The road to Wayland/Weston 1.6 and 1.5.1

Eoff, Ullysses A ullysses.a.eoff at
Tue Aug 19 09:36:19 PDT 2014

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pekka Paalanen [mailto:ppaalanen at]
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 4:36 AM
> To: wayland-devel at; krh@
> Cc: Eoff, Ullysses A; Peter Hutterer; Jasper St. Pierre
> Subject: The road to Wayland/Weston 1.6 and 1.5.1
> Hi all,
> in the release announcement of 1.5.0[1] it was said that the alpha
> release towards 1.6 should come out mid-August. That time is now, so
> how about we target Friday, Aug 22nd (European time)?

Just wanted you to know I'm still following the project, albeit quite
silently these days due to other tasks ;).  Nonetheless, my test team is
ready to ramp up our usual manual testing for this 1.6 release cycle.
Our in-house automated builds and tests have still been running and
continue to run without issue.

I want to make sure we stay synced up during each phase of this
release cycle.  As you know, it takes us about 3-4 days to complete a
manual test run... this includes execution, reflection, and reporting.
As long as you plan to continue the usual 1 week phases for each
alpha (1.5.91), beta 1 (1.5.92) and beta 2 (1.5.93) then we should be
able to keep up.

We don't have plans to add any new test cases to our manual test
set this time.  So our testing will only be regression testing, essentially.
Also, our testing only covers the DRM (w/libinput) and X11 backends
using the Desktop shell (w/cairo-glesv2) on specific Intel-based
hardware.  If there are new features and/or other recipes (hardware,
backends, etc.) then I trust others will cover those.

Cheers :),

U. Artie
Intel Open Source Technology Center

> I know the review process has been lagging behind badly, and we
> probably won't see e.g. IVI-shell merged for 1.6, but I try to do what
> I can. What major features have been forgotten on the mailing list
> unmerged, that you would like to see included in 1.6?
> I can't promise anything, and I know at least none of my new features
> (Presentation extension, new repaint scheduling algorithm, repaint
> timeline logging, DRM universal planes & nuclear pageflip support,
> linux_dmabuf protocol sketch, and some smaller things) brewing in my
> personal 'next' branch will not make it.
> Obviously a stable first version of xdg_shell would be great to see in
> 1.6, but we shall see if we can beat it into shape in time. When I
> reviewed the XML spec not long ago, it was close but not ready in my
> opinion.
> When xdg_shell does stabilize, we will move xdg_shell.xml into Wayland
> repository and it will be installed, but all build-time users of it must
> generate their own wrappers with wayland-scanner or equivalent. This
> means that libwayland-client will not contain any xdg_shell symbols or
> headers pre-generated. I asked Kristian and he was ok with this plan,
> and I have also talked a little on #wayland-devel, that maybe this
> would be a good idea. If this turns out a bad idea, we can always fix
> it later. Doing it the other way around would be near impossible.
> Should we make libinput the default for 1.6, so that in 1.7 we can
> remove the old input code, or is libinput API still too much in flux?
> Also, it was said that 1.5.1 should have come out in "a few weeks" and
> it has been 3 months now. I will try and check the patches already in
> 'master' of both Wayland and Weston and pick them to the 1.5 branches,
> but if you know of patches that should be in stable, especially ones
> without review or not in 'master', let me know and I try do something.
> My selection, especially for Wayland, will probably be very
> conservative, though, as my priority is 1.6.
> Thanks,
> pq
> [1]

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