[PATCH wayland v3] protocol: Add minimize/maximize protocol

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 03:07:15 PDT 2013

On Sat, 23 Mar 2013 15:58:29 -0500
Jason Ekstrand <jason at jlekstrand.net> wrote:

> Scott,
> I have a few technical comments to make down below.  Before I go onto
> those, I want to make sure we are perfectly clear about the purpose of
> this discussion.  So please read the following through (multiple times
> if needed) before going on to the technical bits.
> The Wayland project is primarily about PROTOCOL.  Specifically, it is
> about the Wayland core protocol: that which is described in
> wayland/protocol/wayland.xml.  What we (myself, Bill, and Pekka) are
> trying to discuss with you is a proposed min/max PROTOCOL that will,
> eventually, get added to wayland/protocol/wayland.xml.  This has a
> number of implications.
> First, we are talking about what the protocol OUGHT to be, not what it
> is right now.  Ideas that get thrown around in the mailing list need
> to be evaluated and discussed based on their technical merits and how
> clean they make the client/compositor interactions.  We need to be
> looking for the best possible solution to the problem as a whole.  In
> particular this means that "I have it working" is not a valid
> justification in the face of technical issues or potentially better
> solutions.
> Second, none of this is yet in wayland master.  Until the min/max
> protocol makes its way into a Wayland release, nothing is final and
> everything is flexible.  This means that the entire min/max protocol
> is up for revision.  Just because you "have it working" in your gh
> next branch doesn't mean that it can't be thrown out and re-worked.
> Also,  It is not practical for us to hold a discussion based on the
> incremental changes that you commit to your gh next branch.  As the
> protocol gets re-worked, please send new versions to the list, rebased
> against wayland master, that incorporate those changes.  This will
> make it much easier to see how everything fits into the Wayland
> protocol as a whole.  (I already asked you to do this a few e-mails
> ago.)
> Third, this discussion is NOT about implementation.  While Weston and
> your gh next Weston may be valuable, they are largely irrelevant to
> the current discussion.  What we need to focus on is trying to make
> the client/compositor interactions as clean as possible.  This has
> nothing to do with the internal implementation details of Weston or
> any other compositor.  Those implementation details are useful only in
> so far as they help us understand the client/compositor interactions
> and the potential pitfalls of a given protocol.
> Finally, this is about the Wayland protocol, not the Weston protocol.
> This means that we don't just throw a bunch of undocumented
> events/requests into the protocol file, start implementing it in
> Weston, and document how we ended up implementing it.  That is exactly
> backwards of how the protocol should be developed.  I'm not saying
> that implementing it in Weston isn't useful for getting the kinks out.
>  What I'm saying is that the protocol comes first and then we
> implement it to make sure it works.
> One more thing before I go onto the technical details: Bill Spitzak.
> Just because he gets on your nerves doesn't mean you should just
> ignore him.  You are very much into the implementation details whereas
> Bill tends to come at things from a perspective that is more
> high-level and theoretical.  This is a very useful perspective when
> discussing a protocol because the protocol should transcend the
> details as much as possible.  Bill does read the e-mails and he
> frequently points out potential pitfalls that other people miss.  He
> is also usually very clear in his examples (in his first e-mail in
> this series he drew you an ASCII-art picture to demonstrate what he
> meant).  You need to stop ignoring him and writing off everything he
> says as worthless.  At the very least you need to act towards him in a
> more professional manner.
> Technical comments follow.
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Scott Moreau <oreaus at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Pekka, thanks for your comments here.
> >
> >>
> >> Scott,
> >>
> >> do you mean that these unminimize, unmaximize, etc. requests would
> >> actually work like undo? Unmaximize would undo what the last
> >> maximization did, as opposed to just set_normal which might do
> >> something slightly different since its aim is to make the window
> >> normal, not undo something?
> >
> > Right, I am asking if there is a case for such functionality. The more
> > I think about it, it seems like it might seem like a bug in normal
> > desktop usage. But if you happen to have another external program that
> > you might want to use to manipulate window states, maybe you'd want a
> > finer grain control there. I'm not sure of all the possible cases,
> > which is why I'm asking for input.
> >
> >>
> >> If so, does it make sense to have state specific undo requests?
> >>
> >> Consider this sequence, driven by the client:
> >> 1. the window is normal
> >> 2. maximize the window
> >> 3. minimize the window
> >> 4. unmaximize the window
> >>
> >> What happens at step 4? Is it possible to define the outcome of
> >> such cases in an intuitive way?
> >
> > This illustrates the point perfectly. This is definitely all about
> > semantics and expected behavior. This must be clearly documented in
> > the protocol description. I had it working so you could do this. You
> > could minimize, toggle maximized state and unmaximize with the correct
> > state. This works fine when doing
> > maximize->minimize->unmaximize->unminimize but causes a frame glitch
> > when doing unmaximize->minimize->maximize->unminimize. The frame
> > glitch is probably easily worked around. However, it is noteworthy
> > that if you have this behavior, then you can't assume that maximize
> > and toplevel will be counterparts, but instead, that you'd need
> > explicit unmaximize notification.
> The last thing we want is a protocol full of "semantics and expected
> behaviour".  If implementing this correctly requires a lot of expected
> behaviour, we need to re-think the protocol.
> To solve this problem I suggested above that we simply replace all of
> the set_X and unset_X requests with set_X requests and one
> "set_normal" or whatever that returns to a default window state.  This
> way, instead of having to worry about what to set/unset to get to a
> desired state, the client simply tells the compositor what the next
> state should be.  In order to do things correctly, the client is going
> to have to track state anyway, so it might as well explicitly tell the
> compositor what state it wants next.  (This suggestion has gone
