[PATCH weston-ivi-shell v4 5/9] A reference implementation how to use weston-layout library.

Nobuhiko Tanibata NOBUHIKO_TANIBATA at xddp.denso.co.jp
Sun Mar 16 23:28:22 PDT 2014

The library is used to manage layout of surfaces/layers. Layout change is
triggered by ivi-hmi-controller protocol, ivi-hmi-controller.xml. A reference
how to use the protocol, see hmi-controller-homescreen.

In-Vehicle Infotainment system usually manage properties of surfaces/layers
by only a central component which decide where surfaces/layers shall be. This
reference show examples to implement the central component as a module of

Default Scene graph of UI is defined in hmi_controller_create. It consists of
- In the bottom, a base layer to group surfaces of background, panel,
  and buttons
- Next, a application layer to show application surfaces.
- Workspace background layer to show a surface of background image.
- Workspace layer to show launcher to launch application with icons. Paths to
  binary and icon are defined in weston.ini. The width of this layer is longer
  than the size of screen because a workspace has several pages and is
  controlled by motion of input.

Signed-off-by: Nobuhiko Tanibata <NOBUHIKO_TANIBATA at xddp.denso.co.jp>

Changes for v2:
 - squash Makefile to this patch

Changes for v3 and v4
 - nothing. Version number aligned to the first patch

 ivi-shell/.gitignore       |    7 +
 ivi-shell/Makefile.am      |   19 +-
 ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c | 1775 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 1799 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ivi-shell/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c

diff --git a/ivi-shell/.gitignore b/ivi-shell/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f31bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ivi-shell/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/ivi-shell/Makefile.am b/ivi-shell/Makefile.am
index d0c0d62..28589f8 100644
--- a/ivi-shell/Makefile.am
+++ b/ivi-shell/Makefile.am
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ moduledir = $(libdir)/weston
 module_LTLIBRARIES = 				\
 	$(libweston_layout)			\
-	$(ivi_shell)
+	$(ivi_shell)				\
+	$(hmi_controller)
 AM_CPPFLAGS =					\
 	-I$(top_srcdir)/shared			\
@@ -39,12 +40,26 @@ ivi_shell_la_SOURCES =				\
 	ivi-application-protocol.c		\
+hmi_controller = hmi-controller.la
+hmi_controller_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
+hmi_controller_la_LIBADD = $(CLIENT_LIBS) $(IVI_SHELL_LIBS) ./libweston-layout.la ../shared/libshared-cairo.la
+hmi_controller_la_CFLAGS = $(GCC_CFLAGS) $(IVI_SHELL_CFLAGS)
+hmi_controller_la_SOURCES =			\
+	hmi-controller.c			\
+	ivi-application-protocol.c		\
+	ivi-application-client-protocol.h	\
+	ivi-hmi-controller-protocol.c		\
+	ivi-hmi-controller-client-protocol.h	\
+	ivi-hmi-controller-server-protocol.h
 	ivi-application-protocol.c		\
 	ivi-application-server-protocol.h	\
-	ivi-application-client-protocol.h
+	ivi-application-client-protocol.h	\
+	ivi-hmi-controller-protocol.c		\
+	ivi-hmi-controller-client-protocol.h	\
+	ivi-hmi-controller-server-protocol.h
diff --git a/ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c b/ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd311ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1775 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 DENSO CORPORATION
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
+ * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
+ * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation, and that the name of the copyright holders not be used in
+ * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
+ * without specific, written prior permission.  The copyright holders make
+ * no representations about the suitability of this software for any
+ * purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ *
+ */
+ * A reference implementation how to use weston-layout APIs in order to manage
+ * layout of surfaces/layers. Layout change is triggered by ivi-hmi-controller
+ * protocol, ivi-hmi-controller.xml. A reference how to use the protocol, see
+ * hmi-controller-homescreen.
+ *
+ * In-Vehicle Infotainment system usually manage properties of surfaces/layers
+ * by only a central component which decide where surfaces/layers shall be. This
+ * reference show examples to implement the central component as a module of weston.
+ *
+ * Default Scene graph of UI is defined in hmi_controller_create. It consists of
+ * - In the bottom, a base layer to group surfaces of background, panel,
+ *   and buttons
+ * - Next, a application layer to show application surfaces.
