[PATCH] Add version info to the shared libs

David Herrmann dh.herrmann at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 9 09:32:18 PST 2012


On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Mikko Levonmaa <mikko.levonmaa at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, true. Still to me having a meaningful version number in the actual
> library files does provide value.
> Also the manual does suggest that a -version-info is provided if we want to
> use libtool's versioning system,
> albeit they discourage the direct relation to the actual package version
> name.
> http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Updating-version-info.html#Updating-version-info
> Perhaps we should consider adding a WAYLAND_API_VERSION and have that be
> inserted into the file name, how does
> that sound?

No. -version-info is 0:0:0 by default and we consider wayland-1.0 the
first version so we don't have to specify it. libtool takes care of it
automatically. When we modify the API the first time, we need to
increase this. I think Kristian will do this properly when doing new
But please do not put any other version-information into the
file-names. I cannot think of any reason to do this. Can you explain
why you want this?


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