Has any gotten wayland demos to run on Ubuntiu 11.10

Daniel Trevitz dan at sstrev.com
Tue Nov 29 18:52:55 PST 2011

I apologize if I have respond incorrectly on the forum.

	I am running Debian Squeeze and was able to build and run Wayland for 
the first time a few days ago. I have an intel GM965 card myself. Attached is 
the build script I ran. It went for me from start to finish without error. Make 
sure to have all the dev files from apt first of course. I often do this by 
repeatedly building - failing the autoconf step - and install dev files till it 

The build instructions from http://wayland.freedesktop.org/building.html are 	
very close to what you need and they are what my build is based on. 

 - The build on the cite is different from mine as follows -
I perform all the gets once and compress the source...
	I hate waiting when trying to get a one run script
I explicitly create the directories you need for a compile from scratch
I remove the second macros build:
	"git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/util/macros" and 
	"git://anongit.freedesktop.org/xorg/util/macros" are identical.
	I used the latter and only compiled once - before mesa.
I define a source directory to clean up the end result.
I give a $makeOptions variable to make it easy to change the number of jobs 
make uses.

 - The actual errors in the instructions -
I fixed the error in the mesa prerequisites builds...
	glproto and dri2proto do not cd to the right directory - they cd into 	
	macros instead of glproto and dri2proto respectively.
The instructions for running the compositor are wrong. In my script I list 
some of how to do it right - but I am only really guessing and looking at 
results for all of this.

Nikos - The build instructions should be similar for you but, you will have to 
add the Nouveau part yourself as said earlier.

Attached is my build script. Its best - but not required - to copy it to the 
directory that you want wayland built in. Make sure to change $WLD to the root 
build directory of the wayland build in the script.

Note: I was not able to figure out how to get wayland to start without X and it 
caused some issues with starting kde from kdm the next time I rebooted... 
After explicitly telling kdm I wanted to start kde it worked fine. startx from 
the terminal worked as well.


At 2011-11-29 06:43:29,"Valavanis, Nikos" <nikos.valavanis at renesas.com> wrote:
>Has any gotten the wayland demos to run on Ubuntu 11.10.
>I am using a Dell inspiron 1500 with nvidia Quadra FX 380 graphics card
>I tried both:
>1. apt-get install wayland-demos 
>   this gives: EGL error 0x3001
>2. compiling source from http://wayland.freedesktop.org/building.html
>   this gives: EGL_KHR_surfaceless_gles2 not available.
>What platform are you using?
I'm working on Ubuntu 11.10 too,using a Intel 915GM system.When I followed the 
direction of README to build wayland,I found there are so many errors when I 
build mesa,cairo-gl,wayland itself and so on.Does any one can give me a 
complete direction on this distribution?if you feel interrupted, please ignore 
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