[PATCH] xdg_shell: Add a new shell protocol.

Kristian Høgsberg krh at bitplanet.net
Fri Jul 5 14:09:38 PDT 2013

Just a quick comment - I've been itching to rename wl_shell_surface so
something more concise, so I'd like to go with xdg_surface instead of


On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 3:39 PM,  <antognolli at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Rafael Antognolli <rafael.antognolli at intel.com>
> xdg_shell is a protocol aimed to substitute wl_shell in the long term,
> but will not be part of the wayland core protocol. It starts as a
> non-stable API, aimed to be used as a development place at first, and
> once features are defined as required by several desktop shells, we can
> finally make it stable.
> ---
>  configure.ac                |   1 +
>  protocol/Makefile.am        |   3 +
>  protocol/xdg_shell.xml      | 326 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  src/Makefile.am             |   2 +-
>  src/wayland-xdg-shell.pc.in |  10 ++
>  5 files changed, 341 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>  create mode 100644 protocol/xdg_shell.xml
>  create mode 100644 src/wayland-xdg-shell.pc.in
> diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
> index 7ca70da..0347d77 100644
> --- a/configure.ac
> +++ b/configure.ac
> @@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile
>                  src/wayland-client-uninstalled.pc
>                  src/wayland-server.pc
>                  src/wayland-client.pc
> +                src/wayland-xdg-shell.pc
>                  src/wayland-version.h
>                  protocol/Makefile
>                  tests/Makefile])
> diff --git a/protocol/Makefile.am b/protocol/Makefile.am
> index 08690b3..9b70518 100644
> --- a/protocol/Makefile.am
> +++ b/protocol/Makefile.am
> @@ -1 +1,4 @@
>  EXTRA_DIST = wayland.xml
> +
> +protocoldir = $(datadir)/wayland/protocol
> +protocol_DATA = xdg_shell.xml
> diff --git a/protocol/xdg_shell.xml b/protocol/xdg_shell.xml
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..6d28b28
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/protocol/xdg_shell.xml
> @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
> +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> +<protocol name="wayland">
> +
> +  <copyright>
> +    Copyright © 2008-2013 Kristian Høgsberg
> +    Copyright © 2013      Rafael Antognolli
> +    Copyright © 2010-2013 Intel Corporation
> +
> +    Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
> +    software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted
> +    without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in
> +    all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission
> +    notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of
> +    the copyright holders not be used in advertising or publicity
> +    pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
> +    written prior permission.  The copyright holders make no
> +    representations about the suitability of this software for any
> +    purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied
> +    warranty.
> +
> +  </copyright>
> +
> +  <interface name="xdg_shell" version="1">
> +    <description summary="create desktop-style surfaces">
> +      This interface is implemented by servers that provide
> +      desktop-style user interfaces.
> +
> +      It allows clients to associate a xdg_shell_surface with
> +      a basic surface.
> +    </description>
> +
> +    <request name="get_shell_surface">
> +      <description summary="create a shell surface from a surface">
> +       Create a shell surface for an existing surface.
> +
> +       Only one shell surface can be associated with a given surface.
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="id" type="new_id" interface="xdg_shell_surface"/>
> +      <arg name="surface" type="object" interface="wl_surface"/>
> +    </request>
> +  </interface>
> +
> +  <interface name="xdg_shell_surface" version="1">
> +
> +    <description summary="desktop-style metadata interface">
> +      An interface that may be implemented by a wl_surface, for
> +      implementations that provide a desktop-style user interface.
> +
> +      It provides requests to treat surfaces like toplevel, fullscreen
> +      or popup windows, move, resize or maximize them, associate
> +      metadata like title and class, etc.
> +
> +      On the server side the object is automatically destroyed when
> +      the related wl_surface is destroyed.  On client side,
> +      xdg_shell_surface_destroy() must be called before destroying
> +      the wl_surface object.
> +    </description>
> +
> +    <request name="pong">
> +      <description summary="respond to a ping event">
> +       A client must respond to a ping event with a pong request or
> +       the client may be deemed unresponsive.
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="serial of the ping event"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <request name="move">
> +      <description summary="start an interactive move">
> +       Start a pointer-driven move of the surface.
> +
> +       This request must be used in response to a button press event.
> +       The server may ignore move requests depending on the state of
> +       the surface (e.g. fullscreen or maximized).
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="seat" type="object" interface="wl_seat" summary="the wl_seat whose pointer is used"/>
> +      <arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="serial of the implicit grab on the pointer"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <enum name="resize">
> +      <description summary="edge values for resizing">
> +       These values are used to indicate which edge of a surface
> +       is being dragged in a resize operation. The server may
> +       use this information to adapt its behavior, e.g. choose
> +       an appropriate cursor image.