> completely unanswered.)
> >> Does it ever make sense to send a unBAR when the previous operation
> >> was FOO, not BAR? Could you do with just one undo request for all
> >> the un* cases? (If not, why?)
> >>
> >> What if a client undoes twice? N times?
> >>
> >> Add this to the above sequence:
> >> 5. unminimize the window
> >>
> >> Is the window now in normal state or maximized state?
> >
> > Since this email, I have made it so you cannot toggle maximize while
> > in a minimized state. This is the way xfce works and it's reasonably
> > sane behavior.
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm thinking this purely from the compositor point of view, and I
> >> don't have any tangible suggestions here, but the above just
> >> seems to generate more illegal than legal sequences, which also
> >> means the code in the compositor must be checking for all the
> >> illegal cases, and emit errors. The illegal sequences might not
> >> make any sense to use, but the compositor (and the protocol spec)
> >> must be aware of what happens when they are received. It might be
> >> worth to actually draw (as on paper) the state machine with all the
> >> requests you might get in each state.
> >>
> >> Is there any way this protocol could be designed in a way, that
> >> illegal sequences would not exist, or at least would be in the
> >> minority?
> >
> > I would like to dismiss the term 'illegal' here in it's entirety
> > because it is biased by definition. I prefer 'possibly problematic'.
> When talking about a protocol "illegal" is a perfectly valid word.
> Until we define how everything should work there's a significant
> possibility for "illegal" interactions.
> >> As such, having only the set-requests without corresponding
> >> un-requests would cut down the number of illegal (or just
> >> unintuitive) sequences a lot. Adding a single undo request won't make
> >> it much worse, the only suspicious case is undoing multiple times
> >> in a row, I think. Adding corresponding un-request for each state
> >> request leads to a minor combinatorial explosion of possible
> >> sequences for which there is no obvious idea on what should happen.
> >
> > Yes, this is an orchestration between the clients and shell. It
> > doesn't sound too complicated until you take a look at what's actually
> > going on. I did not have time to draw a picture but mainly, you have
> > to keep everyone in sync. And by everyone I mean:
> >
> > 1) The shell plugin
> > 2) The wl_shell_surface clients
> > 3) The xwayland clients
> > 4) The desktop-shell client
> >
> > These all must be 'on board', for everything to go as intended.
> This is entirely an implementation detail of weston.  It is completely
> irrelevant to the current discussion.
> >> Btw. how do you intend to restore the stacking order on undo, in
> >> practice, in the Weston implementation? It is possible other
> >> windows have been deleted, created, and shuffled between set and
> >> undo, so what will you use as the anchor to go back to?
> >
> > I am using gh next as a testbed to work out many of the details.
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> As for the whole idea of undoing stacking order changes; you seem
> >> to assume that set_<state> requests will change the stacking order.
> >> Is that right?
> >
> > The stacking order is (optionally) only changed when a state is restored.
> >
> >>
> >> Or is that just a convenient workaround for the fact, that we do
> >> not have protocol for explicitly controlling stacking order? So you
> >> just add implicit stacking side-effects to unrelated requests?
> >
> > There's a lot of missing protocol, again, gh next is the testbed for
> > the current implementation I have.
> >
> >>
> >> If we had orthogonal requests for controlling stacking order, then
> >> set_<state> requests would not need to touch stacking order at all.
> >> Excluding stacking order, is there something else you would want to
> >> undo, or would the whole undo thing become unneeded?
> >
> > I would like to think, that there are far and few between cases where
> > we'd want such a behavior. Weston is reportedly a toy, not a real DE
> > and I'm playing with it a bit. I'm not trying to enforce policy, I'm
> > trying to open up the possibility of doing more interesting things.
> >
> >>
> >> I would like to strongly suggest to consider splitting the protocol
> >> into orthogonal concepts. That is what I did when I separated
> >> clipping and scaling from the sub-surfaces protocol. It may seem
> >> like more work to start with, but the end result will be cleaner,
> >> more intuitive, and more versatile. It will also allow you to
> >> reduce the interactions and implications, making designing the
> >> protocol easier, and leading to a better end result. The short-term
> >> downside is that you cannot take shortcuts in the design to have
> >> a certain use case running sooner; you will have all use cases
> >> running correctly later. As a compromise to allow development and
> >> testing, your implementation can violate your own spec while
> >> unreleased.
> >
> > I'm not sure what you mean by 'splitting the protocol into orthogonal
> > concepts' here.
> By "splitting into orthogonal concepts" he means developing two
> completely separate protocols: one for specifying stacking order, the
> other for minimizing/maximizing.  At the protocol level, they would
> have basically no overlap.  In particular, the min/max protocol should
> specify NOTHING about stacking order other than, perhaps, fullscreen
> is on top.
> >> Window state and stacking order often change hand-to-hand, but I
> >> see no reason to tie them together on the protocol level. That is
> >> why I would suggest to handle window state in one set of requests,
> >> and stacking order in a another disjoint set of requests. Moving a
> >> fullscreen window to the top could still be implemented by moving
> >> it to the fullscreen layer in Weston, but that really is just an
> >> implementation detail. From the client's point of view the
> >> fullscreen window is simply "on top" at that time.
> >
> > The bottom line is, the four components I mentioned here, must work
> > together and be 'on the same page' regarding semantics. Each component
> > is responsible for it's own state tracking. I have found it is easier
> > to track state when the calls are in consistent pairs. This also
> > yields potentially more flexible control for the window manager (shell
> > plugin).
> I don't see how this comment has anything to do with the interaction
> between stacking and min/max.  Also, it's mostly about implementation
> details again.


thanks for reading my mind and replying what I wanted to say, but
was too tired. :-)
- pq

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