[Wayland-bugs] [Bug 90170] enable 2 finger right click on non-apple clickpads

bugzilla-daemon at freedesktop.org bugzilla-daemon at freedesktop.org
Mon May 4 00:55:03 PDT 2015


--- Comment #22 from Max Bruckner <max at maxbruckner.de> ---
Seems like 'udevadm hwdb --update' did the trick. Clickfinger behavior now
works everywhere and libinput-list-devices shows the following:

>Device:         SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
>Kernel:         /dev/input/event11
>Group:          6
>Seat:           seat0, default
>Size:           96.04x58.13mm
>Capabilities:   pointer 
>Tap-to-click:   disabled
>Left-handed:    disabled
>Nat.scrolling:  disabled
>Calibration:    n/a
>Scroll methods: *two-finger 
>Click methods:  button-areas *clickfinger

Thanks for your patience in debugging the udev problems with me.

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