+ * - Workspace background layer to show a surface of background image.
+ * - Workspace layer to show launcher to launch application with icons. Paths to
+ *   binary and icon are defined in weston.ini. The width of this layer is longer
+ *   than the size of screen because a workspace has several pages and is controlled
+ *   by motion of input.
+ *
+ * TODO: animation method shall be refined
+ * TODO: support fade-in when UI is ready
+ */
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <linux/input.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "weston-layout.h"
+#include "ivi-hmi-controller-server-protocol.h"
+ *  structure, globals
+ ****************************************************************************/
+struct hmi_controller_layer {
+    struct weston_layout_layer  *ivilayer;
+    uint32_t id_layer;
+    int32_t x;
+    int32_t y;
+    uint32_t width;
+    uint32_t height;
+struct link_layer {
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layout_layer;
+    struct wl_list link;
+struct link_animation {
+    struct hmi_controller_animation *animation;
+    struct wl_list link;
+struct hmi_controller_animation;
+typedef void (*hmi_controller_animation_frame_func)(void *animation, uint32_t timestamp);
+typedef void (*hmi_controller_animation_frame_user_func)(void *animation);
+typedef void (*hmi_controller_animation_destroy_func)(struct hmi_controller_animation *animation);
+struct move_animation_user_data {
+    struct weston_layout_layer* layer;
+    struct animation_set *anima_set;
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl;
+struct hmi_controller_animation {
+    void *user_data;
+    uint32_t  time_start;
+    uint32_t  is_done;
+    hmi_controller_animation_frame_func frame_func;
+    hmi_controller_animation_frame_user_func frame_user_func;
+    hmi_controller_animation_destroy_func destroy_func;
+struct hmi_controller_animation_fade {
+    struct hmi_controller_animation base;
+    double start;
+    double end;
+    struct weston_spring spring;
+struct hmi_controller_animation_move {
+    struct hmi_controller_animation base;
+    double pos;
+    double pos_start;
+    double pos_end;
+    double v0;
+    double a;
+    double time_end;
+struct hmi_controller_fade {
+    uint32_t isFadeIn;
+    struct hmi_controller_animation_fade *animation;
+    struct animation_set *anima_set;
+    struct wl_list layer_list;
+struct animation_set {
+    struct wl_event_source  *event_source;
+    struct wl_list          animation_list;
+hmi_server_setting {
+    uint32_t    base_layer_id;
+    uint32_t    application_layer_id;
+    uint32_t    workspace_background_layer_id;
+    uint32_t    workspace_layer_id;
+    uint32_t    panel_height;
+struct hmi_controller
+    struct hmi_server_setting          *hmi_setting;
+    struct hmi_controller_layer         base_layer;
+    struct hmi_controller_layer         application_layer;
+    struct hmi_controller_layer         workspace_background_layer;
+    struct hmi_controller_layer         workspace_layer;
+    enum ivi_hmi_controller_layout_mode layout_mode;
+    struct animation_set                    *anima_set;
+    struct hmi_controller_fade              workspace_fade;
+    struct hmi_controller_animation_move    *workspace_swipe_animation;
+    int32_t                                 workspace_count;
+    struct wl_array                     ui_widgets;
+    int32_t                             is_initialized;
+ *  local functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void *
+fail_on_null(void *p, size_t size, char* file, int32_t line)
+    if (size && !p) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) %zd: out of memory\n", file, line, size);
+        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+    }
+    return p;
+static void *
+mem_alloc(size_t size, char* file, int32_t line)
+    return fail_on_null(calloc(1, size), size, file, line);
+#define MEM_ALLOC(s) mem_alloc((s),__FILE__,__LINE__)
+static int32_t
+is_surf_in_uiWidget(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
+                         struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf)
+    uint32_t id = weston_layout_getIdOfSurface(ivisurf);
+    uint32_t *ui_widget_id = NULL;
+    wl_array_for_each (ui_widget_id, &hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets) {
+        if (*ui_widget_id == id) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * Internal methods called by mainly ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode
+ * This reference shows 4 examples how to use weston_layout APIs.
