[PATCH 1/7] shell: Add xdg-shell support to weston.

antognolli at gmail.com antognolli at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 12:42:43 PDT 2013

From: Rafael Antognolli <rafael.antognolli at intel.com>

Implement the xdg-shell inside xdg-surface.c, and make it a compile time
option to wl-shell. If enabled, weston will start using it instead of wl-shell.

It's basically a copy of wl-shell so far, and it generates the protocol
headers with wayland_scanner, from an installed xdg_surface.xml protocol
 configure.ac      |   21 +-
 src/.gitignore    |    2 +
 src/Makefile.am   |   30 +
 src/compositor.c  |    5 +
 src/xdg-surface.c | 4545 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 4602 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/xdg-surface.c

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 5b110e0..6749a6c 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
 	       [test '(' "x$have_cairo_egl" != "xyes" -o "x$cairo_modules" = "xcairo-glesv2" ')' -a "x$enable_simple_egl_clients" = "xyes"])
+# xdg-shell begin
+	      AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-xdg-shell],
+			     [build xdg-shell instead of wl-shell]),
+	      enable_xdg_shell=yes,
+	      enable_xdg_shell=no)
+	       test "x$enable_xdg_shell" = "xno")
+	       test "x$enable_xdg_shell" = "xyes")
+if test "x$enable_xdg_shell" = "xyes"; then
+	AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_XDG_SHELL, [1], [Build xdg-shell])
+	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XDG_SHELL, wayland-xdg-surface)
+	xdg_protocoldir=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=protocoldir wayland-xdg-surface`
+	AC_SUBST([xdg_protocoldir])
+# xdg-shell end
diff --git a/src/.gitignore b/src/.gitignore
index 539150d..e458865 100644
--- a/src/.gitignore
+++ b/src/.gitignore
@@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ input-method-protocol.c
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index d06e773..6d148f3 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ westoninclude_HEADERS =				\
 moduledir = $(libdir)/weston
 module_LTLIBRARIES =				\
 	$(desktop_shell)			\
+	$(xdg_surface)				\
 	$(tablet_shell)				\
 	$(cms_static)				\
 	$(cms_colord)				\
@@ -248,6 +249,20 @@ desktop_shell_la_SOURCES =			\
+xdg_surface = xdg-surface.la
+xdg_surface_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
+xdg_surface_la_LIBADD = $(COMPOSITOR_LIBS)	\
+	../shared/libshared.la
+xdg_surface_la_SOURCES =			\
+	xdg-surface.c				\
+	xdg-surface-protocol.c			\
+	xdg-surface-server-protocol.h		\
+	desktop-shell-protocol.c		\
+	desktop-shell-server-protocol.h
 tablet_shell = tablet-shell.la
 tablet_shell_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
@@ -310,6 +325,21 @@ BUILT_SOURCES =					\
 	subsurface-protocol.c			\
+	xdg-surface-server-protocol.h	\
+	xdg-surface-protocol.c
+%-protocol.c : @xdg_protocoldir@/%.xml
+	$(AM_V_GEN)$(wayland_scanner) code < $< > $@
+%-server-protocol.h : @xdg_protocoldir@/%.xml
+	$(AM_V_GEN)$(wayland_scanner) server-header < $< > $@
+%-client-protocol.h : @xdg_protocoldir@/%.xml
+	$(AM_V_GEN)$(wayland_scanner) client-header < $< > $@
diff --git a/src/compositor.c b/src/compositor.c
index e9e1166..4e6ef58 100644
--- a/src/compositor.c
+++ b/src/compositor.c
@@ -3328,8 +3328,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	section = weston_config_get_section(config, "core", NULL, NULL);
+	weston_config_section_get_string(section, "modules",
+					 &modules, "xdg-surface.so");
 	weston_config_section_get_string(section, "modules",
 					 &modules, "desktop-shell.so");
 	backend_init = load_module(backend, "backend_init");
 	if (!backend_init)
diff --git a/src/xdg-surface.c b/src/xdg-surface.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74a5448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/xdg-surface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,4545 @@
+ * Copyright © 2010-2012 Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright © 2011-2012 Collabora, Ltd.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
+ * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
+ * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation, and that the name of the copyright holders not be used in
+ * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
+ * without specific, written prior permission.  The copyright holders make
+ * no representations about the suitability of this software for any
+ * purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <linux/input.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <wayland-server.h>
+#include "compositor.h"
+#include "xdg-surface-server-protocol.h"
+#include "desktop-shell-server-protocol.h"
+#include "input-method-server-protocol.h"
+#include "workspaces-server-protocol.h"
+#include "../shared/config-parser.h"
+enum animation_type {
+enum fade_type {
+struct focus_state {
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	struct workspace *ws;
+	struct weston_surface *keyboard_focus;
+	struct wl_list link;
+	struct wl_listener seat_destroy_listener;
+	struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
+struct workspace {
+	struct weston_layer layer;
+	struct wl_list focus_list;
+	struct wl_listener seat_destroyed_listener;
+struct input_panel_surface {
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	struct wl_signal destroy_signal;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell;
+	struct wl_list link;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
+	struct weston_output *output;
+	uint32_t panel;
+struct desktop_shell {
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor;
+	struct wl_listener idle_listener;
+	struct wl_listener wake_listener;
+	struct wl_listener destroy_listener;
+	struct wl_listener show_input_panel_listener;
+	struct wl_listener hide_input_panel_listener;
+	struct wl_listener update_input_panel_listener;
+	struct weston_layer fullscreen_layer;
+	struct weston_layer panel_layer;
+	struct weston_layer background_layer;
+	struct weston_layer lock_layer;
+	struct weston_layer input_panel_layer;
+	struct wl_listener pointer_focus_listener;
+	struct weston_surface *grab_surface;
+	struct {
+		struct weston_process process;
+		struct wl_client *client;
+		struct wl_resource *desktop_shell;
+		unsigned deathcount;
+		uint32_t deathstamp;
+	} child;
+	bool locked;
+	bool showing_input_panels;
+	bool prepare_event_sent;
+	struct {
+		struct weston_surface *surface;
+		pixman_box32_t cursor_rectangle;
+	} text_input;
+	struct weston_surface *lock_surface;
+	struct wl_listener lock_surface_listener;
+	struct {
+		struct wl_array array;
+		unsigned int current;
+		unsigned int num;
+		struct wl_list client_list;
+		struct weston_animation animation;
+		struct wl_list anim_sticky_list;
+		int anim_dir;
+		uint32_t anim_timestamp;
+		double anim_current;
+		struct workspace *anim_from;
+		struct workspace *anim_to;
+	} workspaces;
+	struct {
+		char *path;
+		int duration;
+		struct wl_resource *binding;
+		struct weston_process process;
+		struct wl_event_source *timer;
+	} screensaver;
+	struct {
+		struct wl_resource *binding;
+		struct wl_list surfaces;
+	} input_panel;
+	struct {
+		struct weston_surface *surface;
+		struct weston_surface_animation *animation;
+		enum fade_type type;
+		struct wl_event_source *startup_timer;
+	} fade;
+	uint32_t binding_modifier;
+	enum animation_type win_animation_type;
+enum shell_surface_type {
+struct ping_timer {
+	struct wl_event_source *source;
+	uint32_t serial;
+struct shell_surface {
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	struct wl_signal destroy_signal;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	struct wl_listener surface_destroy_listener;
+	struct weston_surface *parent;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell;
+	enum shell_surface_type type, next_type;
+	char *title, *class;
+	int32_t saved_x, saved_y;
+	bool saved_position_valid;
+	bool saved_rotation_valid;
+	int unresponsive;
+	struct {
+		struct weston_transform transform;
+		struct weston_matrix rotation;
+	} rotation;
+	struct {
+		struct wl_list grab_link;
+		int32_t x, y;
+		struct shell_seat *shseat;
+		uint32_t serial;
+	} popup;
+	struct {
+		int32_t x, y;
+		uint32_t flags;
+	} transient;
+	struct {
+		enum xdg_surface_fullscreen_method type;
+		struct weston_transform transform; /* matrix from x, y */
+		uint32_t framerate;
+		struct weston_surface *black_surface;
+	} fullscreen;
+	struct ping_timer *ping_timer;
+	struct weston_transform workspace_transform;
+	struct weston_output *fullscreen_output;
+	struct weston_output *output;
+	struct wl_list link;
+	const struct weston_shell_client *client;
+struct shell_grab {
+	struct weston_pointer_grab grab;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	struct wl_listener shsurf_destroy_listener;
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer;
+struct weston_move_grab {
+	struct shell_grab base;
+	wl_fixed_t dx, dy;
+struct rotate_grab {
+	struct shell_grab base;
+	struct weston_matrix rotation;
+	struct {
+		float x;
+		float y;
+	} center;
+struct shell_seat {
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	struct wl_listener seat_destroy_listener;
+	struct {
+		struct weston_pointer_grab grab;
+		struct wl_list surfaces_list;
+		struct wl_client *client;
+		int32_t initial_up;
+	} popup_grab;
+static void
+activate(struct desktop_shell *shell, struct weston_surface *es,
+	 struct weston_seat *seat);
+static struct workspace *
+get_current_workspace(struct desktop_shell *shell);
+static struct shell_surface *
+get_shell_surface(struct weston_surface *surface);
+static struct desktop_shell *
+shell_surface_get_shell(struct shell_surface *shsurf);
+static void
+surface_rotate(struct shell_surface *surface, struct weston_seat *seat);
+static void
+shell_fade_startup(struct desktop_shell *shell);
+static bool
+shell_surface_is_top_fullscreen(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell;
+	struct weston_surface *top_fs_es;
+	shell = shell_surface_get_shell(shsurf);
+	if (wl_list_empty(&shell->fullscreen_layer.surface_list))
+		return false;
+	top_fs_es = container_of(shell->fullscreen_layer.surface_list.next,
+			         struct weston_surface,
+				 layer_link);
+	return (shsurf == get_shell_surface(top_fs_es));
+static void
+destroy_shell_grab_shsurf(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct shell_grab *grab;
+	grab = container_of(listener, struct shell_grab,
+			    shsurf_destroy_listener);
+	grab->shsurf = NULL;
+static void
+popup_grab_end(struct weston_pointer *pointer);
+static void
+shell_grab_start(struct shell_grab *grab,
+		 const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface *interface,
+		 struct shell_surface *shsurf,
+		 struct weston_pointer *pointer,
+		 enum desktop_shell_cursor cursor)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = shsurf->shell;
+	popup_grab_end(pointer);
+	grab->grab.interface = interface;
+	grab->shsurf = shsurf;
+	grab->shsurf_destroy_listener.notify = destroy_shell_grab_shsurf;
+	wl_signal_add(&shsurf->destroy_signal,
+		      &grab->shsurf_destroy_listener);
+	grab->pointer = pointer;
+	weston_pointer_start_grab(pointer, &grab->grab);
+	if (shell->child.desktop_shell) {
+		desktop_shell_send_grab_cursor(shell->child.desktop_shell,
+					       cursor);
+		weston_pointer_set_focus(pointer, shell->grab_surface,
+					 wl_fixed_from_int(0),
+					 wl_fixed_from_int(0));
+	}
+static void
+shell_grab_end(struct shell_grab *grab)
+	if (grab->shsurf)
+		wl_list_remove(&grab->shsurf_destroy_listener.link);
+	weston_pointer_end_grab(grab->pointer);
+static void
+center_on_output(struct weston_surface *surface,
+		 struct weston_output *output);
+static enum weston_keyboard_modifier
+get_modifier(char *modifier)
+	if (!modifier)
+	if (!strcmp("ctrl", modifier))
+		return MODIFIER_CTRL;
+	else if (!strcmp("alt", modifier))
+		return MODIFIER_ALT;
+	else if (!strcmp("super", modifier))
+	else
+static enum animation_type
+get_animation_type(char *animation)
+	if (!animation)
+	if (!strcmp("zoom", animation))
+	else if (!strcmp("fade", animation))
+	else
+static void
+shell_configuration(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	struct weston_config_section *section;
+	int duration;
+	char *s;
+	section = weston_config_get_section(shell->compositor->config,
+					    "screensaver", NULL, NULL);
+	weston_config_section_get_string(section,
+					 "path", &shell->screensaver.path, NULL);
+	weston_config_section_get_int(section, "duration", &duration, 60);
+	shell->screensaver.duration = duration * 1000;
+	section = weston_config_get_section(shell->compositor->config,
+					    "shell", NULL, NULL);
+	weston_config_section_get_string(section,
+					 "binding-modifier", &s, "super");
+	shell->binding_modifier = get_modifier(s);
+	free(s);
+	weston_config_section_get_string(section, "animation", &s, "none");
+	shell->win_animation_type = get_animation_type(s);
+	free(s);
+	weston_config_section_get_uint(section, "num-workspaces",
+				       &shell->workspaces.num,
+static void
+focus_state_destroy(struct focus_state *state)
+	wl_list_remove(&state->seat_destroy_listener.link);
+	wl_list_remove(&state->surface_destroy_listener.link);
+	free(state);
+static void
+focus_state_seat_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct focus_state *state = container_of(listener,
+						 struct focus_state,
+						 seat_destroy_listener);
+	wl_list_remove(&state->link);
+	focus_state_destroy(state);
+static void
+focus_state_surface_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct focus_state *state = container_of(listener,
+						 struct focus_state,
+						 surface_destroy_listener);
+	struct desktop_shell *shell;
+	struct weston_surface *main_surface;
+	struct weston_surface *surface, *next;
+	main_surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(state->keyboard_focus);
+	next = NULL;
+	wl_list_for_each(surface, &state->ws->layer.surface_list, layer_link) {
+		if (surface == main_surface)
+			continue;
+		next = surface;
+		break;
+	}
+	/* if the focus was a sub-surface, activate its main surface */
+	if (main_surface != state->keyboard_focus)
+		next = main_surface;
+	if (next) {
+		shell = state->seat->compositor->shell_interface.shell;
+		activate(shell, next, state->seat);
+	} else {
+		wl_list_remove(&state->link);
+		focus_state_destroy(state);
+	}
+static struct focus_state *
+focus_state_create(struct weston_seat *seat, struct workspace *ws)
+	struct focus_state *state;
+	state = malloc(sizeof *state);
+	if (state == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	state->ws = ws;
+	state->seat = seat;
+	wl_list_insert(&ws->focus_list, &state->link);
+	state->seat_destroy_listener.notify = focus_state_seat_destroy;
+	state->surface_destroy_listener.notify = focus_state_surface_destroy;
+	wl_signal_add(&seat->destroy_signal,
+		      &state->seat_destroy_listener);
+	wl_list_init(&state->surface_destroy_listener.link);
+	return state;
+static struct focus_state *
+ensure_focus_state(struct desktop_shell *shell, struct weston_seat *seat)
+	struct workspace *ws = get_current_workspace(shell);
+	struct focus_state *state;
+	wl_list_for_each(state, &ws->focus_list, link)
+		if (state->seat == seat)
+			break;
+	if (&state->link == &ws->focus_list)
+		state = focus_state_create(seat, ws);
+	return state;
+static void
+restore_focus_state(struct desktop_shell *shell, struct workspace *ws)
+	struct focus_state *state, *next;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	wl_list_for_each_safe(state, next, &ws->focus_list, link) {
+		surface = state->keyboard_focus;
+		weston_keyboard_set_focus(state->seat->keyboard, surface);
+	}
+static void
+replace_focus_state(struct desktop_shell *shell, struct workspace *ws,
+		    struct weston_seat *seat)
+	struct focus_state *state;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	wl_list_for_each(state, &ws->focus_list, link) {
+		if (state->seat == seat) {
+			surface = seat->keyboard->focus;
+			state->keyboard_focus = surface;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+static void
+drop_focus_state(struct desktop_shell *shell, struct workspace *ws,
+		 struct weston_surface *surface)
+	struct focus_state *state;
+	wl_list_for_each(state, &ws->focus_list, link)
+		if (state->keyboard_focus == surface)
+			state->keyboard_focus = NULL;
+static void
