surface buffer cardinality and outputs

Andreas Pokorny andreas.pokorny at
Sat Mar 23 11:59:22 PDT 2013


2013/3/23 Jerome Glisse <j.glisse at>:
>> How would you transmit transformations that are not representable
>> by a matrix? Nothing says we are limited to matrices, that is also
>> just a special case. Or would you introduce that limitation in the
>> protocol?
> What kind of transformation are not representable by matrix, i am
> really curious on that. Unless you want to break the window into tile
> and show tile at different position which would be very weird. But
> still doable just have the server send an identify matrix.

The object that displays the window buffer could be a curved surface.
Imagine HUDs with a curved glass (in that case the effect is permanent
and no client should do sub pixel rendering)

Or consider fragment shaders applied to the window buffer. One cannot
apply fragement shader based effects without causing further glitches
when the most recent buffer relied on sub pixel layout.


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