[PATCH] wl_shell: Add surface state changed event
Bill Spitzak
spitzak at gmail.com
Wed May 15 12:35:40 PDT 2013
Alexander Preisinger wrote:
> + <enum name="state">
> + <entry name="default" value="0"/>
> + <entry name="minimized" value="1"/>
> + <entry name="maximized" value="2"/>
> + <entry name="fullscreen" value="4"/>
> Are these supposed to be flags? Like that it can send multiple states in
> one request?
> I think the client should keep track of the previous state itself and
> the compositor only
> sends the state he wants the client to have.
This came up before. It looks like it does have to be flags. The shell
is interested in knowing what state it would be in if minimized or
fullscreen is turned off, otherwise it cannot implement a "turn off
fullscreen" button. I think however it does not have to be any more
complex than flags, there can be precedence rules:
Minimized means ignore maximize/fullscreen
Fullscreen means ignore maximize
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