minimized and stick windows

Bill Spitzak spitzak at
Wed Jun 12 18:31:17 PDT 2013

Rafael Antognolli wrote:

>> Rafael Antognolli
> I've just updated the proposal, considering my last statement. Take a
> look at it and see if it fits your suggestion.
> This lets us with 2 surface types (toplevel and fullscreen), and 5
> states (maximized, minimized, sticky, always_on_top and transient) and
> their respective parameters.

Possibly, if setting the "transient" state requires also sending the 
parent as a parameter, and clearing it is how you set it to null? But 
you need to solve your question about how to give parameters when 
setting states.

I personally feel this api and the subwindow api should be merged as 
they are extremely similar. The only difference is that the compositor 
is allowed to insert other surfaces between the transient window and 
it's parent, but not subwindows and their parent.

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