[PATCH wayland v3] protocol: Add minimize/maximize protocol

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 11:50:49 PST 2013

Scott Moreau wrote:

> The client doesn't need to be involved
> in a minimize action, unlike (un)maximize, it only needs a way to track its
> minimize state and request to be minimized.

No, please allow the client to decide exactly what surfaces to unmap in 
response to minimize.

I need the ability to make floating windows that are shared by more than 
one surface. A request to minimize one of those surfaces can only be 
correctly handled by the client, unless you start sending incredibly 
complex DAG information from the clients to the server which I think 
should be avoided at all costs. Any workaround is going to make the 
floating windows blink which is against Wayland design principles.

In general, the client must ALWAYS have last say over what surfaces are 
visible and what their stacking order is. The compositor NEVER NEVER 
NEVER changes this except in response to a request from the client.

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