[PATCH weston 4/4] compositor: popup inherits surface transformation

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 17:53:55 PST 2012

Daniel Stone wrote:

 > X has let you reparent windows since 1985; the call is called
 > XReparentWindow.

Sorry, I was talking about what is in ICCCM calls the 
"transientForHint". Most window managers ignore attempts to change it, 
or do not do what is wanted (which is to immediately make sure the 
window is above the new transientFor window).

I expect Wayland will call this by the more obvious name "parent" and I 
also suspect reuse this field for attaching subwindows to the main one, 
because those uses are mutually exclusive. One good idea (horror!) from 

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