+workspace_destroy(struct workspace *ws)
+	struct focus_state *state, *next;
+	wl_list_for_each_safe(state, next, &ws->focus_list, link)
+		focus_state_destroy(state);
+	free(ws);
+static void
+seat_destroyed(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct weston_seat *seat = data;
+	struct focus_state *state, *next;
+	struct workspace *ws = container_of(listener,
+					    struct workspace,
+					    seat_destroyed_listener);
+	wl_list_for_each_safe(state, next, &ws->focus_list, link)
+		if (state->seat == seat)
+			wl_list_remove(&state->link);
+static struct workspace *
+	struct workspace *ws = malloc(sizeof *ws);
+	if (ws == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	weston_layer_init(&ws->layer, NULL);
+	wl_list_init(&ws->focus_list);
+	wl_list_init(&ws->seat_destroyed_listener.link);
+	ws->seat_destroyed_listener.notify = seat_destroyed;
+	return ws;
+static int
+workspace_is_empty(struct workspace *ws)
+	return wl_list_empty(&ws->layer.surface_list);
+static struct workspace *
+get_workspace(struct desktop_shell *shell, unsigned int index)
+	struct workspace **pws = shell->workspaces.array.data;
+	assert(index < shell->workspaces.num);
+	pws += index;
+	return *pws;
+static struct workspace *
+get_current_workspace(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	return get_workspace(shell, shell->workspaces.current);
+static void
+activate_workspace(struct desktop_shell *shell, unsigned int index)
+	struct workspace *ws;
+	ws = get_workspace(shell, index);
+	wl_list_insert(&shell->panel_layer.link, &ws->layer.link);
+	shell->workspaces.current = index;
+static unsigned int
+get_output_height(struct weston_output *output)
+	return abs(output->region.extents.y1 - output->region.extents.y2);
+static void
+surface_translate(struct weston_surface *surface, double d)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	struct weston_transform *transform;
+	transform = &shsurf->workspace_transform;
+	if (wl_list_empty(&transform->link))
+		wl_list_insert(surface->geometry.transformation_list.prev,
+			       &shsurf->workspace_transform.link);
+	weston_matrix_init(&shsurf->workspace_transform.matrix);
+	weston_matrix_translate(&shsurf->workspace_transform.matrix,
+				0.0, d, 0.0);
+	weston_surface_geometry_dirty(surface);
+static void
+workspace_translate_out(struct workspace *ws, double fraction)
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	unsigned int height;
+	double d;
+	wl_list_for_each(surface, &ws->layer.surface_list, layer_link) {
+		height = get_output_height(surface->output);
+		d = height * fraction;
+		surface_translate(surface, d);
+	}
+static void
+workspace_translate_in(struct workspace *ws, double fraction)
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	unsigned int height;
+	double d;
+	wl_list_for_each(surface, &ws->layer.surface_list, layer_link) {
+		height = get_output_height(surface->output);
+		if (fraction > 0)
+			d = -(height - height * fraction);
+		else
+			d = height + height * fraction;
+		surface_translate(surface, d);
+	}
+static void
+broadcast_current_workspace_state(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	struct wl_list *link;
+	for (link = shell->workspaces.client_list.next;
+	     link != &shell->workspaces.client_list;
+	     link = link->next) {
+		workspace_manager_send_state(wl_resource_from_link(link),
+					     shell->workspaces.current,
+					     shell->workspaces.num);
+	}
+static void
+reverse_workspace_change_animation(struct desktop_shell *shell,
+				   unsigned int index,
+				   struct workspace *from,
+				   struct workspace *to)
+	shell->workspaces.current = index;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_to = to;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_from = from;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_dir = -1 * shell->workspaces.anim_dir;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_timestamp = 0;
+	weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(shell->compositor);
+static void
+workspace_deactivate_transforms(struct workspace *ws)
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	wl_list_for_each(surface, &ws->layer.surface_list, layer_link) {
+		shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+		if (!wl_list_empty(&shsurf->workspace_transform.link)) {
+			wl_list_remove(&shsurf->workspace_transform.link);
+			wl_list_init(&shsurf->workspace_transform.link);
+		}
+		weston_surface_geometry_dirty(surface);
+	}
+static void
+finish_workspace_change_animation(struct desktop_shell *shell,
+				  struct workspace *from,
+				  struct workspace *to)
+	weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(shell->compositor);
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->workspaces.animation.link);
+	workspace_deactivate_transforms(from);
+	workspace_deactivate_transforms(to);
+	shell->workspaces.anim_to = NULL;
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->workspaces.anim_from->layer.link);
+static void
+animate_workspace_change_frame(struct weston_animation *animation,
+			       struct weston_output *output, uint32_t msecs)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(animation, struct desktop_shell,
+			     workspaces.animation);
+	struct workspace *from = shell->workspaces.anim_from;
+	struct workspace *to = shell->workspaces.anim_to;
+	uint32_t t;
+	double x, y;
+	if (workspace_is_empty(from) && workspace_is_empty(to)) {
+		finish_workspace_change_animation(shell, from, to);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (shell->workspaces.anim_timestamp == 0) {
+		if (shell->workspaces.anim_current == 0.0)
+			shell->workspaces.anim_timestamp = msecs;
+		else
+			shell->workspaces.anim_timestamp =
+				msecs -
+				/* Invers of movement function 'y' below. */
+				(asin(1.0 - shell->workspaces.anim_current) *
+				 M_2_PI);
+	}
+	t = msecs - shell->workspaces.anim_timestamp;
+	/*
+	 * x = [0, π/2]
+	 * y(x) = sin(x)
+	 */
+	y = sin(x);
+		weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(shell->compositor);
+		workspace_translate_out(from, shell->workspaces.anim_dir * y);
+		workspace_translate_in(to, shell->workspaces.anim_dir * y);
+		shell->workspaces.anim_current = y;
+		weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(shell->compositor);
+	}
+	else
+		finish_workspace_change_animation(shell, from, to);
+static void
+animate_workspace_change(struct desktop_shell *shell,
+			 unsigned int index,
+			 struct workspace *from,
+			 struct workspace *to)
+	struct weston_output *output;
+	int dir;
+	if (index > shell->workspaces.current)
+		dir = -1;
+	else
+		dir = 1;
+	shell->workspaces.current = index;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_dir = dir;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_from = from;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_to = to;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_current = 0.0;
+	shell->workspaces.anim_timestamp = 0;
+	output = container_of(shell->compositor->output_list.next,
+			      struct weston_output, link);
+	wl_list_insert(&output->animation_list,
+		       &shell->workspaces.animation.link);
+	wl_list_insert(from->layer.link.prev, &to->layer.link);
+	workspace_translate_in(to, 0);
+	restore_focus_state(shell, to);
+	weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(shell->compositor);
+static void
+update_workspace(struct desktop_shell *shell, unsigned int index,
+		 struct workspace *from, struct workspace *to)
+	shell->workspaces.current = index;
+	wl_list_insert(&from->layer.link, &to->layer.link);
+	wl_list_remove(&from->layer.link);
+static void
+change_workspace(struct desktop_shell *shell, unsigned int index)
+	struct workspace *from;
+	struct workspace *to;
+	if (index == shell->workspaces.current)
+		return;
+	/* Don't change workspace when there is any fullscreen surfaces. */
+	if (!wl_list_empty(&shell->fullscreen_layer.surface_list))
+		return;
+	from = get_current_workspace(shell);
+	to = get_workspace(shell, index);
+	if (shell->workspaces.anim_from == to &&
+	    shell->workspaces.anim_to == from) {
+		restore_focus_state(shell, to);
+		reverse_workspace_change_animation(shell, index, from, to);
+		broadcast_current_workspace_state(shell);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (shell->workspaces.anim_to != NULL)
+		finish_workspace_change_animation(shell,
+						  shell->workspaces.anim_from,
+						  shell->workspaces.anim_to);
+	restore_focus_state(shell, to);
+	if (workspace_is_empty(to) && workspace_is_empty(from))
+		update_workspace(shell, index, from, to);
+	else
+		animate_workspace_change(shell, index, from, to);
+	broadcast_current_workspace_state(shell);
+static bool
+workspace_has_only(struct workspace *ws, struct weston_surface *surface)
+	struct wl_list *list = &ws->layer.surface_list;
+	struct wl_list *e;
+	if (wl_list_empty(list))
+		return false;
+	e = list->next;
+	if (e->next != list)
+		return false;
+	return container_of(e, struct weston_surface, layer_link) == surface;
+static void
+move_surface_to_workspace(struct desktop_shell *shell,
+			  struct weston_surface *surface,
+			  uint32_t workspace)
+	struct workspace *from;
+	struct workspace *to;
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	struct weston_surface *focus;
+	assert(weston_surface_get_main_surface(surface) == surface);
+	if (workspace == shell->workspaces.current)
+		return;
+	if (workspace >= shell->workspaces.num)
+		workspace = shell->workspaces.num - 1;
+	from = get_current_workspace(shell);
+	to = get_workspace(shell, workspace);
+	wl_list_remove(&surface->layer_link);
+	wl_list_insert(&to->layer.surface_list, &surface->layer_link);
+	drop_focus_state(shell, from, surface);
+	wl_list_for_each(seat, &shell->compositor->seat_list, link) {
+		if (!seat->keyboard)
+			continue;
+		focus = weston_surface_get_main_surface(seat->keyboard->focus);
+		if (focus == surface)
+			weston_keyboard_set_focus(seat->keyboard, NULL);
+	}
+	weston_surface_damage_below(surface);
+static void
+take_surface_to_workspace_by_seat(struct desktop_shell *shell,
+				  struct weston_seat *seat,
+				  unsigned int index)
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	struct workspace *from;
+	struct workspace *to;
+	struct focus_state *state;
+	surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(seat->keyboard->focus);
+	if (surface == NULL ||
+	    index == shell->workspaces.current)
+		return;
+	from = get_current_workspace(shell);
+	to = get_workspace(shell, index);
+	wl_list_remove(&surface->layer_link);
+	wl_list_insert(&to->layer.surface_list, &surface->layer_link);
+	replace_focus_state(shell, to, seat);
+	drop_focus_state(shell, from, surface);
+	if (shell->workspaces.anim_from == to &&
+	    shell->workspaces.anim_to == from) {
+		wl_list_remove(&to->layer.link);
+		wl_list_insert(from->layer.link.prev, &to->layer.link);
+		reverse_workspace_change_animation(shell, index, from, to);
+		broadcast_current_workspace_state(shell);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (shell->workspaces.anim_to != NULL)
+		finish_workspace_change_animation(shell,
+						  shell->workspaces.anim_from,
+						  shell->workspaces.anim_to);
+	if (workspace_is_empty(from) &&
+	    workspace_has_only(to, surface))
+		update_workspace(shell, index, from, to);
+	else {
+		shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+		if (wl_list_empty(&shsurf->workspace_transform.link))
+			wl_list_insert(&shell->workspaces.anim_sticky_list,
+				       &shsurf->workspace_transform.link);
+		animate_workspace_change(shell, index, from, to);
+	}
+	broadcast_current_workspace_state(shell);
+	state = ensure_focus_state(shell, seat);
+	if (state != NULL)
+		state->keyboard_focus = surface;
+static void
+workspace_manager_move_surface(struct wl_client *client,
+			       struct wl_resource *resource,
+			       struct wl_resource *surface_resource,
+			       uint32_t workspace)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
+	struct weston_surface *main_surface;
+	main_surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(surface);
+	move_surface_to_workspace(shell, main_surface, workspace);
+static const struct workspace_manager_interface workspace_manager_implementation = {
+	workspace_manager_move_surface,
+static void
+unbind_resource(struct wl_resource *resource)
+	wl_list_remove(wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+static void
+bind_workspace_manager(struct wl_client *client,
+		       void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	resource = wl_resource_create(client,
+				      &workspace_manager_interface, 1, id);
+	if (resource == NULL) {
+		weston_log("couldn't add workspace manager object");
+		return;
+	}
+	wl_resource_set_implementation(resource,
+				       &workspace_manager_implementation,
+				       shell, unbind_resource);
+	wl_list_insert(&shell->workspaces.client_list,
+		       wl_resource_get_link(resource));
+	workspace_manager_send_state(resource,
+				     shell->workspaces.current,
+				     shell->workspaces.num);
+static void
+noop_grab_focus(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
+static void
+move_grab_motion(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time)
+	struct weston_move_grab *move = (struct weston_move_grab *) grab;
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = move->base.shsurf;
+	struct weston_surface *es;
+	int dx = wl_fixed_to_int(pointer->x + move->dx);
+	int dy = wl_fixed_to_int(pointer->y + move->dy);
+	if (!shsurf)
+		return;
+	es = shsurf->surface;
+	weston_surface_configure(es, dx, dy,
+				 es->geometry.width, es->geometry.height);
+	weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(es->compositor);
+static void
+move_grab_button(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
+		 uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state_w)
+	struct shell_grab *shell_grab = container_of(grab, struct shell_grab,
+						    grab);
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer;
+	enum wl_pointer_button_state state = state_w;
+	if (pointer->button_count == 0 &&
+		shell_grab_end(shell_grab);
+		free(grab);
+	}
+static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface move_grab_interface = {
+	noop_grab_focus,
+	move_grab_motion,
+	move_grab_button,
+static int
+surface_move(struct shell_surface *shsurf, struct weston_seat *seat)
+	struct weston_move_grab *move;
+	if (!shsurf)
+		return -1;
+	if (shsurf->type == SHELL_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN)
+		return 0;
+	move = malloc(sizeof *move);
+	if (!move)
+		return -1;
+	move->dx = wl_fixed_from_double(shsurf->surface->geometry.x) -
+			seat->pointer->grab_x;
+	move->dy = wl_fixed_from_double(shsurf->surface->geometry.y) -
+			seat->pointer->grab_y;
+	shell_grab_start(&move->base, &move_grab_interface, shsurf,
+			 seat->pointer, DESKTOP_SHELL_CURSOR_MOVE);
+	return 0;
+static void
+shell_surface_move(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource,
+		   struct wl_resource *seat_resource, uint32_t serial)
+	struct weston_seat *seat = wl_resource_get_user_data(seat_resource);
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(seat->pointer->focus);
+	if (seat->pointer->button_count == 0 ||
+	    seat->pointer->grab_serial != serial ||
+	    surface != shsurf->surface)
+		return;
+	if (surface_move(shsurf, seat) < 0)
+		wl_resource_post_no_memory(resource);
+struct weston_resize_grab {
+	struct shell_grab base;
+	uint32_t edges;
+	int32_t width, height;
+static void
+resize_grab_motion(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time)
+	struct weston_resize_grab *resize = (struct weston_resize_grab *) grab;
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = resize->base.shsurf;
+	int32_t width, height;
+	wl_fixed_t from_x, from_y;
+	wl_fixed_t to_x, to_y;
+	if (!shsurf)
+		return;
+	weston_surface_from_global_fixed(shsurf->surface,
+				         pointer->grab_x, pointer->grab_y,
+				         &from_x, &from_y);
+	weston_surface_from_global_fixed(shsurf->surface,
+				         pointer->x, pointer->y, &to_x, &to_y);
+	width = resize->width;
+	if (resize->edges & XDG_SURFACE_RESIZE_LEFT) {
+		width += wl_fixed_to_int(from_x - to_x);
+	} else if (resize->edges & XDG_SURFACE_RESIZE_RIGHT) {
+		width += wl_fixed_to_int(to_x - from_x);
+	}
+	height = resize->height;
+	if (resize->edges & XDG_SURFACE_RESIZE_TOP) {
+		height += wl_fixed_to_int(from_y - to_y);
