Terminal compliance patch

Kristian Høgsberg krh at bitplanet.net
Fri Jan 7 06:57:03 PST 2011

On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 2:23 AM, Callum Lowcay <callum at callumscode.com> wrote:
> I have developed a patch to make the terminal client a little more
> useful.  It's quite long, so I won't post it here, instead download it
> from http://callumscode.com/downloads/wayland-terminal-patch-1.patch if
> you are interested.
> The patch adds the following features:
> - UTF-8 compliance
> - Most Vt102 escape codes, excluding double width/height lines
> - Fancy colors
> - Support for function keys, cursor keys, and editing keys
> - Tested with vttest and vim

Hi Callum,

The patch looks good and certainly makes the terminal more useful.  As
Tiago says, there's a problem with the bash prompt showing some
garbage, but other than that it works well.

> Bugs
> - No autorepeat
> - No support for function keys with modifiers
> - Configuration hard-coded
> - Redraw is slow

The redraw is pretty easy to fix, I played around with it a couple of
days ago.  Most of the time is spent in painting the background cells
even if they're the same color as the border, so that's easy to
improve.  Next step is to try to batch more glyphs together by using
cairo_show_glyphs(), something I started doing in the terminal branch
I just pushed to the wayland repo.

However, as Behdad says, a more future proof and fully featured
terminal would probably use vte (or the kde terminal emulator), but
that doesn't have to mean that the wayland terminal can't be a fun
project.  If you want to keep working on it, I'd recommend you set up
a git repo on one of the git hosting sites so I can pull your work
from there.

And one more thing; the patch you've attached is pretty large and
there's no development history, so I can't help wonder if you wrote
all that from scratch or if you borrowed it from some other terminal
emulator.  If it's all your original code, then we're good to go and I
can push the patch, otherwise we need to preserve the copyright from
the original source.


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