[RFC] wl_surface scale and crop protocol extension

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at gmail.com
Thu May 2 03:19:48 PDT 2013

On Tue, 30 Apr 2013 22:35:22 +0800
Zhi An Ng <ngzhian at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I'd like to have a better name for it, and you might want the set
> I
> ​ checked up the thesaurus and the closest contender was "size", so I
> guess you already have the best name :)
> > Comments? Is the language clear?
> >     <request name="get_surface_scaler">
> >       <description summary="extend surface interface for crop and
> > scale">
> ​Should this simply be called "get"? Since the above request is
> "destroy", and the one to set the scale and crop state is called
> "set". ​

I follow the logic with the other similar interfaces, IIRC, as in "get
what?". From this factory, you "get" a "surface_scaler".

> >       On compositing, source rectangle coordinates are evaluated
> > after wl_surface.set_buffer_transform is evaluated. This means that
> >       changing the buffer transform and correspondingly the client
> >       rendering does not require sending new source rectangle
> >       coordinates to keep the exact same image source rectangle. In
> >       other words, the source rectangle is given in the
> >       not-scaled-and-cropped surface coordinates, not buffer data
> >       coordinates.
> ​I have trouble understanding this paragraph. Perhaps cutting
> everything before "In other words" will make it clearer? Or maybe its
> just my inexperience with Wayland.

Yes, I struggled in explaining this idea. Maybe we'll come up with
something better.


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