+	} else if (resize->edges & XDG_SURFACE_RESIZE_BOTTOM) {
+		height += wl_fixed_to_int(to_y - from_y);
+	}
+	shsurf->client->send_configure(shsurf->surface,
+				       resize->edges, width, height);
+static void
+send_configure(struct weston_surface *surface,
+	       uint32_t edges, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	xdg_surface_send_configure(shsurf->resource,
+				   edges, width, height);
+static const struct weston_shell_client shell_client = {
+	send_configure
+static void
+resize_grab_button(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
+		   uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state_w)
+	struct weston_resize_grab *resize = (struct weston_resize_grab *) grab;
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer;
+	enum wl_pointer_button_state state = state_w;
+	if (pointer->button_count == 0 &&
+		shell_grab_end(&resize->base);
+		free(grab);
+	}
+static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface resize_grab_interface = {
+	noop_grab_focus,
+	resize_grab_motion,
+	resize_grab_button,
+ * Returns the bounding box of a surface and all its sub-surfaces,
+ * in the surface coordinates system. */
+static void
+surface_subsurfaces_boundingbox(struct weston_surface *surface, int32_t *x,
+				int32_t *y, int32_t *w, int32_t *h) {
+	pixman_region32_t region;
+	pixman_box32_t *box;
+	struct weston_subsurface *subsurface;
+	pixman_region32_init_rect(&region, 0, 0,
+	                          surface->geometry.width,
+	                          surface->geometry.height);
+	wl_list_for_each(subsurface, &surface->subsurface_list, parent_link) {
+		pixman_region32_union_rect(&region, &region,
+		                           subsurface->position.x,
+		                           subsurface->position.y,
+		                           subsurface->surface->geometry.width,
+		                           subsurface->surface->geometry.height);
+	}
+	box = pixman_region32_extents(&region);
+	if (x)
+		*x = box->x1;
+	if (y)
+		*y = box->y1;
+	if (w)
+		*w = box->x2 - box->x1;
+	if (h)
+		*h = box->y2 - box->y1;
+	pixman_region32_fini(&region);
+static int
+surface_resize(struct shell_surface *shsurf,
+	       struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t edges)
+	struct weston_resize_grab *resize;
+	if (shsurf->type == SHELL_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN ||
+	    shsurf->type == SHELL_SURFACE_MAXIMIZED)
+		return 0;
+	if (edges == 0 || edges > 15 ||
+	    (edges & 3) == 3 || (edges & 12) == 12)
+		return 0;
+	resize = malloc(sizeof *resize);
+	if (!resize)
+		return -1;
+	resize->edges = edges;
+	surface_subsurfaces_boundingbox(shsurf->surface, NULL, NULL,
+	                                &resize->width, &resize->height);
+	shell_grab_start(&resize->base, &resize_grab_interface, shsurf,
+			 seat->pointer, edges);
+	return 0;
+static void
+shell_surface_resize(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource,
+		     struct wl_resource *seat_resource, uint32_t serial,
+		     uint32_t edges)
+	struct weston_seat *seat = wl_resource_get_user_data(seat_resource);
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	if (shsurf->type == SHELL_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN)
+		return;
+	surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(seat->pointer->focus);
+	if (seat->pointer->button_count == 0 ||
+	    seat->pointer->grab_serial != serial ||
+	    surface != shsurf->surface)
+		return;
+	if (surface_resize(shsurf, seat, edges) < 0)
+		wl_resource_post_no_memory(resource);
+static void
+end_busy_cursor(struct shell_surface *shsurf, struct weston_pointer *pointer);
+static void
+busy_cursor_grab_focus(struct weston_pointer_grab *base)
+	struct shell_grab *grab = (struct shell_grab *) base;
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = base->pointer;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	wl_fixed_t sx, sy;
+	surface = weston_compositor_pick_surface(pointer->seat->compositor,
+						 pointer->x, pointer->y,
+						 &sx, &sy);
+	if (!grab->shsurf || grab->shsurf->surface != surface)
+		end_busy_cursor(grab->shsurf, pointer);
+static void
+busy_cursor_grab_motion(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time)
+static void
+busy_cursor_grab_button(struct weston_pointer_grab *base,
+			uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state)
+	struct shell_grab *grab = (struct shell_grab *) base;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = grab->shsurf;
+	struct weston_seat *seat = grab->grab.pointer->seat;
+	if (shsurf && button == BTN_LEFT && state) {
+		activate(shsurf->shell, shsurf->surface, seat);
+		surface_move(shsurf, seat);
+	} else if (shsurf && button == BTN_RIGHT && state) {
+		activate(shsurf->shell, shsurf->surface, seat);
+		surface_rotate(shsurf, seat);
+	}
+static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface busy_cursor_grab_interface = {
+	busy_cursor_grab_focus,
+	busy_cursor_grab_motion,
+	busy_cursor_grab_button,
+static void
+set_busy_cursor(struct shell_surface *shsurf, struct weston_pointer *pointer)
+	struct shell_grab *grab;
+	grab = malloc(sizeof *grab);
+	if (!grab)
+		return;
+	shell_grab_start(grab, &busy_cursor_grab_interface, shsurf, pointer,
+static void
+end_busy_cursor(struct shell_surface *shsurf, struct weston_pointer *pointer)
+	struct shell_grab *grab = (struct shell_grab *) pointer->grab;
+	if (grab->grab.interface == &busy_cursor_grab_interface &&
+	    grab->shsurf == shsurf) {
+		shell_grab_end(grab);
+		free(grab);
+	}
+static void
+ping_timer_destroy(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	if (!shsurf || !shsurf->ping_timer)
+		return;
+	if (shsurf->ping_timer->source)
+		wl_event_source_remove(shsurf->ping_timer->source);
+	free(shsurf->ping_timer);
+	shsurf->ping_timer = NULL;
+static int
+ping_timeout_handler(void *data)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = data;
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	/* Client is not responding */
+	shsurf->unresponsive = 1;
+	wl_list_for_each(seat, &shsurf->surface->compositor->seat_list, link)
+		if (seat->pointer->focus == shsurf->surface)
+			set_busy_cursor(shsurf, seat->pointer);
+	return 1;
+static void
+ping_handler(struct weston_surface *surface, uint32_t serial)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	struct wl_event_loop *loop;
+	int ping_timeout = 200;
+	if (!shsurf)
+		return;
+	if (!shsurf->resource)
+		return;
+	if (shsurf->surface == shsurf->shell->grab_surface)
+		return;
+	if (!shsurf->ping_timer) {
+		shsurf->ping_timer = malloc(sizeof *shsurf->ping_timer);
+		if (!shsurf->ping_timer)
+			return;
+		shsurf->ping_timer->serial = serial;
+		loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(surface->compositor->wl_display);
+		shsurf->ping_timer->source =
+			wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, ping_timeout_handler, shsurf);
+		wl_event_source_timer_update(shsurf->ping_timer->source, ping_timeout);
+		xdg_surface_send_ping(shsurf->resource, serial);
+	}
+static void
+handle_pointer_focus(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = data;
+	struct weston_surface *surface = pointer->focus;
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	uint32_t serial;
+	if (!surface)
+		return;
+	compositor = surface->compositor;
+	shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	if (shsurf && shsurf->unresponsive) {
+		set_busy_cursor(shsurf, pointer);
+	} else {
+		serial = wl_display_next_serial(compositor->wl_display);
+		ping_handler(surface, serial);
+	}
+static void
+create_pointer_focus_listener(struct weston_seat *seat)
+	struct wl_listener *listener;
+	if (!seat->pointer)
+		return;
+	listener = malloc(sizeof *listener);
+	listener->notify = handle_pointer_focus;
+	wl_signal_add(&seat->pointer->focus_signal, listener);
+static void
+shell_surface_pong(struct wl_client *client, struct wl_resource *resource,
+							uint32_t serial)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	struct weston_compositor *ec = shsurf->surface->compositor;
+	if (shsurf->ping_timer == NULL)
+		/* Just ignore unsolicited pong. */
+		return;
+	if (shsurf->ping_timer->serial == serial) {
+		shsurf->unresponsive = 0;
+		wl_list_for_each(seat, &ec->seat_list, link) {
+			if(seat->pointer)
+				end_busy_cursor(shsurf, seat->pointer);
+		}
+		ping_timer_destroy(shsurf);
+	}
+static void
+shell_surface_set_title(struct wl_client *client,
+			struct wl_resource *resource, const char *title)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	free(shsurf->title);
+	shsurf->title = strdup(title);
+static void
+shell_surface_set_class(struct wl_client *client,
+			struct wl_resource *resource, const char *class)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	free(shsurf->class);
+	shsurf->class = strdup(class);
+static struct weston_output *
+get_default_output(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
+	return container_of(compositor->output_list.next,
+			    struct weston_output, link);
+static void
+restore_output_mode(struct weston_output *output)
+	if (output->current != output->origin ||
+	    (int32_t)output->scale != output->origin_scale)
+		weston_output_switch_mode(output,
+					  output->origin,
+					  output->origin_scale);
+static void
+restore_all_output_modes(struct weston_compositor *compositor)
+	struct weston_output *output;
+	wl_list_for_each(output, &compositor->output_list, link)
+		restore_output_mode(output);
+static void
+shell_unset_fullscreen(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	struct workspace *ws;
+	/* undo all fullscreen things here */
+	if (shsurf->fullscreen.type == XDG_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN_METHOD_DRIVER &&
+	    shell_surface_is_top_fullscreen(shsurf)) {
+		restore_output_mode(shsurf->fullscreen_output);
+	}
+	shsurf->fullscreen.type = XDG_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN_METHOD_DEFAULT;
+	shsurf->fullscreen.framerate = 0;
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->fullscreen.transform.link);
+	wl_list_init(&shsurf->fullscreen.transform.link);
+	if (shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface)
+		weston_surface_destroy(shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface);
+	shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface = NULL;
+	shsurf->fullscreen_output = NULL;
+	weston_surface_set_position(shsurf->surface,
+				    shsurf->saved_x, shsurf->saved_y);
+	if (shsurf->saved_rotation_valid) {
+		wl_list_insert(&shsurf->surface->geometry.transformation_list,
+        	               &shsurf->rotation.transform.link);
+		shsurf->saved_rotation_valid = false;
+	}
+	ws = get_current_workspace(shsurf->shell);
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->surface->layer_link);
+	wl_list_insert(&ws->layer.surface_list, &shsurf->surface->layer_link);
+static void
+shell_unset_maximized(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	struct workspace *ws;
+	/* undo all maximized things here */
+	shsurf->output = get_default_output(shsurf->surface->compositor);
+	weston_surface_set_position(shsurf->surface,
+				    shsurf->saved_x,
+				    shsurf->saved_y);
+	if (shsurf->saved_rotation_valid) {
+		wl_list_insert(&shsurf->surface->geometry.transformation_list,
+						   &shsurf->rotation.transform.link);
+		shsurf->saved_rotation_valid = false;
+	}
+	ws = get_current_workspace(shsurf->shell);
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->surface->layer_link);
+	wl_list_insert(&ws->layer.surface_list, &shsurf->surface->layer_link);
+static int
+reset_shell_surface_type(struct shell_surface *surface)
+	switch (surface->type) {
+		shell_unset_fullscreen(surface);
+		break;
+		shell_unset_maximized(surface);
+		break;
+		break;
+	}
+	surface->type = SHELL_SURFACE_NONE;
+	return 0;
+static void
+set_surface_type(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	struct weston_surface *surface = shsurf->surface;
+	struct weston_surface *pes = shsurf->parent;
+	reset_shell_surface_type(shsurf);
+	shsurf->type = shsurf->next_type;
+	shsurf->next_type = SHELL_SURFACE_NONE;
+	switch (shsurf->type) {
+		break;
+		weston_surface_set_position(surface,
+				pes->geometry.x + shsurf->transient.x,
+				pes->geometry.y + shsurf->transient.y);
+		break;
+		shsurf->saved_x = surface->geometry.x;
+		shsurf->saved_y = surface->geometry.y;
+		shsurf->saved_position_valid = true;
+		if (!wl_list_empty(&shsurf->rotation.transform.link)) {
+			wl_list_remove(&shsurf->rotation.transform.link);
+			wl_list_init(&shsurf->rotation.transform.link);
+			weston_surface_geometry_dirty(shsurf->surface);
+			shsurf->saved_rotation_valid = true;
+		}
+		break;
+		weston_surface_set_position(surface, shsurf->transient.x,
+					    shsurf->transient.y);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+static void
+set_toplevel(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+       shsurf->next_type = SHELL_SURFACE_TOPLEVEL;
+static void
+shell_surface_set_toplevel(struct wl_client *client,
+			   struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct shell_surface *surface = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	set_toplevel(surface);
+static void
+set_transient(struct shell_surface *shsurf,
+	      struct weston_surface *parent, int x, int y, uint32_t flags)
+	/* assign to parents output */
+	shsurf->parent = parent;
+	shsurf->transient.x = x;
+	shsurf->transient.y = y;
+	shsurf->transient.flags = flags;
+	shsurf->next_type = SHELL_SURFACE_TRANSIENT;
+static void
+shell_surface_set_transient(struct wl_client *client,
+			    struct wl_resource *resource,
+			    struct wl_resource *parent_resource,
+			    int x, int y, uint32_t flags)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *parent =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(parent_resource);
+	set_transient(shsurf, parent, x, y, flags);
+static struct desktop_shell *
+shell_surface_get_shell(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	return shsurf->shell;
+static int
+get_output_panel_height(struct desktop_shell *shell,
+			struct weston_output *output)
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	int panel_height = 0;
+	if (!output)
+		return 0;
+	wl_list_for_each(surface, &shell->panel_layer.surface_list, layer_link) {
+		if (surface->output == output) {
+			panel_height = surface->geometry.height;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return panel_height;
+static void
+shell_surface_set_maximized(struct wl_client *client,
+			    struct wl_resource *resource,
+			    struct wl_resource *output_resource )
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *es = shsurf->surface;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = NULL;
+	uint32_t edges = 0, panel_height = 0;
+	/* get the default output, if the client set it as NULL
+	   check whether the ouput is available */
+	if (output_resource)
+		shsurf->output = wl_resource_get_user_data(output_resource);
+	else if (es->output)
+		shsurf->output = es->output;
+	else
+		shsurf->output = get_default_output(es->compositor);
+	shell = shell_surface_get_shell(shsurf);
+	panel_height = get_output_panel_height(shell, shsurf->output);
+	shsurf->client->send_configure(shsurf->surface, edges,
+				       shsurf->output->width,
+				       shsurf->output->height - panel_height);
+	shsurf->next_type = SHELL_SURFACE_MAXIMIZED;
+static void
+black_surface_configure(struct weston_surface *es, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t width, int32_t height);
+static struct weston_surface *
+create_black_surface(struct weston_compositor *ec,
+		     struct weston_surface *fs_surface,
+		     float x, float y, int w, int h)
+	struct weston_surface *surface = NULL;
+	surface = weston_surface_create(ec);
+	if (surface == NULL) {
+		weston_log("no memory\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	surface->configure = black_surface_configure;
+	surface->configure_private = fs_surface;
+	weston_surface_configure(surface, x, y, w, h);
+	weston_surface_set_color(surface, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1);
+	pixman_region32_fini(&surface->opaque);
+	pixman_region32_init_rect(&surface->opaque, 0, 0, w, h);
+	pixman_region32_fini(&surface->input);
+	pixman_region32_init_rect(&surface->input, 0, 0, w, h);
+	return surface;
+/* Create black surface and append it to the associated fullscreen surface.
