[PATCH 03/10] logind: add session controllers

David Herrmann dh.herrmann at gmail.com
Sun Aug 25 05:46:08 PDT 2013

A session usually has only a single compositor or other application that
controls graphics and input devices on it. To avoid multiple applications
from hijacking each other's devices or even using the devices in parallel,
we add session controllers.

A session controller is an application that manages a session. Specific
API calls may be limited to controllers to avoid others from getting
unprivileged access to restricted resources. A session becomes a
controller by calling the RequestControl() dbus API call. It can drop it
via ReleaseControl().

logind tracks bus-names to release the controller once an application
closes the bus. We use the new bus-name tracking to do that. Note that
during ReleaseControl() we need to check whether some other session also
tracks the name before we remove it from the bus-name tracking list.

Currently, we only allow one controller at a time. However, the public API
does not enforce this restriction. So if it makes sense, we can allow
multiple controllers in parallel later. Or we can add a "scope" parameter,
which allows a different controller for graphics-devices, sound-devices
and whatever you want.
Note that currently you get -EBUSY if there is already a controller. You
can force the RequestControl() call (root-only) to drop the current
controller and recover the session during an emergency. To recover a seat,
this is not needed, though. You can simply create a new session or
force-activate it.

To become a session controller, a dbus caller must either be root or the
same user as the user of the session. This allows us to run a session
compositor as user and we no longer need any CAP_SYS_ADMIN.
 src/login/logind-dbus.c         |  8 +++++++
 src/login/logind-session-dbus.c | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/login/logind-session.c      | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/login/logind-session.h      |  6 ++++++
 src/login/logind.c              | 10 +++++++++
 5 files changed, 114 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/login/logind-dbus.c b/src/login/logind-dbus.c
index eb62d28..a703e59 100644
--- a/src/login/logind-dbus.c
+++ b/src/login/logind-dbus.c
@@ -2472,8 +2472,16 @@ DBusHandlerResult bus_message_filter(
                         goto finish;
+                /* drop all controllers owned by this name */
                 if (*old && !*new && (key = hashmap_remove(m->busnames, old))) {
+                        Session *session;
+                        Iterator i;
+                        HASHMAP_FOREACH(session, m->sessions, i)
+                                if (session_is_controller(session, old))
+                                        session_drop_controller(session);
diff --git a/src/login/logind-session-dbus.c b/src/login/logind-session-dbus.c
index 2cc4d85..b8b32cd 100644
--- a/src/login/logind-session-dbus.c
+++ b/src/login/logind-session-dbus.c
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
         "   <arg name=\"who\" type=\"s\"/>\n"                           \
         "   <arg name=\"signal\" type=\"s\"/>\n"                        \
         "  </method>\n"                                                 \
+        "  <method name=\"RequestControl\"/>\n"                         \
+        "   <arg name=\"force\" type=\"b\"/>\n"                         \
+        "  </method>\n"                                                 \
+        "  <method name=\"DropControl\"/>\n"                            \
         "  <signal name=\"Lock\"/>\n"                                   \
         "  <signal name=\"Unlock\"/>\n"                                 \
         "  <property name=\"Id\" type=\"s\" access=\"read\"/>\n"        \
@@ -366,6 +370,44 @@ static DBusHandlerResult session_message_dispatch(
                 if (!reply)
                         goto oom;
+        } else if (dbus_message_is_method_call(message, "org.freedesktop.login1.Session", "RequestControl")) {
+                dbus_bool_t force;
+                unsigned long ul;
+                if (!dbus_message_get_args(
+                                    message,
+                                    &error,
+                                    DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &force,
+                                    DBUS_TYPE_INVALID))
+                        return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, -EINVAL);
+                ul = dbus_bus_get_unix_user(connection, dbus_message_get_sender(message), &error);
