Porting glmark2?

darxus at chaosreigns.com darxus at chaosreigns.com
Fri Mar 29 09:49:29 PDT 2013

glmark2 is an open source OpenGL ES 2 bencharmk.  Seems like a good fit for
wayland.  It was recently ported to mir.  Seems like those changes might be
a useful reference.  I think mostly this:

Upstream repo:  https://code.launchpad.net/~glmark2-dev/glmark2/trunk

Might possibly come in handy:
("configure glmark2 build with --with-flavor=mir-glesv2")

12:36PM < alf_> Darxus: it should be relatively straightforward to port
to wayland, you will need to implement the NativeState interface for
wayland (e.g. see NativeStateMir, NativeStateX11 etc)

^ The guy who ported it to mir (Alexandros Frantzis).  Seemed pretty

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw

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