+ * Handle size dismatch and positioning according to the method. */
+static void
+shell_configure_fullscreen(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	struct weston_output *output = shsurf->fullscreen_output;
+	struct weston_surface *surface = shsurf->surface;
+	struct weston_matrix *matrix;
+	float scale, output_aspect, surface_aspect, x, y;
+	int32_t surf_x, surf_y, surf_width, surf_height;
+	if (shsurf->fullscreen.type != XDG_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN_METHOD_DRIVER)
+		restore_output_mode(output);
+	if (!shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface)
+		shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface =
+			create_black_surface(surface->compositor,
+					     surface,
+					     output->x, output->y,
+					     output->width,
+					     output->height);
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface->layer_link);
+	wl_list_insert(&surface->layer_link,
+		       &shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface->layer_link);
+	shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface->output = output;
+	surface_subsurfaces_boundingbox(surface, &surf_x, &surf_y,
+	                                &surf_width, &surf_height);
+	switch (shsurf->fullscreen.type) {
+		if (surface->buffer_ref.buffer)
+			center_on_output(surface, shsurf->fullscreen_output);
+		break;
+		/* 1:1 mapping between surface and output dimensions */
+		if (output->width == surf_width &&
+			output->height == surf_height) {
+			weston_surface_set_position(surface, output->x - surf_x,
+			                                     output->y - surf_y);
+			break;
+		}
+		matrix = &shsurf->fullscreen.transform.matrix;
+		weston_matrix_init(matrix);
+		output_aspect = (float) output->width /
+			(float) output->height;
+		surface_aspect = (float) surface->geometry.width /
+			(float) surface->geometry.height;
+		if (output_aspect < surface_aspect)
+			scale = (float) output->width /
+				(float) surf_width;
+		else
+			scale = (float) output->height /
+				(float) surf_height;
+		weston_matrix_scale(matrix, scale, scale, 1);
+		wl_list_remove(&shsurf->fullscreen.transform.link);
+		wl_list_insert(&surface->geometry.transformation_list,
+			       &shsurf->fullscreen.transform.link);
+		x = output->x + (output->width - surf_width * scale) / 2 - surf_x;
+		y = output->y + (output->height - surf_height * scale) / 2 - surf_y;
+		weston_surface_set_position(surface, x, y);
+		break;
+		if (shell_surface_is_top_fullscreen(shsurf)) {
+			struct weston_mode mode = {0,
+				surf_width * surface->buffer_scale,
+				surf_height * surface->buffer_scale,
+				shsurf->fullscreen.framerate};
+			if (weston_output_switch_mode(output, &mode, surface->buffer_scale) == 0) {
+				weston_surface_set_position(surface,
+							    output->x - surf_x,
+							    output->y - surf_y);
+				weston_surface_configure(shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface,
+					                 output->x - surf_x,
+					                 output->y - surf_y,
+							 output->width,
+							 output->height);
+				break;
+			} else {
+				restore_output_mode(output);
+				center_on_output(surface, output);
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+		center_on_output(surface, output);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+/* make the fullscreen and black surface at the top */
+static void
+shell_stack_fullscreen(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	struct weston_output *output = shsurf->fullscreen_output;
+	struct weston_surface *surface = shsurf->surface;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = shell_surface_get_shell(shsurf);
+	wl_list_remove(&surface->layer_link);
+	wl_list_insert(&shell->fullscreen_layer.surface_list,
+		       &surface->layer_link);
+	weston_surface_damage(surface);
+	if (!shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface)
+		shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface =
+			create_black_surface(surface->compositor,
+					     surface,
+					     output->x, output->y,
+					     output->width,
+					     output->height);
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface->layer_link);
+	wl_list_insert(&surface->layer_link,
+		       &shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface->layer_link);
+	weston_surface_damage(shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface);
+static void
+shell_map_fullscreen(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	shell_stack_fullscreen(shsurf);
+	shell_configure_fullscreen(shsurf);
+static void
+set_fullscreen(struct shell_surface *shsurf,
+	       uint32_t method,
+	       uint32_t framerate,
+	       struct weston_output *output)
+	struct weston_surface *es = shsurf->surface;
+	if (output)
+		shsurf->output = output;
+	else if (es->output)
+		shsurf->output = es->output;
+	else
+		shsurf->output = get_default_output(es->compositor);
+	shsurf->fullscreen_output = shsurf->output;
+	shsurf->fullscreen.type = method;
+	shsurf->fullscreen.framerate = framerate;
+	shsurf->next_type = SHELL_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN;
+	shsurf->client->send_configure(shsurf->surface, 0,
+				       shsurf->output->width,
+				       shsurf->output->height);
+static void
+shell_surface_set_fullscreen(struct wl_client *client,
+			     struct wl_resource *resource,
+			     uint32_t method,
+			     uint32_t framerate,
+			     struct wl_resource *output_resource)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_output *output;
+	if (output_resource)
+		output = wl_resource_get_user_data(output_resource);
+	else
+		output = NULL;
+	set_fullscreen(shsurf, method, framerate, output);
+static void
+set_xwayland(struct shell_surface *shsurf, int x, int y, uint32_t flags)
+	/* XXX: using the same fields for transient type */
+	shsurf->transient.x = x;
+	shsurf->transient.y = y;
+	shsurf->transient.flags = flags;
+	shsurf->next_type = SHELL_SURFACE_XWAYLAND;
+static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface popup_grab_interface;
+static void
+destroy_shell_seat(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct shell_seat *shseat =
+		container_of(listener,
+			     struct shell_seat, seat_destroy_listener);
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf, *prev = NULL;
+	if (shseat->popup_grab.grab.interface == &popup_grab_interface) {
+		weston_pointer_end_grab(shseat->popup_grab.grab.pointer);
+		shseat->popup_grab.client = NULL;
+		wl_list_for_each(shsurf, &shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list, popup.grab_link) {
+			shsurf->popup.shseat = NULL;
+			if (prev) {
+				wl_list_init(&prev->popup.grab_link);
+			}
+			prev = shsurf;
+		}
+		wl_list_init(&prev->popup.grab_link);
+	}
+	wl_list_remove(&shseat->seat_destroy_listener.link);
+	free(shseat);
+static struct shell_seat *
+create_shell_seat(struct weston_seat *seat)
+	struct shell_seat *shseat;
+	shseat = calloc(1, sizeof *shseat);
+	if (!shseat) {
+		weston_log("no memory to allocate shell seat\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	shseat->seat = seat;
+	wl_list_init(&shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list);
+	shseat->seat_destroy_listener.notify = destroy_shell_seat;
+	wl_signal_add(&seat->destroy_signal,
+	              &shseat->seat_destroy_listener);
+	return shseat;
+static struct shell_seat *
+get_shell_seat(struct weston_seat *seat)
+	struct wl_listener *listener;
+	listener = wl_signal_get(&seat->destroy_signal, destroy_shell_seat);
+	if (listener == NULL)
+		return create_shell_seat(seat);
+	return container_of(listener,
+			    struct shell_seat, seat_destroy_listener);
+static void
+popup_grab_focus(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	struct shell_seat *shseat =
+	    container_of(grab, struct shell_seat, popup_grab.grab);
+	struct wl_client *client = shseat->popup_grab.client;
+	wl_fixed_t sx, sy;
+	surface = weston_compositor_pick_surface(pointer->seat->compositor,
+						 pointer->x, pointer->y,
+						 &sx, &sy);
+	if (surface && wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource) == client) {
+		weston_pointer_set_focus(pointer, surface, sx, sy);
+	} else {
+		weston_pointer_set_focus(pointer, NULL,
+					 wl_fixed_from_int(0),
+					 wl_fixed_from_int(0));
+	}
+static void
+popup_grab_motion(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time)
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer;
+	wl_fixed_t sx, sy;
+	if (pointer->focus_resource) {
+		weston_surface_from_global_fixed(pointer->focus,
+						 pointer->x, pointer->y,
+						 &sx, &sy);
+		wl_pointer_send_motion(pointer->focus_resource, time, sx, sy);
+	}
+static void
+popup_grab_button(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
+		  uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state_w)
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	struct shell_seat *shseat =
+	    container_of(grab, struct shell_seat, popup_grab.grab);
+	struct wl_display *display;
+	enum wl_pointer_button_state state = state_w;
+	uint32_t serial;
+	resource = grab->pointer->focus_resource;
+	if (resource) {
+		display = wl_client_get_display(wl_resource_get_client(resource));
+		serial = wl_display_get_serial(display);
+		wl_pointer_send_button(resource, serial, time, button, state);
+	} else if (state == WL_POINTER_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED &&
+		   (shseat->popup_grab.initial_up ||
+		    time - shseat->seat->pointer->grab_time > 500)) {
+		popup_grab_end(grab->pointer);
+	}
+		shseat->popup_grab.initial_up = 1;
+static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface popup_grab_interface = {
+	popup_grab_focus,
+	popup_grab_motion,
+	popup_grab_button,
+static void
+popup_grab_end(struct weston_pointer *pointer)
+	struct weston_pointer_grab *grab = pointer->grab;
+	struct shell_seat *shseat =
+	    container_of(grab, struct shell_seat, popup_grab.grab);
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	struct shell_surface *prev = NULL;
+	if (pointer->grab->interface == &popup_grab_interface) {
+		weston_pointer_end_grab(grab->pointer);
+		shseat->popup_grab.client = NULL;
+		shseat->popup_grab.grab.interface = NULL;
+		assert(!wl_list_empty(&shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list));
+		/* Send the popup_done event to all the popups open */
+		wl_list_for_each(shsurf, &shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list, popup.grab_link) {
+			xdg_surface_send_popup_done(shsurf->resource);
+			shsurf->popup.shseat = NULL;
+			if (prev) {
+				wl_list_init(&prev->popup.grab_link);
+			}
+			prev = shsurf;
+		}
+		wl_list_init(&prev->popup.grab_link);
+		wl_list_init(&shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list);
+	}
+static void
+add_popup_grab(struct shell_surface *shsurf, struct shell_seat *shseat)
+	struct weston_seat *seat = shseat->seat;
+	if (wl_list_empty(&shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list)) {
+		shseat->popup_grab.client = wl_resource_get_client(shsurf->resource);
+		shseat->popup_grab.grab.interface = &popup_grab_interface;
+		/* We must make sure here that this popup was opened after
+		 * a mouse press, and not just by moving around with other
+		 * popups already open. */
+		if (shseat->seat->pointer->button_count > 0)
+			shseat->popup_grab.initial_up = 0;
+		wl_list_insert(&shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list, &shsurf->popup.grab_link);
+		weston_pointer_start_grab(seat->pointer, &shseat->popup_grab.grab);
+	} else {
+		wl_list_insert(&shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list, &shsurf->popup.grab_link);
+	}
+static void
+remove_popup_grab(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	struct shell_seat *shseat = shsurf->popup.shseat;
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->popup.grab_link);
+	wl_list_init(&shsurf->popup.grab_link);
+	if (wl_list_empty(&shseat->popup_grab.surfaces_list)) {
+		weston_pointer_end_grab(shseat->popup_grab.grab.pointer);
+		shseat->popup_grab.grab.interface = NULL;
+	}
+static void
+shell_map_popup(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	struct shell_seat *shseat = shsurf->popup.shseat;
+	struct weston_surface *es = shsurf->surface;
+	struct weston_surface *parent = shsurf->parent;
+	es->output = parent->output;
+	weston_surface_set_transform_parent(es, parent);
+	weston_surface_set_position(es, shsurf->popup.x, shsurf->popup.y);
+	weston_surface_update_transform(es);
+	if (shseat->seat->pointer->grab_serial == shsurf->popup.serial) {
+		add_popup_grab(shsurf, shseat);
+	} else {
+		xdg_surface_send_popup_done(shsurf->resource);
+		shseat->popup_grab.client = NULL;
+	}
+static void
+shell_surface_set_popup(struct wl_client *client,
+			struct wl_resource *resource,
+			struct wl_resource *seat_resource,
+			uint32_t serial,
+			struct wl_resource *parent_resource,
+			int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t flags)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	shsurf->type = SHELL_SURFACE_POPUP;
+	shsurf->parent = wl_resource_get_user_data(parent_resource);
+	shsurf->popup.shseat = get_shell_seat(wl_resource_get_user_data(seat_resource));
+	shsurf->popup.serial = serial;
+	shsurf->popup.x = x;
+	shsurf->popup.y = y;
+static const struct xdg_surface_interface shell_surface_implementation = {
+	shell_surface_pong,
+	shell_surface_move,
+	shell_surface_resize,
+	shell_surface_set_toplevel,
+	shell_surface_set_transient,
+	shell_surface_set_fullscreen,
+	shell_surface_set_popup,
+	shell_surface_set_maximized,
+	shell_surface_set_title,
+	shell_surface_set_class
+static void
+destroy_shell_surface(struct shell_surface *shsurf)
+	wl_signal_emit(&shsurf->destroy_signal, shsurf);
+	if (!wl_list_empty(&shsurf->popup.grab_link)) {
+		remove_popup_grab(shsurf);
+	}
+	if (shsurf->fullscreen.type == XDG_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN_METHOD_DRIVER &&
+	    shell_surface_is_top_fullscreen(shsurf))
+		restore_output_mode (shsurf->fullscreen_output);
+	if (shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface)
+		weston_surface_destroy(shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface);
+	/* As destroy_resource() use wl_list_for_each_safe(),
+	 * we can always remove the listener.