+ */
+static void
+mode_divided_into_tiling(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
+                        weston_layout_surface_ptr *ppSurface,
+                        uint32_t surface_length,
+                        struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
+    const float surface_width  = (float)layer->width * 0.25;
+    const float surface_height = (float)layer->height * 0.5;
+    int32_t surface_x = 0;
+    int32_t surface_y = 0;
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
+    int32_t ret = 0;
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    uint32_t num = 1;
+    for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
+        ivisurf = ppSurface[i];
+        /* skip ui widgets */
+        if (is_surf_in_uiWidget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (num <= 8) {
+            if (num < 5) {
+                surface_x = (int32_t)((num - 1) * (surface_width));
+                surface_y = 0;
+            }
+            else {
+                surface_x = (int32_t)((num - 5) * (surface_width));
+                surface_y = (int32_t)surface_height;
+            }
+            ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(ivisurf, surface_x, surface_y,
+                                                            surface_width, surface_height);
+            assert(!ret);
+            ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+            assert(!ret);
+            num++;
+            continue;
+        }
+        ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 0);
+        assert(!ret);
+    }
+static void
+mode_divided_into_sidebyside(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
+                      weston_layout_surface_ptr *ppSurface,
+                      uint32_t surface_length,
+                      struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
+    uint32_t surface_width  = layer->width / 2;
+    uint32_t surface_height = layer->height;
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
+    int32_t ret = 0;
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    uint32_t num = 1;
+    for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
+        ivisurf = ppSurface[i];
+        /* skip ui widgets */
+        if (is_surf_in_uiWidget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (num == 1) {
+            ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(ivisurf, 0, 0,
+                                                surface_width, surface_height);
+            assert(!ret);
+            ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+            assert(!ret);
+            num++;
+            continue;
+        }
+        else if (num == 2) {
+            ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(ivisurf, surface_width, 0,
+                                                surface_width, surface_height);
+            assert(!ret);
+            ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+            assert(!ret);
+            num++;
+            continue;
+        }
+        weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 0);
+        assert(!ret);
+    }
+static void
+mode_fullscreen_someone(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
+                      weston_layout_surface_ptr *ppSurface, uint32_t surface_length,
+                      struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
+    const uint32_t  surface_width  = layer->width;
+    const uint32_t  surface_height = layer->height;
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
+    int32_t ret = 0;
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
+        ivisurf = ppSurface[i];
+        /* skip ui widgets */
+        if (is_surf_in_uiWidget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(ivisurf, 0, 0,
+                                            surface_width, surface_height);
+        assert(!ret);
+        ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+        assert(!ret);
+    }
+static void
+mode_random_replace(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
+                    weston_layout_surface_ptr *ppSurface, uint32_t surface_length,
+                    struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
+    const uint32_t surface_width  = (uint32_t)(layer->width * 0.25f);
+    const uint32_t surface_height = (uint32_t)(layer->height * 0.25f);
+    uint32_t surface_x = 0;
+    uint32_t surface_y = 0;
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
+    int32_t ret = 0;
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
+        ivisurf = ppSurface[i];
+        /* skip ui widgets */
+        if (is_surf_in_uiWidget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        surface_x = rand() % (layer->width - surface_width);
+        surface_y = rand() % (layer->height - surface_height);
+        ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(ivisurf, surface_x, surface_y,
+                                                  surface_width, surface_height);
+        assert(!ret);
+        ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+        assert(!ret);
+    }
+static int32_t
+has_applicatipn_surface(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl, weston_layout_surface_ptr *ppSurface,
+                        uint32_t surface_length)
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
+    uint32_t i = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < surface_length; i++) {
+        ivisurf = ppSurface[i];
+        /* skip ui widgets */
+        if (is_surf_in_uiWidget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        return 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * Supports 4 example to layout of application surfaces;
+ * tiling, side by side, fullscreen, and random.
