The road to Wayland/Weston 1.6 and 1.5.1

Bill Spitzak spitzak at
Mon Aug 18 09:55:15 PDT 2014

On 08/18/2014 04:35 AM, Pekka Paalanen wrote:

> Obviously a stable first version of xdg_shell would be great to see in
> 1.6, but we shall see if we can beat it into shape in time. When I
> reviewed the XML spec not long ago, it was close but not ready in my
> opinion.
> When xdg_shell does stabilize, we will move xdg_shell.xml into Wayland
> repository and it will be installed,

I know I am being a pain in the ass about this, but I don't think 
xdg_shell can be considered stabilized until there is an active request 
the client *must* do to raise a surface in response to a mouse click. If 
the current api is "stable" then in the future a request is going to 
have to be added to disable automatic raise. This will result in three 
apis to the default shell (wl_shell, xdg_shell with auto-raise, and 
xdg_shell without auto-raise), as well as adding a request that is 
obviously a back-compatibility hack and that all toolkits will just have 
to do immediately after creating each xdg_shell.

> Should we make libinput the default for 1.6, so that in 1.7 we can
> remove the old input code, or is libinput API still too much in flux?

Changes in the libinput api don't sound like they would be a problem, 
because both weston and libinput are updated at the same time. I suppose 
if somebody writes another compositor they may be bothered by libinput 
changing but that is already true.

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