[PATCH] wl_shell: Add surface state changed event

Mikko Levonmaa mikko.levonmaa at gmail.com
Wed May 15 12:43:39 PDT 2013

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 12:37:48PM -0700, Bill Spitzak wrote:
> Mikko Levonmaa wrote:
> >+    <event name="state_changed">
> >+      <description summary="The surface state was changed">
> >+    The compositor or the user has taken action that has resulted in
> >+    this surface to change state.
> >+      </description>
> >+      <arg name="state" type="uint"/>
> >+    </event>
> >   </interface>
> "changed" is very misleading. If the client does not do anything,
> the state has not changed. This is a request from the shell and the
> state does not change until the client does set_fullscreen or
> whatever and does a commit.

True. I was initially approaching this from a point of view of an
fullscreen only compositor, meaning that the client has very little say.
For this to work with a DE there needs to be an reqeust/response

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