+                if (ul == (unsigned long) -1)
+                        return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, &error, -EIO);
+                if (ul != 0 && (force || ul != s->user->uid))
+                        return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, -EPERM);
+                r = session_set_controller(s, bus_message_get_sender_with_fallback(message), force);
+                if (r < 0)
+                        return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, r);
+                reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
+                if (!reply)
+                        goto oom;
+        } else if (dbus_message_is_method_call(message, "org.freedesktop.login1.Session", "DropControl")) {
+                const char *sender = bus_message_get_sender_with_fallback(message);
+                if (!session_is_controller(s, sender))
+                        return bus_send_error_reply(connection, message, NULL, -EPERM);
+                session_drop_controller(s);
+                reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
+                if (!reply)
+                        goto oom;
         } else {
                 const BusBoundProperties bps[] = {
                         { "org.freedesktop.login1.Session", bus_login_session_properties,      s       },
diff --git a/src/login/logind-session.c b/src/login/logind-session.c
index 1fea474..6c6a2c8 100644
--- a/src/login/logind-session.c
+++ b/src/login/logind-session.c
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ void session_free(Session *s) {
         if (s->in_gc_queue)
                 LIST_REMOVE(Session, gc_queue, s->manager->session_gc_queue, s);
+        session_drop_controller(s);
         if (s->user) {
                 LIST_REMOVE(Session, sessions_by_user, s->user->sessions, s);
@@ -925,6 +927,52 @@ int session_kill(Session *s, KillWho who, int signo) {
         return manager_kill_unit(s->manager, s->scope, who, signo, NULL);
+bool session_is_controller(Session *s, const char *sender)
+        assert(s);
+        return streq_ptr(s->controller, sender);
+int session_set_controller(Session *s, const char *sender, bool force) {
+        char *t;
+        int r;
+        assert(s);
+        assert(sender);
+        if (session_is_controller(s, sender))
+                return 0;
+        if (s->controller && !force)
+                return -EBUSY;
+        t = strdup(sender);
+        if (!t)
+                return -ENOMEM;
+        r = manager_watch_busname(s->manager, sender);
+        if (r) {
+                free(t);
+                return r;
+        }
+        session_drop_controller(s);
+        s->controller = t;
+        return 0;
+void session_drop_controller(Session *s) {
+        assert(s);
+        if (!s->controller)
+                return;
+        manager_drop_busname(s->manager, s->controller);
+        free(s->controller);
+        s->controller = NULL;
 static const char* const session_state_table[_SESSION_STATE_MAX] = {
         [SESSION_OPENING] = "opening",
         [SESSION_ONLINE] = "online",
diff --git a/src/login/logind-session.h b/src/login/logind-session.h
index edaae8d..411a1b1 100644
--- a/src/login/logind-session.h
+++ b/src/login/logind-session.h
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ struct Session {
         DBusMessage *create_message;
+        char *controller;
         LIST_FIELDS(Session, sessions_by_user);
         LIST_FIELDS(Session, sessions_by_seat);
@@ -153,3 +155,7 @@ SessionClass session_class_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
 const char *kill_who_to_string(KillWho k) _const_;
 KillWho kill_who_from_string(const char *s) _pure_;
+bool session_is_controller(Session *s, const char *sender);
+int session_set_controller(Session *s, const char *sender, bool force);
+void session_drop_controller(Session *s);
diff --git a/src/login/logind.c b/src/login/logind.c
index f4cef54..ad3ab81 100644
--- a/src/login/logind.c
+++ b/src/login/logind.c
@@ -391,11 +391,21 @@ int manager_watch_busname(Manager *m, const char *name) {
 void manager_drop_busname(Manager *m, const char *name) {
+        Session *session;
+        Iterator i;
         char *key;
+        if (!hashmap_get(m->busnames, name))
+                return;
+        /* keep it if the name still owns a controller */
+        HASHMAP_FOREACH(session, m->sessions, i)
+                if (session_is_controller(session, name))
+                        return;
         key = hashmap_remove(m->busnames, name);
         if (key)

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