+ */
+static void
+switch_mode(struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl,
+            enum ivi_hmi_controller_layout_mode layout_mode)
+    if (!hmi_ctrl->is_initialized) {
+        return;
+    }
+    struct hmi_controller_layer *layer = &hmi_ctrl->application_layer;
+    weston_layout_surface_ptr  *ppSurface = NULL;
+    uint32_t surface_length = 0;
+    int32_t ret = 0;
+    hmi_ctrl->layout_mode = layout_mode;
+    ret = weston_layout_getSurfaces(&surface_length, &ppSurface);
+    assert(!ret);
+    if (!has_applicatipn_surface(hmi_ctrl, ppSurface, surface_length)) {
+        free(ppSurface);
+        ppSurface = NULL;
+        return;
+    }
+    switch (layout_mode) {
+        mode_divided_into_tiling(hmi_ctrl, ppSurface, surface_length, layer);
+        break;
+        mode_divided_into_sidebyside(hmi_ctrl, ppSurface, surface_length, layer);
+        break;
+        mode_fullscreen_someone(hmi_ctrl, ppSurface, surface_length, layer);
+        break;
+        mode_random_replace(hmi_ctrl, ppSurface, surface_length, layer);
+        break;
+    }
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+    free(ppSurface);
+    ppSurface = NULL;
+    return;
+ * Internal method for animation
+ */
+static void
+    struct hmi_controller_animation *animation, uint32_t timestamp)
+    if (0 == animation->time_start) {
+        animation->time_start = timestamp;
+    }
+    animation->frame_func(animation, timestamp);
+    animation->frame_user_func(animation);
+static int
+animation_set_do_anima(void* data)
+    struct animation_set *anima_set = data;
+    uint32_t fps = 30;
+    if (wl_list_empty(&anima_set->animation_list)) {
+        wl_event_source_timer_update(anima_set->event_source, 0);
+        return 1;
+    }
+    wl_event_source_timer_update(anima_set->event_source, 1000 / fps);
+    struct timespec timestamp = {0};
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &timestamp);
+    uint32_t msec = (1e+3 * timestamp.tv_sec + 1e-6 * timestamp.tv_nsec);
+    struct link_animation *link_animation = NULL;
+    struct link_animation *next = NULL;
+    wl_list_for_each_safe(link_animation, next, &anima_set->animation_list, link) {
+        hmi_controller_animation_frame(link_animation->animation, msec);
+    }
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+    return 1;
+static struct animation_set *
+animation_set_create(struct weston_compositor* ec)
+    struct animation_set *anima_set = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*anima_set));
+    wl_list_init(&anima_set->animation_list);
+    struct wl_event_loop *loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(ec->wl_display);
+    anima_set->event_source = wl_event_loop_add_timer(loop, animation_set_do_anima, anima_set);
+    wl_event_source_timer_update(anima_set->event_source, 0);
+    return anima_set;
+static void
+animation_set_add_animation(struct animation_set *anima_set,
+                            struct hmi_controller_animation *anima)
+    struct link_animation *link_anima = NULL;
+    link_anima = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*link_anima));
+    if (NULL == link_anima) {
+        return;
+    }
+    link_anima->animation = anima;
+    wl_list_insert(&anima_set->animation_list, &link_anima->link);
+    wl_event_source_timer_update(anima_set->event_source, 1);
+static void
+animation_set_remove_animation(struct animation_set *anima_set,
+                               struct hmi_controller_animation *anima)
+    struct link_animation *link_animation = NULL;
+    struct link_animation *next = NULL;
+    wl_list_for_each_safe(link_animation, next, &anima_set->animation_list, link) {
+        if (link_animation->animation == anima) {
+            wl_list_remove(&link_animation->link);
+            free(link_animation);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+static void
+    struct hmi_controller_animation_fade *animation, uint32_t timestamp)
+    if (0 == animation->spring.timestamp) {
+        animation->spring.timestamp = timestamp;
+    }
+    weston_spring_update(&animation->spring, timestamp);
+    animation->base.is_done = weston_spring_done(&animation->spring);
+static void
+    struct hmi_controller_animation_move *animation, uint32_t timestamp)
+    double s = animation->pos_start;
+    double t = timestamp - animation->base.time_start;
+    double v0 = animation->v0;
+    double a = animation->a;
+    double time_end = animation->time_end;
+    if (time_end <= t) {