> +      </description>
> +      <entry name="none" value="0"/>
> +      <entry name="top" value="1"/>
> +      <entry name="bottom" value="2"/>
> +      <entry name="left" value="4"/>
> +      <entry name="top_left" value="5"/>
> +      <entry name="bottom_left" value="6"/>
> +      <entry name="right" value="8"/>
> +      <entry name="top_right" value="9"/>
> +      <entry name="bottom_right" value="10"/>
> +    </enum>
> +
> +    <request name="resize">
> +      <description summary="start an interactive resize">
> +       Start a pointer-driven resizing of the surface.
> +
> +       This request must be used in response to a button press event.
> +       The server may ignore resize requests depending on the state of
> +       the surface (e.g. fullscreen or maximized).
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="seat" type="object" interface="wl_seat" summary="the wl_seat whose pointer is used"/>
> +      <arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="serial of the implicit grab on the pointer"/>
> +      <arg name="edges" type="uint" summary="which edge or corner is being dragged"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <request name="set_toplevel">
> +      <description summary="make the surface a toplevel surface">
> +       Map the surface as a toplevel surface.
> +
> +       A toplevel surface is not fullscreen, maximized or transient.
> +      </description>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <enum name="transient">
> +      <description summary="details of transient behaviour">
> +       These flags specify details of the expected behaviour
> +       of transient surfaces. Used in the set_transient request.
> +      </description>
> +      <entry name="inactive" value="0x1" summary="do not set keyboard focus"/>
> +    </enum>
> +
> +    <request name="set_transient">
> +      <description summary="make the surface a transient surface">
> +       Map the surface relative to an existing surface.
> +
> +       The x and y arguments specify the locations of the upper left
> +       corner of the surface relative to the upper left corner of the
> +       parent surface, in surface local coordinates.
> +
> +       The flags argument controls details of the transient behaviour.
> +      </description>
> +
> +      <arg name="parent" type="object" interface="wl_surface"/>
> +      <arg name="x" type="int"/>
> +      <arg name="y" type="int"/>
> +      <arg name="flags" type="uint"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <enum name="fullscreen_method">
> +      <description summary="different method to set the surface fullscreen">
> +       Hints to indicate to the compositor how to deal with a conflict
> +       between the dimensions of the surface and the dimensions of the
> +       output. The compositor is free to ignore this parameter.
> +      </description>
> +      <entry name="default" value="0" summary="no preference, apply default policy"/>
> +      <entry name="scale" value="1" summary="scale, preserve the surface's aspect ratio and center on output"/>
> +      <entry name="driver" value="2" summary="switch output mode to the smallest mode that can fit the surface, add black borders to compensate size mismatch"/>
> +      <entry name="fill" value="3" summary="no upscaling, center on output and add black borders to compensate size mismatch"/>
> +    </enum>
> +
> +    <request name="set_fullscreen">
> +      <description summary="make the surface a fullscreen surface">
> +       Map the surface as a fullscreen surface.
> +
> +       If an output parameter is given then the surface will be made
> +       fullscreen on that output. If the client does not specify the
> +       output then the compositor will apply its policy - usually
> +       choosing the output on which the surface has the biggest surface
> +       area.
> +
> +       The client may specify a method to resolve a size conflict
> +       between the output size and the surface size - this is provided
> +       through the method parameter.
> +
> +       The framerate parameter is used only when the method is set
> +       to "driver", to indicate the preferred framerate. A value of 0
> +       indicates that the app does not care about framerate.  The
> +       framerate is specified in mHz, that is framerate of 60000 is 60Hz.
> +
> +       A method of "scale" or "driver" implies a scaling operation of
> +       the surface, either via a direct scaling operation or a change of
> +       the output mode. This will override any kind of output scaling, so
> +       that mapping a surface with a buffer size equal to the mode can
> +       fill the screen independent of buffer_scale.
> +
> +       A method of "fill" means we don't scale up the buffer, however
> +       any output scale is applied. This means that you may run into
> +       an edge case where the application maps a buffer with the same
> +       size of the output mode but buffer_scale 1 (thus making a
> +       surface larger than the output). In this case it is allowed to
> +       downscale the results to fit the screen.
> +
> +       The compositor must reply to this request with a configure event
> +       with the dimensions for the output on which the surface will
> +       be made fullscreen.
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="method" type="uint"/>
> +      <arg name="framerate" type="uint"/>
> +      <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output" allow-null="true"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <request name="set_popup">
> +      <description summary="make the surface a popup surface">
> +       Map the surface as a popup.
> +
> +       A popup surface is a transient surface with an added pointer
> +       grab.
> +
> +       An existing implicit grab will be changed to owner-events mode,
> +       and the popup grab will continue after the implicit grab ends
> +       (i.e. releasing the mouse button does not cause the popup to
> +       be unmapped).
