[PATCH weston] compositor: add a mouse motion binding type

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 11:10:18 PDT 2013

Giulio Camuffo wrote:
> There is no protocol for the client to tell the server if it used a 
> motion event. 
> But even if there was i don't think it should. The event is still 
> delivered to the client, it isn't eaten, so the client can still do 
> whatever it wants, but what's more important is that no client should 
> change the shell behaviour. 
> Right now, in X, if a client has a popup menu open you cannot trigger 
> effects like your wm implementation of exposè. 
> This is bad and should not happen, even if the menu is under the corner 
> which triggers the effect.

I thought you were talking about the corners of surfaces, for resize.

If this is corners of outputs then this is ok, since this is equivalent 
to having some transparent surfaces higher in the stacking over those 

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