+	 */
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->surface_destroy_listener.link);
+	shsurf->surface->configure = NULL;
+	ping_timer_destroy(shsurf);
+	free(shsurf->title);
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->link);
+	free(shsurf);
+static void
+shell_destroy_shell_surface(struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	destroy_shell_surface(shsurf);
+static void
+shell_handle_surface_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = container_of(listener,
+						    struct shell_surface,
+						    surface_destroy_listener);
+	if (shsurf->resource)
+		wl_resource_destroy(shsurf->resource);
+	else
+		destroy_shell_surface(shsurf);
+static void
+shell_surface_configure(struct weston_surface *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
+static struct shell_surface *
+get_shell_surface(struct weston_surface *surface)
+	if (surface->configure == shell_surface_configure)
+		return surface->configure_private;
+	else
+		return NULL;
+static 	struct shell_surface *
+create_shell_surface(void *shell, struct weston_surface *surface,
+		     const struct weston_shell_client *client)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	if (surface->configure) {
+		weston_log("surface->configure already set\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	shsurf = calloc(1, sizeof *shsurf);
+	if (!shsurf) {
+		weston_log("no memory to allocate shell surface\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	surface->configure = shell_surface_configure;
+	surface->configure_private = shsurf;
+	shsurf->shell = (struct desktop_shell *) shell;
+	shsurf->unresponsive = 0;
+	shsurf->saved_position_valid = false;
+	shsurf->saved_rotation_valid = false;
+	shsurf->surface = surface;
+	shsurf->fullscreen.type = XDG_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN_METHOD_DEFAULT;
+	shsurf->fullscreen.framerate = 0;
+	shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface = NULL;
+	shsurf->ping_timer = NULL;
+	wl_list_init(&shsurf->fullscreen.transform.link);
+	wl_signal_init(&shsurf->destroy_signal);
+	shsurf->surface_destroy_listener.notify = shell_handle_surface_destroy;
+	wl_signal_add(&surface->destroy_signal,
+		      &shsurf->surface_destroy_listener);
+	/* init link so its safe to always remove it in destroy_shell_surface */
+	wl_list_init(&shsurf->link);
+	wl_list_init(&shsurf->popup.grab_link);
+	/* empty when not in use */
+	wl_list_init(&shsurf->rotation.transform.link);
+	weston_matrix_init(&shsurf->rotation.rotation);
+	wl_list_init(&shsurf->workspace_transform.link);
+	shsurf->type = SHELL_SURFACE_NONE;
+	shsurf->next_type = SHELL_SURFACE_NONE;
+	shsurf->client = client;
+	return shsurf;
+static void
+shell_get_shell_surface(struct wl_client *client,
+			struct wl_resource *resource,
+			uint32_t id,
+			struct wl_resource *surface_resource)
+	struct weston_surface *surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	if (get_shell_surface(surface)) {
+		wl_resource_post_error(surface_resource,
+				       "desktop_shell::get_shell_surface already requested");
+		return;
+	}
+	shsurf = create_shell_surface(shell, surface, &shell_client);
+	if (!shsurf) {
+		wl_resource_post_error(surface_resource,
+				       "surface->configure already set");
+		return;
+	}
+	shsurf->resource =
+		wl_resource_create(client,
+				   &xdg_surface_interface, 1, id);
+	wl_resource_set_implementation(shsurf->resource,
+				       &shell_surface_implementation,
+				       shsurf, shell_destroy_shell_surface);
+static const struct xdg_shell_interface shell_implementation = {
+	shell_get_shell_surface
+static void
+shell_fade(struct desktop_shell *shell, enum fade_type type);
+static int
+screensaver_timeout(void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	shell_fade(shell, FADE_OUT);
+	return 1;
+static void
+handle_screensaver_sigchld(struct weston_process *proc, int status)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(proc, struct desktop_shell, screensaver.process);
+	proc->pid = 0;
+	if (shell->locked)
+		weston_compositor_sleep(shell->compositor);
+static void
+launch_screensaver(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	if (shell->screensaver.binding)
+		return;
+	if (!shell->screensaver.path) {
+		weston_compositor_sleep(shell->compositor);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (shell->screensaver.process.pid != 0) {
+		weston_log("old screensaver still running\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	weston_client_launch(shell->compositor,
+			   &shell->screensaver.process,
+			   shell->screensaver.path,
+			   handle_screensaver_sigchld);
+static void
+terminate_screensaver(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	if (shell->screensaver.process.pid == 0)
+		return;
+	kill(shell->screensaver.process.pid, SIGTERM);
+static void
+configure_static_surface(struct weston_surface *es, struct weston_layer *layer, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	struct weston_surface *s, *next;
+	if (width == 0)
+		return;
+	wl_list_for_each_safe(s, next, &layer->surface_list, layer_link) {
+		if (s->output == es->output && s != es) {
+			weston_surface_unmap(s);
+			s->configure = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	weston_surface_configure(es, es->output->x, es->output->y, width, height);
+	if (wl_list_empty(&es->layer_link)) {
+		wl_list_insert(&layer->surface_list, &es->layer_link);
+		weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(es->compositor);
+	}
+static void
+background_configure(struct weston_surface *es, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = es->configure_private;
+	configure_static_surface(es, &shell->background_layer, width, height);
+static void
+desktop_shell_set_background(struct wl_client *client,
+			     struct wl_resource *resource,
+			     struct wl_resource *output_resource,
+			     struct wl_resource *surface_resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
+	if (surface->configure) {
+		wl_resource_post_error(surface_resource,
+				       "surface role already assigned");
+		return;
+	}
+	surface->configure = background_configure;
+	surface->configure_private = shell;
+	surface->output = wl_resource_get_user_data(output_resource);
+	desktop_shell_send_configure(resource, 0,
+				     surface_resource,
+				     surface->output->width,
+				     surface->output->height);
+static void
+panel_configure(struct weston_surface *es, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = es->configure_private;
+	configure_static_surface(es, &shell->panel_layer, width, height);
+static void
+desktop_shell_set_panel(struct wl_client *client,
+			struct wl_resource *resource,
+			struct wl_resource *output_resource,
+			struct wl_resource *surface_resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
+	if (surface->configure) {
+		wl_resource_post_error(surface_resource,
+				       "surface role already assigned");
+		return;
+	}
+	surface->configure = panel_configure;
+	surface->configure_private = shell;
+	surface->output = wl_resource_get_user_data(output_resource);
+	desktop_shell_send_configure(resource, 0,
+				     surface_resource,
+				     surface->output->width,
+				     surface->output->height);
+static void
+lock_surface_configure(struct weston_surface *surface, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = surface->configure_private;
+	if (width == 0)
+		return;
+	surface->geometry.width = width;
+	surface->geometry.height = height;
+	center_on_output(surface, get_default_output(shell->compositor));
+	if (!weston_surface_is_mapped(surface)) {
+		wl_list_insert(&shell->lock_layer.surface_list,
+			       &surface->layer_link);
+		weston_surface_update_transform(surface);
+		shell_fade(shell, FADE_IN);
+	}
+static void
+handle_lock_surface_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+	    container_of(listener, struct desktop_shell, lock_surface_listener);
+	weston_log("lock surface gone\n");
+	shell->lock_surface = NULL;
+static void
+desktop_shell_set_lock_surface(struct wl_client *client,
+			       struct wl_resource *resource,
+			       struct wl_resource *surface_resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
+	shell->prepare_event_sent = false;
+	if (!shell->locked)
+		return;
+	shell->lock_surface = surface;
+	shell->lock_surface_listener.notify = handle_lock_surface_destroy;
+	wl_signal_add(&surface->destroy_signal,
+		      &shell->lock_surface_listener);
+	surface->configure = lock_surface_configure;
+	surface->configure_private = shell;
+static void
+resume_desktop(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	struct workspace *ws = get_current_workspace(shell);
+	terminate_screensaver(shell);
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->lock_layer.link);
+	wl_list_insert(&shell->compositor->cursor_layer.link,
+		       &shell->fullscreen_layer.link);
+	wl_list_insert(&shell->fullscreen_layer.link,
+		       &shell->panel_layer.link);
+	if (shell->showing_input_panels) {
+		wl_list_insert(&shell->panel_layer.link,
+			       &shell->input_panel_layer.link);
+		wl_list_insert(&shell->input_panel_layer.link,
+			       &ws->layer.link);
+	} else {
+		wl_list_insert(&shell->panel_layer.link, &ws->layer.link);
+	}
+	restore_focus_state(shell, get_current_workspace(shell));
+	shell->locked = false;
+	shell_fade(shell, FADE_IN);
+	weston_compositor_damage_all(shell->compositor);
+static void
+desktop_shell_unlock(struct wl_client *client,
+		     struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	shell->prepare_event_sent = false;
+	if (shell->locked)
+		resume_desktop(shell);
+static void
+desktop_shell_set_grab_surface(struct wl_client *client,
+			       struct wl_resource *resource,
+			       struct wl_resource *surface_resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	shell->grab_surface = wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
+static void
+desktop_shell_desktop_ready(struct wl_client *client,
+			    struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	shell_fade_startup(shell);
+static const struct desktop_shell_interface desktop_shell_implementation = {
+	desktop_shell_set_background,
+	desktop_shell_set_panel,
+	desktop_shell_set_lock_surface,
+	desktop_shell_unlock,
+	desktop_shell_set_grab_surface,
+	desktop_shell_desktop_ready
+static enum shell_surface_type
+get_shell_surface_type(struct weston_surface *surface)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	if (!shsurf)
+	return shsurf->type;
+static void
+move_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t button, void *data)
+	struct weston_surface *focus =
+		(struct weston_surface *) seat->pointer->focus;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(focus);
+	if (surface == NULL)
+		return;
+	shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	if (shsurf == NULL || shsurf->type == SHELL_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN ||
+	    shsurf->type == SHELL_SURFACE_MAXIMIZED)
+		return;
+	surface_move(shsurf, (struct weston_seat *) seat);
+static void
+resize_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t button, void *data)
+	struct weston_surface *focus =
+		(struct weston_surface *) seat->pointer->focus;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	uint32_t edges = 0;
+	int32_t x, y;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(focus);
+	if (surface == NULL)
+		return;
+	shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	if (!shsurf || shsurf->type == SHELL_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN ||
+	    shsurf->type == SHELL_SURFACE_MAXIMIZED)
+		return;
+	weston_surface_from_global(surface,
+				   wl_fixed_to_int(seat->pointer->grab_x),
+				   wl_fixed_to_int(seat->pointer->grab_y),
+				   &x, &y);
+	if (x < surface->geometry.width / 3)
+	else if (x < 2 * surface->geometry.width / 3)
+		edges |= 0;
+	else
+	if (y < surface->geometry.height / 3)
+	else if (y < 2 * surface->geometry.height / 3)
+		edges |= 0;
+	else
+	surface_resize(shsurf, (struct weston_seat *) seat, edges);
+static void
+surface_opacity_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t axis,
+			wl_fixed_t value, void *data)
+	float step = 0.005;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	struct weston_surface *focus =
+		(struct weston_surface *) seat->pointer->focus;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	/* XXX: broken for windows containing sub-surfaces */
+	surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(focus);
+	if (surface == NULL)
+		return;
+	shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	if (!shsurf)
+		return;
+	surface->alpha -= wl_fixed_to_double(value) * step;
+	if (surface->alpha > 1.0)
+		surface->alpha = 1.0;
+	if (surface->alpha < step)
+		surface->alpha = step;
+	weston_surface_geometry_dirty(surface);
+	weston_surface_damage(surface);
+static void
+do_zoom(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t key, uint32_t axis,
+	wl_fixed_t value)
+	struct weston_seat *ws = (struct weston_seat *) seat;
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor = ws->compositor;
+	struct weston_output *output;
+	float increment;
+	wl_list_for_each(output, &compositor->output_list, link) {
+		if (pixman_region32_contains_point(&output->region,
+						   wl_fixed_to_double(seat->pointer->x),
+						   wl_fixed_to_double(seat->pointer->y),
+						   NULL)) {
+			if (key == KEY_PAGEUP)
+				increment = output->zoom.increment;
+			else if (key == KEY_PAGEDOWN)
+				increment = -output->zoom.increment;
+				/* For every pixel zoom 20th of a step */
+				increment = output->zoom.increment *
+					    -wl_fixed_to_double(value) / 20.0;
+			else
+				increment = 0;
+			output->zoom.level += increment;
+			if (output->zoom.level < 0.0)
+				output->zoom.level = 0.0;
+			else if (output->zoom.level > output->zoom.max_level)
+				output->zoom.level = output->zoom.max_level;
+			else if (!output->zoom.active) {
+				output->zoom.active = 1;
+				output->disable_planes++;
+			}
+			output->zoom.spring_z.target = output->zoom.level;
+			weston_output_update_zoom(output, output->zoom.type);
+		}
+	}
+static void
+zoom_axis_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t axis,
+		  wl_fixed_t value, void *data)
+	do_zoom(seat, time, 0, axis, value);
+static void
+zoom_key_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t key,
+		 void *data)
+	do_zoom(seat, time, key, 0, 0);
+static void
+terminate_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t key,
+		  void *data)
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor = data;
+	wl_display_terminate(compositor->wl_display);
+static void
+rotate_grab_motion(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time)
+	struct rotate_grab *rotate =
+		container_of(grab, struct rotate_grab, base.grab);
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = rotate->base.shsurf;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	float cx, cy, dx, dy, cposx, cposy, dposx, dposy, r;
+	if (!shsurf)
+		return;
+	surface = shsurf->surface;
+	cx = 0.5f * surface->geometry.width;
+	cy = 0.5f * surface->geometry.height;
+	dx = wl_fixed_to_double(pointer->x) - rotate->center.x;
+	dy = wl_fixed_to_double(pointer->y) - rotate->center.y;
+	r = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+	wl_list_remove(&shsurf->rotation.transform.link);
+	weston_surface_geometry_dirty(shsurf->surface);
+	if (r > 20.0f) {
+		struct weston_matrix *matrix =
+			&shsurf->rotation.transform.matrix;
+		weston_matrix_init(&rotate->rotation);
+		weston_matrix_rotate_xy(&rotate->rotation, dx / r, dy / r);
+		weston_matrix_init(matrix);
+		weston_matrix_translate(matrix, -cx, -cy, 0.0f);
+		weston_matrix_multiply(matrix, &shsurf->rotation.rotation);
+		weston_matrix_multiply(matrix, &rotate->rotation);
+		weston_matrix_translate(matrix, cx, cy, 0.0f);
+		wl_list_insert(
+			&shsurf->surface->geometry.transformation_list,
+			&shsurf->rotation.transform.link);
+	} else {
+		wl_list_init(&shsurf->rotation.transform.link);
+		weston_matrix_init(&shsurf->rotation.rotation);
+		weston_matrix_init(&rotate->rotation);
+	}
+	/* We need to adjust the position of the surface
+	 * in case it was resized in a rotated state before */
+	cposx = surface->geometry.x + cx;
+	cposy = surface->geometry.y + cy;
+	dposx = rotate->center.x - cposx;
+	dposy = rotate->center.y - cposy;
+	if (dposx != 0.0f || dposy != 0.0f) {
+		weston_surface_set_position(surface,
+					    surface->geometry.x + dposx,
+					    surface->geometry.y + dposy);
+	}
+	/* Repaint implies weston_surface_update_transform(), which
+	 * lazily applies the damage due to rotation update.
