[PATCH] Introduce set_size_hints xdg_surface request.

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 12:43:17 PDT 2014

On 08/07/2014 07:18 AM, Jari Vetoniemi wrote:
 >> What is the default value of these hints?

I think you could get away with defaulting the minimum to be about 
100x100. I think that is sufficient to get clients to work ok and it is 
small enough to encourage them to set this rather than relying on the 

If the surface is currently smaller than the minimum it should act like 
the current size is the minimum.

>> How does this interact with the protocol sequence to decide the initial
>> size of a window before it gets mapped?

These should have no effect. The client is free to supply sizes outside 
the range it claims. And the compositor is free to request them. It is 
only a hint.

Under ICCCM and some X window managers it was literally impossible to 
change the minimum size because they refused to set it smaller than the 
window, and would also refuse to set the window smaller than the 
minimum. That was very frustrating. Please don't do things like that.

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