jj, struct wcore_context *ctx)
>>> +{
>>> +    int32_t dl;
>>> +    //XXX this pattern seems to occur repeatedly - do we need two sets of enums?
>> I'm afraid we do. The whole topic is a bit messy, but the gist is that
>> - because we have the GL* library that does not imply that we can have
>> a context of said API and vice-versa.
>>> +    switch (ctx->context_api) {
>>> +        case WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL:     dl = WAFFLE_DL_OPENGL;      break;
>>> +        case WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ES1: dl = WAFFLE_DL_OPENGL_ES1;  break;
>>> +        case WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ES2: dl = WAFFLE_DL_OPENGL_ES2;  break;
>>> +        case WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ES3: dl = WAFFLE_DL_OPENGL_ES3;  break;
>>> +        default:
>>> +            abort();
>> This feels excessive. Set an error and bail out ?
> I'll change to assert(false).  I think we want at least that, because
> the value has been validated by this point so we should never get
> here.
Good point. I've recently went through waffle and unified things to
follow this approach - use assert if we've already validated things.
Patches are on the mailing list - "... replace wcore_error_internal
with assert" - feel free to take a look.

>>> +            break;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    glGetError = waffle_dl_sym(dl, "glGetError");
>>> +    if (!glGetError)
>>> +        return json_append(jj, NULL);
>>> +
>>> +    glGetIntegerv = waffle_dl_sym(dl, "glGetIntegerv");
>>> +    if (!glGetIntegerv)
>>> +        return json_append(jj, NULL);
>>> +
>>> +    glGetString = waffle_dl_sym(dl, "glGetString");
>>> +    if (!glGetString)
>>> +        return json_append(jj, NULL);
>>> +
>>> +    // Retrieving GL functions is tricky. When glGetStringi is supported, here
>>> +    // are some boggling variations as of 2014-11-19:
>>> +    //   - Mali drivers on EGL 1.4 expose glGetStringi statically from
>>> +    //     libGLESv2 but not dynamically from eglGetProcAddress. The EGL 1.4 spec
>>> +    //     permits this behavior.
>>> +    //   - EGL 1.5 requires that eglGetStringi be exposed dynamically through
>>> +    //     eglGetProcAddress. Exposing statically with dlsym is optional.
>>> +    //   - Windows requires that glGetStringi be exposed dynamically from
>>> +    //     wglGetProcAddress. Exposing statically from GetProcAddress (Window's
>>> +    //     dlsym equivalent) is optional.
>>> +    //   - Mesa drivers expose glGetStringi statically from libGL and libGLESv2
>>> +    //     and dynamically from eglGetProcAddress and glxGetProcAddress.
>>> +    //   - Mac exposes glGetStringi only statically.
>>> +    //
>>> +    // Try waffle_dl_sym before waffle_get_proc_address because
>>> +    // (1) egl/glXProcAddress can return invalid non-null pointers for
>>> +    // unsupported functions and (2) dlsym returns non-null if and only if the
>>> +    // library exposes the symbol.
>>> +    glGetStringi = waffle_dl_sym(dl, "glGetStringi");
>>> +    if (!glGetStringi) {
>>> +        glGetStringi = waffle_get_proc_address("glGetStringi");
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    while(glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) {
>>> +        /* Clear all errors */
>>> +    }
>>> +
>> As mentioned elsewhere - why the loop (and yes same question goes for
>> the original in wflinfo) ?
> According to the man page "glGetError should always be called in a
> loop, until it returns GL_NO_ERROR, if all error flags are to be
> reset."
Indeed it does. I wonder if any drivers implement error. queuqueuet
sure if this is the right terminology here), which the spec implies
with the text.

Related: most of piglit (something like 90+%) does not use a loop
similar to all of xserver. Haven't looked at dEQP although I'm leaning
that it might be in a similar boat.

