Question about Wayland dependancies

Walter Dnes waltdnes at
Sat Sep 22 08:25:07 PDT 2012

  I don't know if this is the correct list to ask this question.  If
not, please let me know the correct list.  According to Wikipedia
Weston depends on udev.  This was not an issue when Wayland was
originally conceived, but things have changed over the years.  udev
has been rolled into the systemd tarball, and shares common code.  I
don't want to get into the "separate /usr holy-war".  This goes beyond
that.  Down the road, udev will be systemd-only.  I know about the
promises of compatability for non-systemd systems, but... I suggest you
read the message straight from the source...
> Well, we intent to continue to make it possible to run udevd outside
> of systemd. But that's about it. We will not polish that, or add
> new features to that or anything.
> OTOH we do polish behaviour of udev when used *within* systemd
> however, and that's our primary focus.
> And what we will certainly not do is compromise the uniform
> integration into systemd for some cosmetic improvements for
> non-systemd systems.
> (Yes, udev on non-systemd systems is in our eyes a dead end, in case
> you haven't noticed it yet. I am looking forward to the day when we
> can drop that support entirely.)
> Lennart --  
> Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.

  So today, non-systemd systems are already 2nd-class citizens of udev,
and down the road udev will only run under systemd.  This implies that
Weston will be restricted to systemd-only.  Is that the way you want to

  IANACP...  I Am Not A C Programmer.  I've been following the list for
a few weeks to get some background of the situation.  I notice
references to evdev.  A while ago, evdev became dependant on udev.  I'm
currently running Gentoo linux with mdev as a udev replacement on 3
machines.  X and ICEWM work fine.  See... and   Do Weston/Wayland
inherently requires udev/evdev?  If not, I'd like to experiment with it
myself.  I am not a programmer, but I can...
"./configure --with-various-options && make && make install".

Walter Dnes <waltdnes at>

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