+        animation->pos = animation->pos_end;
+        animation->base.is_done = 1;
+    } else {
+        animation->pos = v0 * t + 0.5 * a * t * t + s;
+    }
+static void
+hmi_controller_animation_destroy(struct hmi_controller_animation *animation)
+    if (animation->destroy_func) {
+        animation->destroy_func(animation);
+    }
+    free(animation);
+static void
+hmi_controller_fade_animation_destroy(struct hmi_controller_animation *animation)
+    struct hmi_controller_fade *fade = animation->user_data;
+    animation_set_remove_animation(fade->anima_set, animation);
+    fade->animation = NULL;
+    animation->user_data = NULL;
+static struct hmi_controller_animation_fade *
+hmi_controller_animation_fade_create(double start, double end, double k,
+    hmi_controller_animation_frame_user_func frame_user_func, void* user_data,
+    hmi_controller_animation_destroy_func destroy_func)
+    struct hmi_controller_animation_fade* animation = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*animation));
+    animation->base.frame_user_func = frame_user_func;
+    animation->base.user_data = user_data;
+    animation->base.frame_func =
+        (hmi_controller_animation_frame_func)hmi_controller_animation_spring_frame;
+    animation->base.destroy_func = destroy_func;
+    animation->start = start;
+    animation->end = end;
+    weston_spring_init(&animation->spring, k, start, end);
+    animation->spring.friction = 1400;
+    animation->spring.previous = -(end - start) * 0.03;
+    return animation;
+static struct hmi_controller_animation_move *
+    double pos_start, double pos_end, double v_start, double v_end,
+    hmi_controller_animation_frame_user_func frame_user_func, void* user_data,
+    hmi_controller_animation_destroy_func destroy_func)
+    struct hmi_controller_animation_move* animation = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*animation));
+    animation->base.frame_user_func = frame_user_func;
+    animation->base.user_data = user_data;
+    animation->base.frame_func =
+        (hmi_controller_animation_frame_func)hmi_controller_animation_move_frame;
+    animation->base.destroy_func = destroy_func;
+    animation->pos_start = pos_start;
+    animation->pos_end = pos_end;
+    animation->v0 = v_start;
+    animation->pos = pos_start;
+    double dx = (pos_end - pos_start);
+    if (1e-3 < fabs(dx)) {
+        animation->a = 0.5 * (v_end * v_end - v_start * v_start) / dx;
+        if (1e-6 < fabs(animation->a)) {
+            animation->time_end = (v_end - v_start) / animation->a;
+        } else {
+            animation->a = 0;
+            animation->time_end = fabs(dx / animation->v0);
+        }
+    } else {
+        animation->time_end = 0;
+    }
+    return animation;
+static double
+hmi_controller_animation_fade_alpha_get(struct hmi_controller_animation_fade* animation)
+    if (animation->spring.current > 0.999) {
+        return 1.0;
+    } else if (animation->spring.current < 0.001 ) {
+        return 0.0;
+    } else {
+        return animation->spring.current;
+    }
+static uint32_t
+hmi_controller_animation_is_done(struct hmi_controller_animation *animation)
+    return animation->is_done;
+static void
+hmi_controller_fade_update(struct hmi_controller_animation_fade *animation, double end)
+    animation->spring.target = end;
+static void
+hmi_controller_anima_fade_user_frame(struct hmi_controller_animation_fade *animation)
+    double alpha = hmi_controller_animation_fade_alpha_get(animation);
+    alpha = wl_fixed_from_double(alpha);
+    struct hmi_controller_fade *fade = animation->base.user_data;
+    struct link_layer *linklayer = NULL;
+    int32_t is_done = hmi_controller_animation_is_done(&animation->base);
+    int32_t is_visible = !is_done || fade->isFadeIn;
+    wl_list_for_each(linklayer, &fade->layer_list, link) {
+        weston_layout_layerSetOpacity(linklayer->layout_layer, alpha);
+        weston_layout_layerSetVisibility(linklayer->layout_layer, is_visible);
+    }
+    if (is_done) {
+        hmi_controller_animation_destroy(&animation->base);
+    }
+static void
+hmi_controller_anima_move_user_frame(struct hmi_controller_animation_move *animation)
+    struct move_animation_user_data* user_data = animation->base.user_data;
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layer = user_data->layer;
+    int32_t is_done = hmi_controller_animation_is_done(&animation->base);
+    int32_t pos[2] = {0};
+    weston_layout_layerGetPosition(layer, pos);
+    pos[0] = (int32_t)animation->pos;
