[PATCH wayland v3] protocol: Add minimize/maximize protocol

Scott Moreau oreaus at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 12:17:10 PDT 2013

Hi Jason,

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 9:39 AM, Jason Ekstrand <jason at jlekstrand.net> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
>> One important thing to note here is that client != surface. In fact,
>> clients can have multiple surfaces. We might need to keep this in mind
>> for things like closing single surfaces demonstrated here
>> https://github.com/soreau/wayland/commit/65f8a3f5f683c3a91913a26496cc373633f01896
> Yes, particularly for the closing case.
>> This allows us to tell a client that 'the user has indicated that they
>> would like one of your surfaces to be closed (this one)'. By way of
>> contrast, the current code kills the entire client and all of its
>> surfaces. Unless I am not understanding correctly, we don't have a way
>> to tell a client to kill only one (or more) of its surfaces with the
>> current protocol. It might be a good idea to write a test client that
>> simply has two surfaces from the same client to exercise these cases
>> (unless there isn't one already). We've been testing with
>> google-chrome mostly.
> This should be taken care of by the adding a "request_close" surface
> event (see previous email).

No, actually see Giulio Camuffo's existing patch here

>>> The point here is that none of this should get
>>> implemented by the client removing the buffer from the surface in
>>> order to unmap it.  That's unacceptable.  Instead, it should happen in
>>> terms of modes.
>> I don't know what you mean by this really. Two questions at least:
>> 1) What do you mean by modes exactly?
>> 2) What would you do instead of placing it from the drawn list to a
>> dedicated minimized surface list?
> This comment merely meant that the client shouldn't minimize a window
> by attaching a null buffer.  Instead, it should still be a
> fully-functioning window (possibly receiving frame events) even though
> it's minimized.

I'm not sure why you would ever want to do this, though clients can do
whatever they want.

>>> There is one more question that I think needs to be answered.  And
>>> that is: do we handle things in terms of set/unset or in terms of
>>> set_maximized, set_fullscreen, set_minimized, and set_normal (probably
>>> want a better name for that one).  Really, which of those two we do
>>> doesn't matter that much because the toolkit can force it either way.
>>> It's mostly a matter of who tracks the state and handles it.  I think
>>> I like simply setting the state instead of keeping track of set/unset
>>> better, but I'm open to discussion on that.
>> I have this all working in gh next. The only thing left to consider
>> that I can think of is: Do we want to support 'unmaximizing or
>> unminimizing (or unfullscreening) a surface retains stacking state'.
>> So basically if there is a bottom-level surface and you state change
>> it then toggle it back, do we always want it on top no matter what? Or
>> do we want to optionally support retaining stacking order on state
>> restore (setting back to 'normal'). If we want to support this
>> feature, then a new un* request is required for each state set
>> request. I move that we do support this feature and I'm working on
>> this in gh next.
> I think stacking should be an orthogonal interface.  If we want client
> control for it, we need an interface.  Otherwise, it should be left as
> an implementation detail.  I don't think we want to dirty the min/max
> protocol with stacking details.

Alright, you do the one for no stacking. I think I'm going to see how
the with-stacking pans out. It seems like an interesting feature to

>> One other question, do we want to support fullscreen
>> from a source other than the client? For instance we could have
>> fullscreen as a selection in the drop down menu? I guess maximize and
>> minimize are expected features, fullscreen is optional. For this, we'd
>> need (un)fullscreen events.  Hm, I wonder if there's a way to have the
>> client tell us what states it actually supports so we can correctly
>> represent this in the panel taskbar menus..
> There's no precedent for the compositor full-screening things. Also,
> unless the client is specifically designed to full-screen, you won't
> be able to get out of it.  For these two reasons, I think we should
> leave that entirely up to the client.

You can always get out of fullscreen with Alt+Tab IIRC. (but what
happens if you're accepting raw input in the fullscreen client?).

>> After looking at the code in a working state, it's far clearer to have
>> explicit $state and un$state events/request because there are a lot of
>> paths in the code we have to run through to make this all syn up and
>> work out properly. Using a state variable to simplify the protocol
>> will likely complicate the description in the protocol and complicate
>> the code.
> Ok, I think you completely misunderstood what I was trying to say
> here.  My point is that min/max is a state machine.  A window, from
> the user's perspective, is minimized, maximized, fullscreen, or
> normal.  It is never two of those at the same time.  My question was
> about whether, from a protocol perspective, it should be handled in
> terms of setting/unsetting one flag per potential state or whether the
> client should simply tell the compositor what state to go to next.
> For example, if the window is maximized and you click the unmaximize
> button, the client will send the set_normal request instead of
> unset_maximized.

I explained this. We need the unset request if we want to support
sacking order preservation on state restoration.

> This approach has a number of benefits.  First, it simplifies the
> protocol: fewer requests.  Second, it removes most of the state from
> the compositor and lets the toolkits deal with it.  This is especially
> useful when the toolkit may be messing with other windows than the
> current one; in that case, the toolkit would have to keep track of all
> that state itself anyway.  Also, it removes any ambiguity as to what
> is going on inside the compositor and keeps the client in control; the
> client always knows the window's state.
> As a note on set_toplevel.  We need to do some thinking here.  It came
> up on IRC some time back that we may want to have toplevel be a role
> (like subsurface) rather than a flag.  Now, when we're adding this
> max/min jazz might be the time to do that.  In that case, I think a
> toplevel would be one role and a toplevel surface would have
> maximized, minimized, and normal states while full-screen would be its
> own role.

This is totally broken in weston shell plugin. Maximize is state not
type. Toplevel is state not type. Yet, these variables are in contrast
to each other. Just, you can't be toplevel and maximized at the same
time in this context but state is state mot type. See

> If we're re-arranging things like this we could even do it all with a
> single set_state request and an enum. (Just a thought, not sure if I
> like it.)
>> 1) If we always add protocol to the end, it will likely be incoherent,
>> unmatched and not very easy to read. I know wl_shell interface is
>> disposable but for the sake of clarity how wayland protocol versioning
>> system, I'd like to know what the expected convention is.
>> 2) I noticed that changing the version requires no changes client
>> side. How is this supposed to work?
>> 3) The protocol semantics were recently changed. When semantics are
>> changed of existing protocol does this not constitute an interface
>> version bump?

This 1,2,3 is for anyone who knows to respond, not necessarily you.

> 1) They always have to go at the end.  Otherwise, older clients will
> get confused as to which event you are sending and which request they
> are sending.
> 2) I'm not sure.
> 3) I'm not sure on some of these things.  However, we should only have
> to bump the interface version once we've released the new interface.

You snipped my stripped protocol here? Anyway, I shared my thoughts.
It seems you are wanting to keep talking about.. well I covered all
the pertinent points that I'm concerned with already. Thanks for your

- Scott

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