+	 */
+	weston_compositor_schedule_repaint(shsurf->surface->compositor);
+static void
+rotate_grab_button(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
+		   uint32_t time, uint32_t button, uint32_t state_w)
+	struct rotate_grab *rotate =
+		container_of(grab, struct rotate_grab, base.grab);
+	struct weston_pointer *pointer = grab->pointer;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = rotate->base.shsurf;
+	enum wl_pointer_button_state state = state_w;
+	if (pointer->button_count == 0 &&
+		if (shsurf)
+			weston_matrix_multiply(&shsurf->rotation.rotation,
+					       &rotate->rotation);
+		shell_grab_end(&rotate->base);
+		free(rotate);
+	}
+static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface rotate_grab_interface = {
+	noop_grab_focus,
+	rotate_grab_motion,
+	rotate_grab_button,
+static void
+surface_rotate(struct shell_surface *surface, struct weston_seat *seat)
+	struct rotate_grab *rotate;
+	float dx, dy;
+	float r;
+	rotate = malloc(sizeof *rotate);
+	if (!rotate)
+		return;
+	weston_surface_to_global_float(surface->surface,
+				       surface->surface->geometry.width * 0.5f,
+				       surface->surface->geometry.height * 0.5f,
+				       &rotate->center.x, &rotate->center.y);
+	dx = wl_fixed_to_double(seat->pointer->x) - rotate->center.x;
+	dy = wl_fixed_to_double(seat->pointer->y) - rotate->center.y;
+	r = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+	if (r > 20.0f) {
+		struct weston_matrix inverse;
+		weston_matrix_init(&inverse);
+		weston_matrix_rotate_xy(&inverse, dx / r, -dy / r);
+		weston_matrix_multiply(&surface->rotation.rotation, &inverse);
+		weston_matrix_init(&rotate->rotation);
+		weston_matrix_rotate_xy(&rotate->rotation, dx / r, dy / r);
+	} else {
+		weston_matrix_init(&surface->rotation.rotation);
+		weston_matrix_init(&rotate->rotation);
+	}
+	shell_grab_start(&rotate->base, &rotate_grab_interface, surface,
+			 seat->pointer, DESKTOP_SHELL_CURSOR_ARROW);
+static void
+rotate_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t button,
+	       void *data)
+	struct weston_surface *focus =
+		(struct weston_surface *) seat->pointer->focus;
+	struct weston_surface *base_surface;
+	struct shell_surface *surface;
+	base_surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(focus);
+	if (base_surface == NULL)
+		return;
+	surface = get_shell_surface(base_surface);
+	if (!surface || surface->type == SHELL_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN ||
+	    surface->type == SHELL_SURFACE_MAXIMIZED)
+		return;
+	surface_rotate(surface, seat);
+static void
+lower_fullscreen_layer(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	struct workspace *ws;
+	struct weston_surface *surface, *prev;
+	ws = get_current_workspace(shell);
+	wl_list_for_each_reverse_safe(surface, prev,
+				      &shell->fullscreen_layer.surface_list,
+				      layer_link)
+		weston_surface_restack(surface, &ws->layer.surface_list);
+static void
+activate(struct desktop_shell *shell, struct weston_surface *es,
+	 struct weston_seat *seat)
+	struct weston_surface *main_surface;
+	struct focus_state *state;
+	struct workspace *ws;
+	main_surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(es);
+	weston_surface_activate(es, seat);
+	state = ensure_focus_state(shell, seat);
+	if (state == NULL)
+		return;
+	state->keyboard_focus = es;
+	wl_list_remove(&state->surface_destroy_listener.link);
+	wl_signal_add(&es->destroy_signal, &state->surface_destroy_listener);
+	switch (get_shell_surface_type(main_surface)) {
+		/* should on top of panels */
+		shell_stack_fullscreen(get_shell_surface(main_surface));
+		shell_configure_fullscreen(get_shell_surface(main_surface));
+		break;
+	default:
+		restore_all_output_modes(shell->compositor);
+		ws = get_current_workspace(shell);
+		weston_surface_restack(main_surface, &ws->layer.surface_list);
+		break;
+	}
+/* no-op func for checking black surface */
+static void
+black_surface_configure(struct weston_surface *es, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+static bool
+is_black_surface (struct weston_surface *es, struct weston_surface **fs_surface)
+	if (es->configure == black_surface_configure) {
+		if (fs_surface)
+			*fs_surface = (struct weston_surface *)es->configure_private;
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+static void
+click_to_activate_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t button,
+			  void *data)
+	struct weston_seat *ws = (struct weston_seat *) seat;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	struct weston_surface *focus;
+	struct weston_surface *main_surface;
+	focus = (struct weston_surface *) seat->pointer->focus;
+	if (!focus)
+		return;
+	if (is_black_surface(focus, &main_surface))
+		focus = main_surface;
+	main_surface = weston_surface_get_main_surface(focus);
+	if (get_shell_surface_type(main_surface) == SHELL_SURFACE_NONE)
+		return;
+	if (seat->pointer->grab == &seat->pointer->default_grab)
+		activate(shell, focus, ws);
+static void
+lock(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	struct workspace *ws = get_current_workspace(shell);
+	if (shell->locked) {
+		weston_compositor_sleep(shell->compositor);
+		return;
+	}
+	shell->locked = true;
+	/* Hide all surfaces by removing the fullscreen, panel and
+	 * toplevel layers.  This way nothing else can show or receive
+	 * input events while we are locked. */
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->panel_layer.link);
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->fullscreen_layer.link);
+	if (shell->showing_input_panels)
+		wl_list_remove(&shell->input_panel_layer.link);
+	wl_list_remove(&ws->layer.link);
+	wl_list_insert(&shell->compositor->cursor_layer.link,
+		       &shell->lock_layer.link);
+	launch_screensaver(shell);
+	/* TODO: disable bindings that should not work while locked. */
+	/* All this must be undone in resume_desktop(). */
+static void
+unlock(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	if (!shell->locked || shell->lock_surface) {
+		shell_fade(shell, FADE_IN);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* If desktop-shell client has gone away, unlock immediately. */
+	if (!shell->child.desktop_shell) {
+		resume_desktop(shell);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (shell->prepare_event_sent)
+		return;
+	desktop_shell_send_prepare_lock_surface(shell->child.desktop_shell);
+	shell->prepare_event_sent = true;
+static void
+shell_fade_done(struct weston_surface_animation *animation, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	shell->fade.animation = NULL;
+	switch (shell->fade.type) {
+	case FADE_IN:
+		weston_surface_destroy(shell->fade.surface);
+		shell->fade.surface = NULL;
+		break;
+	case FADE_OUT:
+		lock(shell);
+		break;
+	}
+static struct weston_surface *
+shell_fade_create_surface(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor = shell->compositor;
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	surface = weston_surface_create(compositor);
+	if (!surface)
+		return NULL;
+	weston_surface_configure(surface, 0, 0, 8192, 8192);
+	weston_surface_set_color(surface, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+	wl_list_insert(&compositor->fade_layer.surface_list,
+		       &surface->layer_link);
+	pixman_region32_init(&surface->input);
+	return surface;
+static void
+shell_fade(struct desktop_shell *shell, enum fade_type type)
+	float tint;
+	switch (type) {
+	case FADE_IN:
+		tint = 0.0;
+		break;
+	case FADE_OUT:
+		tint = 1.0;
+		break;
+	default:
+		weston_log("shell: invalid fade type\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	shell->fade.type = type;
+	if (shell->fade.surface == NULL) {
+		shell->fade.surface = shell_fade_create_surface(shell);
+		if (!shell->fade.surface)
+			return;
+		shell->fade.surface->alpha = 1.0 - tint;
+		weston_surface_update_transform(shell->fade.surface);
+	}
+	if (shell->fade.animation)
+		weston_fade_update(shell->fade.animation, tint);
+	else
+		shell->fade.animation =
+			weston_fade_run(shell->fade.surface,
+					1.0 - tint, tint, 300.0,
+					shell_fade_done, shell);
+static void
+do_shell_fade_startup(void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	shell_fade(shell, FADE_IN);
+static void
+shell_fade_startup(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	struct wl_event_loop *loop;
+	if (!shell->fade.startup_timer)
+		return;
+	wl_event_source_remove(shell->fade.startup_timer);
+	shell->fade.startup_timer = NULL;
+	loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(shell->compositor->wl_display);
+	wl_event_loop_add_idle(loop, do_shell_fade_startup, shell);
+static int
+fade_startup_timeout(void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	shell_fade_startup(shell);
+	return 0;
+static void
+shell_fade_init(struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	/* Make compositor output all black, and wait for the desktop-shell
+	 * client to signal it is ready, then fade in. The timer triggers a
+	 * fade-in, in case the desktop-shell client takes too long.
+	 */
+	struct wl_event_loop *loop;
+	if (shell->fade.surface != NULL) {
+		weston_log("%s: warning: fade surface already exists\n",
+			   __func__);
+		return;
+	}
+	shell->fade.surface = shell_fade_create_surface(shell);
+	if (!shell->fade.surface)
+		return;
+	weston_surface_update_transform(shell->fade.surface);
+	weston_surface_damage(shell->fade.surface);
+	loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(shell->compositor->wl_display);
+	shell->fade.startup_timer =
+		wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, fade_startup_timeout, shell);
+	wl_event_source_timer_update(shell->fade.startup_timer, 15000);
+static void
+idle_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(listener, struct desktop_shell, idle_listener);
+	shell_fade(shell, FADE_OUT);
+	/* lock() is called from shell_fade_done() */
+static void
+wake_handler(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(listener, struct desktop_shell, wake_listener);
+	unlock(shell);
+static void
+show_input_panels(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(listener, struct desktop_shell,
+			     show_input_panel_listener);
+	struct input_panel_surface *surface, *next;
+	struct weston_surface *ws;
+	shell->text_input.surface = (struct weston_surface*)data;
+	if (shell->showing_input_panels)
+		return;
+	shell->showing_input_panels = true;
+	if (!shell->locked)
+		wl_list_insert(&shell->panel_layer.link,
+			       &shell->input_panel_layer.link);
+	wl_list_for_each_safe(surface, next,
+			      &shell->input_panel.surfaces, link) {
+		ws = surface->surface;
+		if (!ws->buffer_ref.buffer)
+			continue;
+		wl_list_insert(&shell->input_panel_layer.surface_list,
+			       &ws->layer_link);
+		weston_surface_geometry_dirty(ws);
+		weston_surface_update_transform(ws);
+		weston_surface_damage(ws);
+		weston_slide_run(ws, ws->geometry.height, 0, NULL, NULL);
+	}
+static void
+hide_input_panels(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(listener, struct desktop_shell,
+			     hide_input_panel_listener);
+	struct weston_surface *surface, *next;
+	if (!shell->showing_input_panels)
+		return;
+	shell->showing_input_panels = false;
+	if (!shell->locked)
+		wl_list_remove(&shell->input_panel_layer.link);
+	wl_list_for_each_safe(surface, next,
+			      &shell->input_panel_layer.surface_list, layer_link)
+		weston_surface_unmap(surface);
+static void
+update_input_panels(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(listener, struct desktop_shell,
+			     update_input_panel_listener);
+	memcpy(&shell->text_input.cursor_rectangle, data, sizeof(pixman_box32_t));
+static void
+center_on_output(struct weston_surface *surface, struct weston_output *output)
+	int32_t surf_x, surf_y, width, height;
+	float x, y;
+	surface_subsurfaces_boundingbox(surface, &surf_x, &surf_y, &width, &height);
+	x = output->x + (output->width - width) / 2 - surf_x / 2;
+	y = output->y + (output->height - height) / 2 - surf_y / 2;
+	weston_surface_configure(surface, x, y, width, height);
+static void
+weston_surface_set_initial_position (struct weston_surface *surface,
+				     struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor = shell->compositor;
+	int ix = 0, iy = 0;
+	int range_x, range_y;
+	int dx, dy, x, y, panel_height;
+	struct weston_output *output, *target_output = NULL;
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	/* As a heuristic place the new window on the same output as the
+	 * pointer. Falling back to the output containing 0, 0.
+	 *
+	 * TODO: Do something clever for touch too?
+	 */
+	wl_list_for_each(seat, &compositor->seat_list, link) {
+		if (seat->pointer) {
+			ix = wl_fixed_to_int(seat->pointer->x);
+			iy = wl_fixed_to_int(seat->pointer->y);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	wl_list_for_each(output, &compositor->output_list, link) {
+		if (pixman_region32_contains_point(&output->region, ix, iy, NULL)) {
+			target_output = output;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!target_output) {
+		weston_surface_set_position(surface, 10 + random() % 400,
+					   10 + random() % 400);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Valid range within output where the surface will still be onscreen.
+	 * If this is negative it means that the surface is bigger than
+	 * output.
