Expected behaviour of eglSwapBuffers and the event queue

Uli Schlachter psychon at znc.in
Fri Mar 1 01:01:07 PST 2013

Hash: SHA256


On 01.03.2013 06:08, Sam Spilsbury wrote:
>>> 3. For roundtrip and SwapBuffers, we could make the server put some 
>>> data back into the fd indicating that the fd has been read and events 
>>> were put into the queue. That way, when main loops call poll () again, 
>>> they will see data is available for reading -> wl_display_dispatch 
>>> would read that "data", find no new events and dispatch the existing 
>>> queue. Then if we don't SwapBuffers again and truly have no remaining 
>>> events to be delivered, the next call to poll () would truly sleep 
>>> until there was.
>> Ugh, that sounds nasty and trouble-prone.
> Yeah, could be ugly. I'm wondering if that's how Xlib/xcb does it though -
> eg, you might make a request that requires a roundtrip, which would
> necessitate reading events out of the fd until you got your reply. If there
> were no more events delivered after that then surely we have to do
> something to ensure that clients don't block forever in poll ().

With Xlib, that thing is XPending(). With xcb, I guess it would

I learned that qt5 starts a new thread that sits in xcb_wait_for_event() all
the time. This makes sure that there is always a thread that gets woken up on
pending events and can then wake up the main thread. Thanks to xcb's
thread-safeness, this makes sure no event is forgotten. So far I haven't heard
about any approach which avoids this thread.

With Xlib, qt didn't need to do this. The reason that I think I heard is that
Xlib is thread-unsafe enough that only the main thread is allowed to touch the
Display* and thus it is enough if the main thread checks with XPending()
before going to sleep.

Of course such an approach isn't possible since there is a race where after
calling XPending() and before going into poll()/select(), another thread could
read events from the fd which now sit indefinitely wait in some event queue.

(Internally, xcb uses a linked list of reply waiters and some condition
variables to make sure that threads get woken up. Of course, something like
that is a terrible public API and is not exported)

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