A simpler description of wayland

Renaud Hebert renaud.hebert at alcatel-lucent.com
Fri Jan 7 00:44:27 PST 2011

Stefanos A. a écrit :
> 2011/1/6 Renaud Hebert <renaud.hebert at alcatel-lucent.com 
> <mailto:renaud.hebert at alcatel-lucent.com>>
>     I wonder if it would be possible to add to X a third variant for
>     local usage: use shared video memory to communicate between the
>     client and the server.
>     What would be the difference between this and Wayland?
> The lack of server fonts and other 20-year-old X11 insanity that you 
> need to implement just to claim compatibility.

Uh? Remember the first part of my email: if this is really an issue, why 
not just create X version 12 which would keep every useful features of 
the X version 11 server but remove all the obsolete features?

Dumping X just because it has some obsolete features looks to me as 
"jeter le bébé avec l’eau du bain" (dropping the baby with the bath's 


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