> +
> +       The popup grab continues until the window is destroyed or a
> +       mouse button is pressed in any other clients window. A click
> +       in any of the clients surfaces is reported as normal, however,
> +       clicks in other clients surfaces will be discarded and trigger
> +       the callback.
> +
> +       The x and y arguments specify the locations of the upper left
> +       corner of the surface relative to the upper left corner of the
> +       parent surface, in surface local coordinates.
> +      </description>
> +
> +      <arg name="seat" type="object" interface="wl_seat" summary="the wl_seat whose pointer is used"/>
> +      <arg name="serial" type="uint" summary="serial of the implicit grab on the pointer"/>
> +      <arg name="parent" type="object" interface="wl_surface"/>
> +      <arg name="x" type="int"/>
> +      <arg name="y" type="int"/>
> +      <arg name="flags" type="uint"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <request name="set_maximized">
> +      <description summary="make the surface a maximized surface">
> +       Map the surface as a maximized surface.
> +
> +       If an output parameter is given then the surface will be
> +       maximized on that output. If the client does not specify the
> +       output then the compositor will apply its policy - usually
> +       choosing the output on which the surface has the biggest surface
> +       area.
> +
> +       The compositor will reply with a configure event telling
> +       the expected new surface size. The operation is completed
> +       on the next buffer attach to this surface.
> +
> +       A maximized surface typically fills the entire output it is
> +       bound to, except for desktop element such as panels. This is
> +       the main difference between a maximized shell surface and a
> +       fullscreen shell surface.
> +
> +       The details depend on the compositor implementation.
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="output" type="object" interface="wl_output" allow-null="true"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <request name="set_title">
> +      <description summary="set surface title">
> +       Set a short title for the surface.
> +
> +       This string may be used to identify the surface in a task bar,
> +       window list, or other user interface elements provided by the
> +       compositor.
> +
> +       The string must be encoded in UTF-8.
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="title" type="string"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <request name="set_class">
> +      <description summary="set surface class">
> +       Set a class for the surface.
> +
> +       The surface class identifies the general class of applications
> +       to which the surface belongs. A common convention is to use
> +       the file name (full path if non-standard location) of the
> +       applications .desktop file as the class.
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="class_" type="string"/>
> +    </request>
> +
> +    <event name="ping">
> +      <description summary="ping client">
> +       Ping a client to check if it is receiving events and sending
> +       requests. A client is expected to reply with a pong request.
> +      </description>
> +      <arg name="serial" type="uint"/>
> +    </event>
> +
> +    <event name="configure">
> +      <description summary="suggest resize">
> +       The configure event asks the client to resize its surface.
> +
> +       The size is a hint, in the sense that the client is free to
> +       ignore it if it doesn't resize, pick a smaller size (to
> +       satisfy aspect ratio or resize in steps of NxM pixels).
> +
> +       The edges parameter provides a hint about how the surface
> +       was resized. The client may use this information to decide
> +       how to adjust its content to the new size (e.g. a scrolling
> +       area might adjust its content position to leave the viewable
> +       content unmoved).
> +
> +       The client is free to dismiss all but the last configure
> +       event it received.
> +
> +       The width and height arguments specify the size of the window
> +       in surface local coordinates.
> +      </description>
> +
> +      <arg name="edges" type="uint"/>
> +      <arg name="width" type="int"/>
> +      <arg name="height" type="int"/>
> +    </event>
> +
> +    <event name="popup_done">
> +      <description summary="popup interaction is done">
> +       The popup_done event is sent out when a popup grab is broken,
> +       that is, when the users clicks a surface that doesn't belong
> +       to the client owning the popup surface.
> +      </description>
> +    </event>
> +  </interface>
> +</protocol>
> diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
> index 4fa7425..6953fe4 100644
> --- a/src/Makefile.am
> +++ b/src/Makefile.am
> @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ libwayland_client_la_SOURCES =                        \
>         wayland-client.c
>  pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
> -pkgconfig_DATA = wayland-client.pc wayland-server.pc
> +pkgconfig_DATA = wayland-client.pc wayland-server.pc wayland-xdg-shell.pc
> diff --git a/src/wayland-xdg-shell.pc.in b/src/wayland-xdg-shell.pc.in
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..e89a596
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/src/wayland-xdg-shell.pc.in
> @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
> +prefix=@prefix@
> +exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
> +libdir=@libdir@
> +includedir=@includedir@
> +datadir=@datadir@
> +protocol_path=${datadir}/wayland/protocol/
> +
> +Name: Wayland XDG Shell
> +Description: XDG Shell protocol
> +Version: 0.1
> --
> _______________________________________________
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> wayland-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
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