[PATCH 2/2] Move the EDID parsing to its own file

Graeme Gill graeme2 at argyllcms.com
Thu May 16 20:05:48 PDT 2013

Bill Spitzak wrote:
> The Y of the primaries can be used as alternative method of specifying the whitepoint. (convert the
> 3 Yxy colors to XYZ, add them, then convert back to Yxy and the xy is the whitepoint, I think).

Correct, but this assumes the display is perfectly additive. Real world ones mightn't be, so
Yxy or XYZ x RGBW does provide extra information.

> I think the reason rgb sets are specfied as 4 pairs of xy (the three primaries and the whitepoint)
> instead of 3 triples is to remove the arbitrary multiplier that makes there be 9 numbers instead of 8.

A lot of display folk are very chromaticity diagram oriented - they are used to just
specifying xy, and it's nice to have the white point be explicit so you can more easily
check what the white point color temperature is.

Graeme Gill.

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