[waimea] Y+ want Waimea

David Reveman c99drn at cs.umu.se
Fri Jun 11 22:58:20 EEST 2004

On Wed, 2004-06-09 at 13:57 +0200, Florian Becker wrote: 
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi David,
> Changes are:
> - - Remove every XLib Funktion with a Y+ Funktion. I don't know, how much that 
> is, but a little bit.
> - - Remove every dependencie from X, like a Cairo funktion.
> - - More i don't know yet maybe, but i think not.
> The only question is, when will we start to implement that in waimea. But i 
> think in the next two month, we can handle that.

I think that removing all X dependencies from waimea is going to be a
lot of work. The fact that waimea uses cairo for rendering is of course
gonna help a lot as it means that pretty much all rendering is already
independent of X.

One thing I'd like see is the possibility of using XCB instead of xlib,
maybe this is an opportunity to get that working as well.

I'm not sure that these changes should be made directly to waimea CVS,
maybe it would be better to use another branch and later try to merge
the changes. Hopefully,  I'll have some time soon to look more closely
at Y+, that's going to be needed before I can make these decisions.

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