DEPRECATED: wl_resource as a transparent structure

Jason Ekstrand jason at
Tue Mar 19 11:15:33 PDT 2013

This is to let you know that we are going to try and depreciate
wl_resource.  I talked with Kristian about it this morning on IRC.
This does not mean that wl_resource will be completely gone, just that
it will become an opaque pointer like wl_proxy; you will not be able
to directly access any of its members like you could before.  I am
alerting everyone to this so that you can prepare for the change.  The
wl_resource structure will still be available in libwayland version

>From now on, you should avoid using wl_resource directly.  I just sent
a patch to the ML that adds accessors for all the important parts of
wl_resource which should be used instead of accessing fields directly.
 I'm going to be working on patching the current code-base but would
appreciate it if you did not write new code that I have to patch.

My next Wayland project will be to begin removing direct uses of
wl_resource from weston to prepare it for the change. I hope to have
this done so that wl_resource can be removed from the public API in
time for 1.2.  That said, the exact timeline is up in the air.

--Jason Ekstrand

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