+    weston_layout_layerSetPosition(layer, pos);
+    if (is_done) {
+        hmi_controller_animation_destroy(&animation->base);
+    }
+static void
+hmi_controller_fade_run(uint32_t isFadeIn, struct hmi_controller_fade *fade)
+    double tint = isFadeIn ? 1.0 : 0.0;
+    fade->isFadeIn = isFadeIn;
+    if (fade->animation) {
+        hmi_controller_fade_update(fade->animation, tint);
+    } else {
+        fade->animation = hmi_controller_animation_fade_create(
+            1.0 - tint, tint, 300.0,
+            (hmi_controller_animation_frame_user_func)hmi_controller_anima_fade_user_frame,
+            fade, hmi_controller_fade_animation_destroy);
+        animation_set_add_animation(fade->anima_set, &fade->animation->base);
+    }
+ * Internal method to create layer with hmi_controller_layer and add to a screen
+ */
+static void
+create_layer(struct weston_layout_screen  *iviscrn,
+             struct hmi_controller_layer *layer)
+    int32_t ret = 0;
+    layer->ivilayer = weston_layout_layerCreateWithDimension(layer->id_layer,
+                                                layer->width, layer->height);
+    assert(layer->ivilayer != NULL);
+    ret = weston_layout_screenAddLayer(iviscrn, layer->ivilayer);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_layerSetDestinationRectangle(layer->ivilayer, layer->x, layer->y,
+                                                  layer->width, layer->height);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_layerSetVisibility(layer->ivilayer, 1);
+    assert(!ret);
+ * Internal set notification
+ */
+static void
+set_notification_create_surface(struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf,
+                                void *userdata)
+    struct hmi_controller* hmi_ctrl = userdata;
+    struct weston_layout_layer *application_layer = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.ivilayer;
+    int32_t ret = 0;
+    /* skip ui widgets */
+    if (is_surf_in_uiWidget(hmi_ctrl, ivisurf)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    ret = weston_layout_layerAddSurface(application_layer, ivisurf);
+    assert(!ret);
+static void
+set_notification_remove_surface(struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf,
+                                void *userdata)
+    (void)ivisurf;
+    struct hmi_controller* hmi_ctrl = userdata;
+    switch_mode(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->layout_mode);
+static void
+set_notification_configure_surface(struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf,
+                                   void *userdata)
+    (void)ivisurf;
+    struct hmi_controller* hmi_ctrl = userdata;
+    switch_mode(hmi_ctrl, hmi_ctrl->layout_mode);
+ * A hmi_controller used 4 layers to manage surfaces. The IDs of corresponding layer
+ * are defined in weston.ini. Default scene graph of layers are initialized in
+ * hmi_controller_create
+ */
+static struct hmi_server_setting *
+    struct hmi_server_setting* setting = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*setting));
+    struct weston_config *config = NULL;
+    config = weston_config_parse("weston.ini");
+    struct weston_config_section *shellSection = NULL;
+    shellSection = weston_config_get_section(config, "ivi-shell", NULL, NULL);
+    weston_config_section_get_uint(
+        shellSection, "base-layer-id", &setting->base_layer_id, 1000);
+    weston_config_section_get_uint(
+        shellSection, "workspace-background-layer-id", &setting->workspace_background_layer_id, 2000);
+    weston_config_section_get_uint(
+        shellSection, "workspace-layer-id", &setting->workspace_layer_id, 3000);
+    weston_config_section_get_uint(
+        shellSection, "application-layer-id", &setting->application_layer_id, 4000);
+    setting->panel_height = 70;
+    weston_config_destroy(config);
+    return setting;
+ * This is a starting method called from module_init.
+ * This sets up scene graph of layers; base, application, workspace background,
+ * and workspace. These layers are created/added to screen in create_layer
+ *
+ * base: to group surfaces of panel and background
+ * application: to group surfaces of ivi_applications
+ * workspace background: to group a surface of background in workspace
+ * workspace: to group surfaces for launching ivi_applications
+ *
+ * Layers of workspace background and workspace is set to invisible at first.
+ * The properties of it is updated with animation when ivi_hmi_controller_home is
+ * requested.
