[PULL] Surface transformations v1

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 00:52:44 PST 2012

On Fri, 27 Jan 2012 13:27:02 -0800
Bill Spitzak <spitzak at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have no idea if you need this, but here is free code to do the matrix 
> inversion. This is code I wrote and is public domain (although I 
> certainly referred to a book to generate it, but I can't see that being 
> a copyright problem).

Thanks, but it's already done and tested. While looking, I did ignore
all C++ versions, since C++ matrices usually rely a lot on the C++
syntax. C++ libs seemed to be abundant.

Using a book as a guide is ok, but the Numerical Recipes books contain
explicit C or C++ code with a licence I do not think we could accept.
Numerical Recipes are commercial products. I recall seeing projects
immediately removing user contributions when realising the code is
copied from a Numerical Recipes book.

Might be interesting to see how your inversion compares to mine in
speed and precision, but I will leave that for someone else.


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