+	 */
+	panel_height = get_output_panel_height(shell, target_output);
+	range_x = target_output->width - surface->geometry.width;
+	range_y = (target_output->height - panel_height) -
+		  surface->geometry.height;
+	if (range_x > 0)
+		dx = random() % range_x;
+	else
+		dx = 0;
+	if (range_y > 0)
+		dy = panel_height + random() % range_y;
+	else
+		dy = panel_height;
+	x = target_output->x + dx;
+	y = target_output->y + dy;
+	weston_surface_set_position (surface, x, y);
+static void
+map(struct desktop_shell *shell, struct weston_surface *surface,
+    int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t sx, int32_t sy)
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor = shell->compositor;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	enum shell_surface_type surface_type = shsurf->type;
+	struct weston_surface *parent;
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	struct workspace *ws;
+	int panel_height = 0;
+	int32_t surf_x, surf_y;
+	surface->geometry.width = width;
+	surface->geometry.height = height;
+	weston_surface_geometry_dirty(surface);
+	/* initial positioning, see also configure() */
+	switch (surface_type) {
+		weston_surface_set_initial_position(surface, shell);
+		break;
+		center_on_output(surface, shsurf->fullscreen_output);
+		shell_map_fullscreen(shsurf);
+		break;
+		/* use surface configure to set the geometry */
+		panel_height = get_output_panel_height(shell,surface->output);
+		surface_subsurfaces_boundingbox(shsurf->surface, &surf_x, &surf_y,
+		                                                 NULL, NULL);
+		weston_surface_set_position(surface, shsurf->output->x - surf_x,
+		                            shsurf->output->y + panel_height - surf_y);
+		break;
+		shell_map_popup(shsurf);
+		break;
+		weston_surface_set_position(surface,
+					    surface->geometry.x + sx,
+					    surface->geometry.y + sy);
+		break;
+	default:
+		;
+	}
+	/* surface stacking order, see also activate() */
+	switch (surface_type) {
+		parent = shsurf->parent;
+		wl_list_insert(parent->layer_link.prev, &surface->layer_link);
+		break;
+		break;
+	default:
+		ws = get_current_workspace(shell);
+		wl_list_insert(&ws->layer.surface_list, &surface->layer_link);
+		break;
+	}
+	if (surface_type != SHELL_SURFACE_NONE) {
+		weston_surface_update_transform(surface);
+		if (surface_type == SHELL_SURFACE_MAXIMIZED)
+			surface->output = shsurf->output;
+	}
+	switch (surface_type) {
+	/* XXX: xwayland's using the same fields for transient type */
+		if (shsurf->transient.flags ==
+			break;
+		if (!shell->locked) {
+			wl_list_for_each(seat, &compositor->seat_list, link)
+				activate(shell, surface, seat);
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	if (surface_type == SHELL_SURFACE_TOPLEVEL)
+	{
+		switch (shell->win_animation_type) {
+			weston_fade_run(surface, 0.0, 1.0, 300.0, NULL, NULL);
+			break;
+			weston_zoom_run(surface, 0.5, 1.0, NULL, NULL);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+static void
+configure(struct desktop_shell *shell, struct weston_surface *surface,
+	  float x, float y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	enum shell_surface_type surface_type = SHELL_SURFACE_NONE;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	int32_t surf_x, surf_y;
+	shsurf = get_shell_surface(surface);
+	if (shsurf)
+		surface_type = shsurf->type;
+	weston_surface_configure(surface, x, y, width, height);
+	switch (surface_type) {
+		shell_stack_fullscreen(shsurf);
+		shell_configure_fullscreen(shsurf);
+		break;
+		/* setting x, y and using configure to change that geometry */
+		surface_subsurfaces_boundingbox(shsurf->surface, &surf_x, &surf_y,
+		                                                 NULL, NULL);
+		surface->geometry.x = surface->output->x - surf_x;
+		surface->geometry.y = surface->output->y +
+		get_output_panel_height(shell,surface->output) - surf_y;
+		break;
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	/* XXX: would a fullscreen surface need the same handling? */
+	if (surface->output) {
+		weston_surface_update_transform(surface);
+		if (surface_type == SHELL_SURFACE_MAXIMIZED)
+			surface->output = shsurf->output;
+	}
+static void
+shell_surface_configure(struct weston_surface *es, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf = get_shell_surface(es);
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = shsurf->shell;
+	int type_changed = 0;
+	if (!weston_surface_is_mapped(es) &&
+	    !wl_list_empty(&shsurf->popup.grab_link)) {
+		remove_popup_grab(shsurf);
+	}
+	if (width == 0)
+		return;
+	if (shsurf->next_type != SHELL_SURFACE_NONE &&
+	    shsurf->type != shsurf->next_type) {
+		set_surface_type(shsurf);
+		type_changed = 1;
+	}
+	if (!weston_surface_is_mapped(es)) {
+		map(shell, es, width, height, sx, sy);
+	} else if (type_changed || sx != 0 || sy != 0 ||
+		   es->geometry.width != width ||
+		   es->geometry.height != height) {
+		float from_x, from_y;
+		float to_x, to_y;
+		weston_surface_to_global_float(es, 0, 0, &from_x, &from_y);
+		weston_surface_to_global_float(es, sx, sy, &to_x, &to_y);
+		configure(shell, es,
+			  es->geometry.x + to_x - from_x,
+			  es->geometry.y + to_y - from_y,
+			  width, height);
+	}
+static void launch_desktop_shell_process(void *data);
+static void
+desktop_shell_sigchld(struct weston_process *process, int status)
+	uint32_t time;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(process, struct desktop_shell, child.process);
+	shell->child.process.pid = 0;
+	shell->child.client = NULL; /* already destroyed by wayland */
+	/* if desktop-shell dies more than 5 times in 30 seconds, give up */
+	time = weston_compositor_get_time();
+	if (time - shell->child.deathstamp > 30000) {
+		shell->child.deathstamp = time;
+		shell->child.deathcount = 0;
+	}
+	shell->child.deathcount++;
+	if (shell->child.deathcount > 5) {
+		weston_log("weston-desktop-shell died, giving up.\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	weston_log("weston-desktop-shell died, respawning...\n");
+	launch_desktop_shell_process(shell);
+	shell_fade_startup(shell);
+static void
+launch_desktop_shell_process(void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	const char *shell_exe = LIBEXECDIR "/weston-desktop-shell";
+	shell->child.client = weston_client_launch(shell->compositor,
+						 &shell->child.process,
+						 shell_exe,
+						 desktop_shell_sigchld);
+	if (!shell->child.client)
+		weston_log("not able to start %s\n", shell_exe);
+static void
+bind_shell(struct wl_client *client, void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	resource = wl_resource_create(client, &xdg_shell_interface, 1, id);
+	if (resource)
+		wl_resource_set_implementation(resource, &shell_implementation,
+					       shell, NULL);
+static void
+unbind_desktop_shell(struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	if (shell->locked)
+		resume_desktop(shell);
+	shell->child.desktop_shell = NULL;
+	shell->prepare_event_sent = false;
+static void
+bind_desktop_shell(struct wl_client *client,
+		   void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	resource = wl_resource_create(client, &desktop_shell_interface,
+				      MIN(version, 2), id);
+	if (client == shell->child.client) {
+		wl_resource_set_implementation(resource,
+					       &desktop_shell_implementation,
+					       shell, unbind_desktop_shell);
+		shell->child.desktop_shell = resource;
+		if (version < 2)
+			shell_fade_startup(shell);
+		return;
+	}
+	wl_resource_post_error(resource, WL_DISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT,
+			       "permission to bind desktop_shell denied");
+	wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static void
+screensaver_configure(struct weston_surface *surface, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = surface->configure_private;
+	if (width == 0)
+		return;
+	/* XXX: starting weston-screensaver beforehand does not work */
+	if (!shell->locked)
+		return;
+	center_on_output(surface, surface->output);
+	if (wl_list_empty(&surface->layer_link)) {
+		wl_list_insert(shell->lock_layer.surface_list.prev,
+			       &surface->layer_link);
+		weston_surface_update_transform(surface);
+		wl_event_source_timer_update(shell->screensaver.timer,
+					     shell->screensaver.duration);
+		shell_fade(shell, FADE_IN);
+	}
+static void
+screensaver_set_surface(struct wl_client *client,
+			struct wl_resource *resource,
+			struct wl_resource *surface_resource,
+			struct wl_resource *output_resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct weston_surface *surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
+	struct weston_output *output = wl_resource_get_user_data(output_resource);
+	surface->configure = screensaver_configure;
+	surface->configure_private = shell;
+	surface->output = output;
+static const struct screensaver_interface screensaver_implementation = {
+	screensaver_set_surface
+static void
+unbind_screensaver(struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	shell->screensaver.binding = NULL;
+static void
+bind_screensaver(struct wl_client *client,
+		 void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	resource = wl_resource_create(client, &screensaver_interface, 1, id);
+	if (shell->screensaver.binding == NULL) {
+		wl_resource_set_implementation(resource,
+					       &screensaver_implementation,
+					       shell, unbind_screensaver);
+		shell->screensaver.binding = resource;
+		return;
+	}
+	wl_resource_post_error(resource, WL_DISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT,
+			       "interface object already bound");
+	wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+static void
+input_panel_configure(struct weston_surface *surface, int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t width, int32_t height)
+	struct input_panel_surface *ip_surface = surface->configure_private;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = ip_surface->shell;
+	float x, y;
+	uint32_t show_surface = 0;
+	if (width == 0)
+		return;
+	if (!weston_surface_is_mapped(surface)) {
+		if (!shell->showing_input_panels)
+			return;
+		show_surface = 1;
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s panel: %d, output: %p\n", __FUNCTION__, ip_surface->panel, ip_surface->output);
+	if (ip_surface->panel) {
+		x = shell->text_input.surface->geometry.x + shell->text_input.cursor_rectangle.x2;
+		y = shell->text_input.surface->geometry.y + shell->text_input.cursor_rectangle.y2;
+	} else {
+		x = ip_surface->output->x + (ip_surface->output->width - width) / 2;
+		y = ip_surface->output->y + ip_surface->output->height - height;
+	}
+	weston_surface_configure(surface,
+				 x, y,
+				 width, height);
+	if (show_surface) {
+		wl_list_insert(&shell->input_panel_layer.surface_list,
+			       &surface->layer_link);
+		weston_surface_update_transform(surface);
+		weston_surface_damage(surface);
+		weston_slide_run(surface, surface->geometry.height, 0, NULL, NULL);
+	}
+static void
+destroy_input_panel_surface(struct input_panel_surface *input_panel_surface)
+	wl_signal_emit(&input_panel_surface->destroy_signal, input_panel_surface);
+	wl_list_remove(&input_panel_surface->surface_destroy_listener.link);
+	wl_list_remove(&input_panel_surface->link);
+	input_panel_surface->surface->configure = NULL;
+	free(input_panel_surface);
+static struct input_panel_surface *
+get_input_panel_surface(struct weston_surface *surface)
+	if (surface->configure == input_panel_configure) {
+		return surface->configure_private;
+	} else {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+static void
+input_panel_handle_surface_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct input_panel_surface *ipsurface = container_of(listener,
+							     struct input_panel_surface,
+							     surface_destroy_listener);
+	if (ipsurface->resource) {
+		wl_resource_destroy(ipsurface->resource);
+	} else {
+		destroy_input_panel_surface(ipsurface);
+	}
+static struct input_panel_surface *
+create_input_panel_surface(struct desktop_shell *shell,
+			   struct weston_surface *surface)
+	struct input_panel_surface *input_panel_surface;
+	input_panel_surface = calloc(1, sizeof *input_panel_surface);
+	if (!input_panel_surface)
+		return NULL;
+	surface->configure = input_panel_configure;
+	surface->configure_private = input_panel_surface;
+	input_panel_surface->shell = shell;
+	input_panel_surface->surface = surface;
+	wl_signal_init(&input_panel_surface->destroy_signal);
+	input_panel_surface->surface_destroy_listener.notify = input_panel_handle_surface_destroy;
+	wl_signal_add(&surface->destroy_signal,
+		      &input_panel_surface->surface_destroy_listener);
+	wl_list_init(&input_panel_surface->link);
+	return input_panel_surface;
+static void
+input_panel_surface_set_toplevel(struct wl_client *client,
+				 struct wl_resource *resource,
+				 struct wl_resource *output_resource,
+				 uint32_t position)
+	struct input_panel_surface *input_panel_surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = input_panel_surface->shell;
+	wl_list_insert(&shell->input_panel.surfaces,
+		       &input_panel_surface->link);
+	input_panel_surface->output = wl_resource_get_user_data(output_resource);
+	input_panel_surface->panel = 0;
+static void
+input_panel_surface_set_overlay_panel(struct wl_client *client,
+				      struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct input_panel_surface *input_panel_surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = input_panel_surface->shell;
+	wl_list_insert(&shell->input_panel.surfaces,
+		       &input_panel_surface->link);
+	input_panel_surface->panel = 1;
+static const struct wl_input_panel_surface_interface input_panel_surface_implementation = {
+	input_panel_surface_set_toplevel,
+	input_panel_surface_set_overlay_panel
+static void
+destroy_input_panel_surface_resource(struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct input_panel_surface *ipsurf =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	destroy_input_panel_surface(ipsurf);
+static void
+input_panel_get_input_panel_surface(struct wl_client *client,
+				    struct wl_resource *resource,
+				    uint32_t id,
+				    struct wl_resource *surface_resource)
+	struct weston_surface *surface =
+		wl_resource_get_user_data(surface_resource);
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	struct input_panel_surface *ipsurf;
+	if (get_input_panel_surface(surface)) {
+		wl_resource_post_error(surface_resource,
+				       "wl_input_panel::get_input_panel_surface already requested");
+		return;
+	}
+	ipsurf = create_input_panel_surface(shell, surface);
+	if (!ipsurf) {
+		wl_resource_post_error(surface_resource,
+				       "surface->configure already set");
+		return;
+	}
+	ipsurf->resource =
+		wl_resource_create(client,
+				   &wl_input_panel_surface_interface, 1, id);
+	wl_resource_set_implementation(ipsurf->resource,
+				       &input_panel_surface_implementation,
+				       ipsurf,
+				       destroy_input_panel_surface_resource);
+static const struct wl_input_panel_interface input_panel_implementation = {
+	input_panel_get_input_panel_surface
+static void
+unbind_input_panel(struct wl_resource *resource)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+	shell->input_panel.binding = NULL;
+static void
+bind_input_panel(struct wl_client *client,
+	      void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	resource = wl_resource_create(client,
+				      &wl_input_panel_interface, 1, id);
+	if (shell->input_panel.binding == NULL) {
+		wl_resource_set_implementation(resource,
+					       &input_panel_implementation,
+					       shell, unbind_input_panel);
+		shell->input_panel.binding = resource;
+		return;
+	}
+	wl_resource_post_error(resource, WL_DISPLAY_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT,
+			       "interface object already bound");
+	wl_resource_destroy(resource);
+struct switcher {
+	struct desktop_shell *shell;
+	struct weston_surface *current;
+	struct wl_listener listener;
+	struct weston_keyboard_grab grab;
+static void
+switcher_next(struct switcher *switcher)
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	struct weston_surface *first = NULL, *prev = NULL, *next = NULL;
+	struct shell_surface *shsurf;
+	struct workspace *ws = get_current_workspace(switcher->shell);
+	wl_list_for_each(surface, &ws->layer.surface_list, layer_link) {
+		switch (get_shell_surface_type(surface)) {
+			if (first == NULL)
+				first = surface;
+			if (prev == switcher->current)
+				next = surface;
+			prev = surface;
+			surface->alpha = 0.25;
+			weston_surface_geometry_dirty(surface);
+			weston_surface_damage(surface);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+		if (is_black_surface(surface, NULL)) {
+			surface->alpha = 0.25;
+			weston_surface_geometry_dirty(surface);
+			weston_surface_damage(surface);
+		}
+	}
+	if (next == NULL)
+		next = first;
+	if (next == NULL)
+		return;
+	wl_list_remove(&switcher->listener.link);
+	wl_signal_add(&next->destroy_signal, &switcher->listener);
+	switcher->current = next;
+	next->alpha = 1.0;
+	shsurf = get_shell_surface(switcher->current);
+	if (shsurf && shsurf->type ==SHELL_SURFACE_FULLSCREEN)
+		shsurf->fullscreen.black_surface->alpha = 1.0;
+static void
+switcher_handle_surface_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct switcher *switcher =
+		container_of(listener, struct switcher, listener);
+	switcher_next(switcher);
+static void
+switcher_destroy(struct switcher *switcher)
+	struct weston_surface *surface;
+	struct weston_keyboard *keyboard = switcher->grab.keyboard;
+	struct workspace *ws = get_current_workspace(switcher->shell);
+	wl_list_for_each(surface, &ws->layer.surface_list, layer_link) {
+		surface->alpha = 1.0;
+		weston_surface_damage(surface);
+	}
+	if (switcher->current)
+		activate(switcher->shell, switcher->current,
+			 (struct weston_seat *) keyboard->seat);
+	wl_list_remove(&switcher->listener.link);
+	weston_keyboard_end_grab(keyboard);
+	if (keyboard->input_method_resource)
+		keyboard->grab = &keyboard->input_method_grab;
+	free(switcher);
+static void
+switcher_key(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab,
+	     uint32_t time, uint32_t key, uint32_t state_w)
+	struct switcher *switcher = container_of(grab, struct switcher, grab);
+	enum wl_keyboard_key_state state = state_w;
+	if (key == KEY_TAB && state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED)
+		switcher_next(switcher);
+static void
+switcher_modifier(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab, uint32_t serial,
+		  uint32_t mods_depressed, uint32_t mods_latched,
+		  uint32_t mods_locked, uint32_t group)
+	struct switcher *switcher = container_of(grab, struct switcher, grab);
+	struct weston_seat *seat = (struct weston_seat *) grab->keyboard->seat;
+	if ((seat->modifier_state & switcher->shell->binding_modifier) == 0)
+		switcher_destroy(switcher);
+static const struct weston_keyboard_grab_interface switcher_grab = {
+	switcher_key,
+	switcher_modifier,
+static void
+switcher_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t key,
+		 void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	struct switcher *switcher;
+	switcher = malloc(sizeof *switcher);
+	switcher->shell = shell;
+	switcher->current = NULL;
+	switcher->listener.notify = switcher_handle_surface_destroy;
+	wl_list_init(&switcher->listener.link);
+	restore_all_output_modes(shell->compositor);
+	lower_fullscreen_layer(switcher->shell);
+	switcher->grab.interface = &switcher_grab;
+	weston_keyboard_start_grab(seat->keyboard, &switcher->grab);
+	weston_keyboard_set_focus(seat->keyboard, NULL);
+	switcher_next(switcher);
+static void
+backlight_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t key,
+		  void *data)
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor = data;
+	struct weston_output *output;
+	long backlight_new = 0;
+	/* TODO: we're limiting to simple use cases, where we assume just
+	 * control on the primary display. We'd have to extend later if we
+	 * ever get support for setting backlights on random desktop LCD
+	 * panels though */
+	output = get_default_output(compositor);
+	if (!output)
+		return;
+	if (!output->set_backlight)
+		return;
+	if (key == KEY_F9 || key == KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN)
+		backlight_new = output->backlight_current - 25;
+	else if (key == KEY_F10 || key == KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP)
+		backlight_new = output->backlight_current + 25;
+	if (backlight_new < 5)
+		backlight_new = 5;
+	if (backlight_new > 255)
+		backlight_new = 255;
+	output->backlight_current = backlight_new;
+	output->set_backlight(output, output->backlight_current);
+struct debug_binding_grab {
+	struct weston_keyboard_grab grab;
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	uint32_t key[2];
+	int key_released[2];
+static void
+debug_binding_key(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab, uint32_t time,
+		  uint32_t key, uint32_t state)
+	struct debug_binding_grab *db = (struct debug_binding_grab *) grab;
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	struct wl_display *display;
+	uint32_t serial;
+	int send = 0, terminate = 0;
+	int check_binding = 1;
+	int i;
+		/* Do not run bindings on key releases */
+		check_binding = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+			if (key == db->key[i])
+				db->key_released[i] = 1;
+		if (db->key_released[0] && db->key_released[1]) {
+			/* All key releases been swalled so end the grab */
+			terminate = 1;
+		} else if (key != db->key[0] && key != db->key[1]) {
+			/* Should not swallow release of other keys */
+			send = 1;
+		}
+	} else if (key == db->key[0] && !db->key_released[0]) {
+		/* Do not check bindings for the first press of the binding
+		 * key. This allows it to be used as a debug shortcut.
