weston-terminal crash

Scott Moreau oreaus at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 20:36:38 PDT 2012

> PS: I have no idea how to submit patches. Going to try now *without*
> "[PATCH]" in the title.
Here are some steps to create a basic patch with git:

1. git clone URL (clone the repo)
2. make changes (make your changes to the repo files)
3. git diff > yourcode.patch (not necessary, but a quick way to review your
changes before committing)
4. git commit -a -m "Commit message." (Commit the changes to your local
repo copy)
              a) A commit message should be no more than 78 characters.
              b) If further explanation is required, the following format
should be used:
                 "Commit message here.
                 <blank line here>
                 Further explanation. Each line should
                 be no longer than 78 characters."
              c) Using 'git commit -a' should open your default text editor
5. git format-patch origin (creates a patch file with header info)
   NOTE: Make sure to configure git first with
              git-config or edit ~/.gitconfig manually
              so the header info is correct
6. git send-email --to "wayland-devel at lists.freedesktop.org" *.patch
   (send the patch in an email --to "wherever at youwantto")
   NOTE: You might want to send it to yourself first to make sure it
appears as intended.
7. If you need to start over again, do something like this:
   git reset --hard origin/master
   git checkout master
   git clean -fdx
   git apply /ptah/to/yourcode.patch
   NOTE: 'git clean -fdx' will wipe any files that are not part of the repo,
              so don't store important files (patches, scripts, etc.) in the
              repo directory. 'git apply PATCH' will apply a patch without
              committing anything, so you're basically at step 3.

I am by no means a git expert but hopefully this will help getting started
with submitting patches.


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