Comments on Weston's text interface

Jan Arne Petersen jpetersen at
Tue Oct 16 00:51:56 PDT 2012

On 10/15/2012 08:05 PM, Yichao Yu wrote:
>> Filtering out key events which are consumed by input methods seems to be
>> the best solution. I will try to reuse the wl_keyboard interface if
>> possible.
> Just want to make sure. Is it possible for input method to filter out
> a keyevent and send back another one? Should be similiar to the case
> when you press a non-letter key on a virtual keyboard right?


>>> Text_model::reset could have a text_model::commit request in addition.
>>> Reset is nice on editor::set_text() cases while commit when removing
>>> focus or moving cursor around.
>> Yes, that would be really useful, it would just need to be synchronous,
>> so that the text is commited at the old cursor position before the
>> cursor is moved to a new position.
> So is it possible for input method to distinguish between a commit and
> a commit_on_unfocus event. The latter one is not always wanted.

Yes that will be possible also with the better idea of Pekka to just set
some flag in the preedit-string event.

Jan Arne

Jan Arne Petersen
Openismus GmbH

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