Setting the display calibration ramps using weston

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Tue Apr 2 03:23:20 PDT 2013

On 2 April 2013 11:11, John Kåre Alsaker <john.kare.alsaker at> wrote:
> My planned approach was to make colord and Oyranos plugins for Weston.

Sure, I'd be really keen on helping with this. Is there any
documentation on the plugin interface? Also, bear in mind I'm keeping
half and eye on the "full fat" gnome-shell implementation, so I was
going to keep the weston interface really basic. As the colord
maintainer, it would be fine if weston only supported one color
profile per output hardcoded in weston.ini :)

> The plugins would provide the CMSes with information about the outputs
> and Weston in return gets ICC profiles for them (which contains gamma
> curves). Weston needs the full ICC profile in order to do proper color
> correction and the CMSes needs information about the outputs, so
> everyone's happy.

Right. Did you have any specific interfaces in mind for the CMS plugins?


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