+		 * We still need to swallow this event. */
+		check_binding = 0;
+	} else if (db->key[1]) {
+		/* If we already ran a binding don't process another one since
+		 * we can't keep track of all the binding keys that were
+		 * pressed in order to swallow the release events. */
+		send = 1;
+		check_binding = 0;
+	}
+	if (check_binding) {
+		struct weston_compositor *ec = db->seat->compositor;
+		if (weston_compositor_run_debug_binding(ec, db->seat, time,
+							key, state)) {
+			/* We ran a binding so swallow the press and keep the
+			 * grab to swallow the released too. */
+			send = 0;
+			terminate = 0;
+			db->key[1] = key;
+		} else {
+			/* Terminate the grab since the key pressed is not a
+			 * debug binding key. */
+			send = 1;
+			terminate = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	if (send) {
+		resource = grab->keyboard->focus_resource;
+		if (resource) {
+			display = wl_client_get_display(wl_resource_get_client(resource));
+			serial = wl_display_next_serial(display);
+			wl_keyboard_send_key(resource, serial, time, key, state);
+		}
+	}
+	if (terminate) {
+		weston_keyboard_end_grab(grab->keyboard);
+		if (grab->keyboard->input_method_resource)
+			grab->keyboard->grab = &grab->keyboard->input_method_grab;
+		free(db);
+	}
+static void
+debug_binding_modifiers(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab, uint32_t serial,
+			uint32_t mods_depressed, uint32_t mods_latched,
+			uint32_t mods_locked, uint32_t group)
+	struct wl_resource *resource;
+	resource = grab->keyboard->focus_resource;
+	if (!resource)
+		return;
+	wl_keyboard_send_modifiers(resource, serial, mods_depressed,
+				   mods_latched, mods_locked, group);
+struct weston_keyboard_grab_interface debug_binding_keyboard_grab = {
+	debug_binding_key,
+	debug_binding_modifiers
+static void
+debug_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t key, void *data)
+	struct debug_binding_grab *grab;
+	grab = calloc(1, sizeof *grab);
+	if (!grab)
+		return;
+	grab->seat = (struct weston_seat *) seat;
+	grab->key[0] = key;
+	grab->grab.interface = &debug_binding_keyboard_grab;
+	weston_keyboard_start_grab(seat->keyboard, &grab->grab);
+static void
+force_kill_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, uint32_t key,
+		   void *data)
+	struct weston_surface *focus_surface;
+	struct wl_client *client;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	struct weston_compositor *compositor = shell->compositor;
+	pid_t pid;
+	focus_surface = seat->keyboard->focus;
+	if (!focus_surface)
+		return;
+	wl_signal_emit(&compositor->kill_signal, focus_surface);
+	client = wl_resource_get_client(focus_surface->resource);
+	wl_client_get_credentials(client, &pid, NULL, NULL);
+	/* Skip clients that we launched ourselves (the credentials of
+	 * the socketpair is ours) */
+	if (pid == getpid())
+		return;
+	kill(pid, SIGKILL);
+static void
+workspace_up_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time,
+		     uint32_t key, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	unsigned int new_index = shell->workspaces.current;
+	if (shell->locked)
+		return;
+	if (new_index != 0)
+		new_index--;
+	change_workspace(shell, new_index);
+static void
+workspace_down_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time,
+		       uint32_t key, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	unsigned int new_index = shell->workspaces.current;
+	if (shell->locked)
+		return;
+	if (new_index < shell->workspaces.num - 1)
+		new_index++;
+	change_workspace(shell, new_index);
+static void
+workspace_f_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time,
+		    uint32_t key, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	unsigned int new_index;
+	if (shell->locked)
+		return;
+	new_index = key - KEY_F1;
+	if (new_index >= shell->workspaces.num)
+		new_index = shell->workspaces.num - 1;
+	change_workspace(shell, new_index);
+static void
+workspace_move_surface_up_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time,
+				  uint32_t key, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	unsigned int new_index = shell->workspaces.current;
+	if (shell->locked)
+		return;
+	if (new_index != 0)
+		new_index--;
+	take_surface_to_workspace_by_seat(shell, seat, new_index);
+static void
+workspace_move_surface_down_binding(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time,
+				    uint32_t key, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell = data;
+	unsigned int new_index = shell->workspaces.current;
+	if (shell->locked)
+		return;
+	if (new_index < shell->workspaces.num - 1)
+		new_index++;
+	take_surface_to_workspace_by_seat(shell, seat, new_index);
+static void
+shell_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
+	struct desktop_shell *shell =
+		container_of(listener, struct desktop_shell, destroy_listener);
+	struct workspace **ws;
+	if (shell->child.client)
+		wl_client_destroy(shell->child.client);
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->idle_listener.link);
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->wake_listener.link);
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->show_input_panel_listener.link);
+	wl_list_remove(&shell->hide_input_panel_listener.link);
+	wl_array_for_each(ws, &shell->workspaces.array)
+		workspace_destroy(*ws);
+	wl_array_release(&shell->workspaces.array);
+	free(shell->screensaver.path);
+	free(shell);
+static void
+shell_add_bindings(struct weston_compositor *ec, struct desktop_shell *shell)
+	uint32_t mod;
+	int i, num_workspace_bindings;
+	/* fixed bindings */
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_BACKSPACE,
+				          terminate_binding, ec);
+	weston_compositor_add_button_binding(ec, BTN_LEFT, 0,
+					     click_to_activate_binding,
+					     shell);
+	weston_compositor_add_axis_binding(ec, WL_POINTER_AXIS_VERTICAL_SCROLL,
+				           surface_opacity_binding, NULL);
+	weston_compositor_add_axis_binding(ec, WL_POINTER_AXIS_VERTICAL_SCROLL,
+					   MODIFIER_SUPER, zoom_axis_binding,
+					   NULL);
+	/* configurable bindings */
+	mod = shell->binding_modifier;
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_PAGEUP, mod,
+					  zoom_key_binding, NULL);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_PAGEDOWN, mod,
+					  zoom_key_binding, NULL);
+	weston_compositor_add_button_binding(ec, BTN_LEFT, mod, move_binding,
+					     shell);
+	weston_compositor_add_button_binding(ec, BTN_MIDDLE, mod,
+					     resize_binding, shell);
+	if (ec->capabilities & WESTON_CAP_ROTATION_ANY)
+		weston_compositor_add_button_binding(ec, BTN_RIGHT, mod,
+						     rotate_binding, NULL);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_TAB, mod, switcher_binding,
+					  shell);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_F9, mod, backlight_binding,
+					  ec);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN, 0,
+				          backlight_binding, ec);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_F10, mod, backlight_binding,
+					  ec);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP, 0,
+				          backlight_binding, ec);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_K, mod,
+				          force_kill_binding, shell);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_UP, mod,
+					  workspace_up_binding, shell);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_DOWN, mod,
+					  workspace_down_binding, shell);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_UP, mod | MODIFIER_SHIFT,
+					  workspace_move_surface_up_binding,
+					  shell);
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_DOWN, mod | MODIFIER_SHIFT,
+					  workspace_move_surface_down_binding,
+					  shell);
+	/* Add bindings for mod+F[1-6] for workspace 1 to 6. */
+	if (shell->workspaces.num > 1) {
+		num_workspace_bindings = shell->workspaces.num;
+		if (num_workspace_bindings > 6)
+			num_workspace_bindings = 6;
+		for (i = 0; i < num_workspace_bindings; i++)
+			weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_F1 + i, mod,
+							  workspace_f_binding,
+							  shell);
+	}
+	/* Debug bindings */
+	weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_SPACE, mod | MODIFIER_SHIFT,
+					  debug_binding, shell);
+module_init(struct weston_compositor *ec,
+	    int *argc, char *argv[])
+	struct weston_seat *seat;
+	struct desktop_shell *shell;
+	struct workspace **pws;
+	unsigned int i;
+	struct wl_event_loop *loop;
+	shell = malloc(sizeof *shell);
+	if (shell == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	memset(shell, 0, sizeof *shell);
+	shell->compositor = ec;
+	shell->destroy_listener.notify = shell_destroy;
+	wl_signal_add(&ec->destroy_signal, &shell->destroy_listener);
+	shell->idle_listener.notify = idle_handler;
+	wl_signal_add(&ec->idle_signal, &shell->idle_listener);
+	shell->wake_listener.notify = wake_handler;
+	wl_signal_add(&ec->wake_signal, &shell->wake_listener);
+	shell->show_input_panel_listener.notify = show_input_panels;
+	wl_signal_add(&ec->show_input_panel_signal, &shell->show_input_panel_listener);
+	shell->hide_input_panel_listener.notify = hide_input_panels;
+	wl_signal_add(&ec->hide_input_panel_signal, &shell->hide_input_panel_listener);
+	shell->update_input_panel_listener.notify = update_input_panels;
+	wl_signal_add(&ec->update_input_panel_signal, &shell->update_input_panel_listener);
+	ec->ping_handler = ping_handler;
+	ec->shell_interface.shell = shell;
+	ec->shell_interface.create_shell_surface = create_shell_surface;
+	ec->shell_interface.set_toplevel = set_toplevel;
+	ec->shell_interface.set_transient = set_transient;
+	ec->shell_interface.set_fullscreen = set_fullscreen;
+	ec->shell_interface.set_xwayland = set_xwayland;
+	ec->shell_interface.move = surface_move;
+	ec->shell_interface.resize = surface_resize;
+	wl_list_init(&shell->input_panel.surfaces);
+	weston_layer_init(&shell->fullscreen_layer, &ec->cursor_layer.link);
+	weston_layer_init(&shell->panel_layer, &shell->fullscreen_layer.link);
+	weston_layer_init(&shell->background_layer, &shell->panel_layer.link);
+	weston_layer_init(&shell->lock_layer, NULL);
+	weston_layer_init(&shell->input_panel_layer, NULL);
+	wl_array_init(&shell->workspaces.array);
+	wl_list_init(&shell->workspaces.client_list);
+	shell_configuration(shell);
+	for (i = 0; i < shell->workspaces.num; i++) {
+		pws = wl_array_add(&shell->workspaces.array, sizeof *pws);
+		if (pws == NULL)
+			return -1;
+		*pws = workspace_create();
+		if (*pws == NULL)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	activate_workspace(shell, 0);
+	wl_list_init(&shell->workspaces.anim_sticky_list);
+	wl_list_init(&shell->workspaces.animation.link);
+	shell->workspaces.animation.frame = animate_workspace_change_frame;
+	if (wl_global_create(ec->wl_display, &xdg_shell_interface, 1,
+				  shell, bind_shell) == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	if (wl_global_create(ec->wl_display,
+			     &desktop_shell_interface, 2,
+			     shell, bind_desktop_shell) == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	if (wl_global_create(ec->wl_display, &screensaver_interface, 1,
+			     shell, bind_screensaver) == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	if (wl_global_create(ec->wl_display, &wl_input_panel_interface, 1,
+				  shell, bind_input_panel) == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	if (wl_global_create(ec->wl_display, &workspace_manager_interface, 1,
+			     shell, bind_workspace_manager) == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	shell->child.deathstamp = weston_compositor_get_time();
+	loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(ec->wl_display);
+	wl_event_loop_add_idle(loop, launch_desktop_shell_process, shell);
+	shell->screensaver.timer =
+		wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, screensaver_timeout, shell);
+	wl_list_for_each(seat, &ec->seat_list, link)
+		create_pointer_focus_listener(seat);
+	shell_add_bindings(ec, shell);
+	shell_fade_init(shell);
+	return 0;

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