>>> +    const char *vendor = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VENDOR);
>>> +    if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR || vendor == NULL) {
>>> +        vendor = "WFLINFO_GL_ERROR";
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    const char *renderer = (const char *) glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
>>> +    if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR || renderer == NULL) {
>>> +        renderer = "WFLINFO_GL_ERROR";
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    const char *version_str = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VERSION);
>>> +    if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR || version_str == NULL) {
>>> +        version_str = "WFLINFO_GL_ERROR";
>>> +    }
>>> +
>> Please drop the extra curly brackets from the last 4 if statements.
>> Afaict with MSVC2013 U4 (our min requirement) things should just work
>> ?
>>> +    assert(ctx->display->platform->waffle_platform);
>>> +    const char *platform =
>>> +            wcore_enum_to_string(ctx->display->platform->waffle_platform);
>>> +    assert(platform != NULL);
>>> +
>>> +    assert(ctx->context_api);
>>> +    const char *api = wcore_enum_to_string(ctx->context_api);
>>> +    assert(api != NULL);
>>> +
>>> +    json_appendv(jj,
>>> +        "waffle", "{",
>>> +            "platform", json_str(platform),
>>> +            "api",      json_str(api),
>>> +         "}",
>>> +        "opengl", "{",
>>> +            "vendor",   json_str(vendor),
>>> +            "renderer", json_str(renderer),
>>> +            "version",  json_str(version_str),
>>> +        "}", "");
>>> +
>>> +    int version = parse_version(version_str);
>>> +
>>> +    if (ctx->context_api == WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL && version >= 31) {
>>> +        json_appendv(jj, "context_flags", "[", "");
>>> +        add_context_flags(jj);
>>> +        json_append(jj, "]");
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    // OpenGL and OpenGL ES >= 3.0 support glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSION, i).
>>> +    const bool use_getstringi = version >= 30;
>>> +
>>> +    if (!glGetStringi && use_getstringi)
>>> +        return json_append(jj, NULL);
>>> +
>>> +    // There are two exceptional cases where wflinfo may not get a
>>> +    // version (or a valid version): one is in gles1 and the other
>>> +    // is GL < 2.0. In these cases do not return WFLINFO_GL_ERROR,
>>> +    // return None. This is preferable to returning WFLINFO_GL_ERROR
>>> +    // because it creates a consistant interface for parsers
>>> +    const char *language_str = "None";
>>> +    if ((ctx->context_api == WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL && version >= 20) ||
>>> +            ctx->context_api == WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ES2 ||
>>> +            ctx->context_api == WAFFLE_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ES3) {
>>> +        language_str = (const char *) glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION);
>>> +        if (glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR || language_str == NULL) {
>>> +            language_str = "WFLINFO_GL_ERROR";
>>> +        }
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    json_appendv(jj, "shading_language_version", json_str(language_str), "");
>>> +    json_appendv(jj, "extensions", "[", "");
>>> +    add_extensions(jj, use_getstringi);
>>> +    json_append(jj, "]");
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +WAFFLE_API char*
>> Please add space between char and *
>>> +waffle_display_info_json(struct waffle_display *self, bool platform_too)
>>> +{
>>> +    struct wcore_display *wc_self = wcore_display(self);
>>> +
>>> +    const struct api_object *obj_list[] = {
>>> +        wc_self ? &wc_self->api : NULL,
>>> +    };
>>> +
>>> +    if (!api_check_entry(obj_list, 1))
>>> +        return NULL;
>>> +
>>> +    if (!wc_self->current_context) {
>>> +        wcore_errorf(WAFFLE_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "no current context");
>>> +        return NULL;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    struct json *jj = json_init();
>>> +    if (!jj)
>> Set the error state ?
> It will only fail if it can't get memory, in which case I don't see
> the point in setting error state.
> Throughout waffle we just return NULL if calloc() fails, without
> setting an error.
We consistently use waffle_[mc]alloc wrappers which themselves set the
error state. Although looking at the json implementation... that can
only happen in case of -ENOMEM, so if we go with my suggestion (in the
json patch) and add a note here that'll be amazing.

If you can think of anything better than "Any of the following json
functions can only fail due to ENOMEM, and waffle_[mc]alloc already
sets the error state", please go ahead.

>>> +        return NULL;
>>> +
>>> +    json_appendv(jj, "{", "generic", "{", "");
>>> +    add_generic_info(jj, wc_self->current_context);
>>> +    json_appendv(jj, "}", "}", "");
>>> +
>> A similar question if the json library fails at some point ?
> Similar answer.  (:
With the above said, feeding the user some garbage/incomplete data
sounds very wrong imho. In a similar way you expect a function to not
put data in the output pointer if it fails, right ?


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