+ */
+static struct hmi_controller *
+hmi_controller_create(struct weston_compositor *ec)
+    weston_layout_screen_ptr    *ppScreen = NULL;
+    struct weston_layout_screen *iviscrn  = NULL;
+    uint32_t screen_length  = 0;
+    uint32_t screen_width   = 0;
+    uint32_t screen_height  = 0;
+    int32_t ret = 0;
+    struct link_layer *tmp_link_layer = NULL;
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*hmi_ctrl));
+    wl_array_init(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets);
+    hmi_ctrl->layout_mode = IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_LAYOUT_MODE_TILING;
+    hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting = hmi_server_setting_create();
+    weston_layout_getScreens(&screen_length, &ppScreen);
+    iviscrn = ppScreen[0];
+    weston_layout_getScreenResolution(iviscrn, &screen_width, &screen_height);
+    assert(!ret);
+    /* init base layer*/
+    hmi_ctrl->base_layer.x = 0;
+    hmi_ctrl->base_layer.y = 0;
+    hmi_ctrl->base_layer.width = screen_width;
+    hmi_ctrl->base_layer.height = screen_height;
+    hmi_ctrl->base_layer.id_layer = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->base_layer_id;
+    create_layer(iviscrn, &hmi_ctrl->base_layer);
+    uint32_t panel_height = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->panel_height;
+    /* init application layer */
+    hmi_ctrl->application_layer.x = 0;
+    hmi_ctrl->application_layer.y = 0;
+    hmi_ctrl->application_layer.width = screen_width;
+    hmi_ctrl->application_layer.height = screen_height - panel_height;
+    hmi_ctrl->application_layer.id_layer = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->application_layer_id;
+    create_layer(iviscrn, &hmi_ctrl->application_layer);
+    /* init workspace background layer */
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.x = 0;
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.y = 0;
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width = screen_width;
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.height = screen_height - panel_height;
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.id_layer =
+        hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->workspace_background_layer_id;
+    create_layer(iviscrn, &hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer);
+    weston_layout_layerSetOpacity(hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.ivilayer, 0);
+    weston_layout_layerSetVisibility(hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.ivilayer, 0);
+    /* init workspace layer */
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.x = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.x;
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.y = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.y;
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.width = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width;
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.height = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.height;
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.id_layer = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->workspace_layer_id;
+    create_layer(iviscrn, &hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer);
+    weston_layout_layerSetOpacity(hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer, 0);
+    weston_layout_layerSetVisibility(hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer, 0);
+    /* set up animation to workspace background and workspace */
+    hmi_ctrl->anima_set = animation_set_create(ec);
+    wl_list_init(&hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.layer_list);
+    tmp_link_layer = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*tmp_link_layer));
+    tmp_link_layer->layout_layer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer;
+    wl_list_insert(&hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.layer_list, &tmp_link_layer->link);
+    tmp_link_layer = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*tmp_link_layer));
+    tmp_link_layer->layout_layer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.ivilayer;
+    wl_list_insert(&hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.layer_list, &tmp_link_layer->link);
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.anima_set = hmi_ctrl->anima_set;
+    weston_layout_setNotificationCreateSurface(set_notification_create_surface, hmi_ctrl);
+    weston_layout_setNotificationRemoveSurface(set_notification_remove_surface, hmi_ctrl);
+    weston_layout_setNotificationConfigureSurface(set_notification_configure_surface, hmi_ctrl);
+    free(ppScreen);
+    ppScreen = NULL;
+    return hmi_ctrl;
+ * Implementations of ivi-hmi-controller.xml
+ */
+ * A surface drawing background is identified by id_surface.
+ * Properties of the surface is set by using weston_layout APIs according to
+ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
+ *
+ * UI layer is used to add this surface.
+ */
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_set_background(struct wl_client *client,
+                                  struct wl_resource *resource,
+                                  uint32_t id_surface)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
+    struct weston_layout_layer   *ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.ivilayer;
+    const uint32_t dstx = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.x;
+    const uint32_t dsty = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.y;
+    const uint32_t width  = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.width;
+    const uint32_t height = hmi_ctrl->application_layer.height;
+    uint32_t ret = 0;
+    uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
+                                            sizeof(*add_surface_id));
+    *add_surface_id = id_surface;
+    ivisurf = weston_layout_getSurfaceFromId(id_surface);
+    assert(ivisurf != NULL);
+    ret = weston_layout_layerAddSurface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(ivisurf,
+                                    dstx, dsty, width, height);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+    assert(!ret);
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+ * A surface drawing panel is identified by id_surface.
+ * Properties of the surface is set by using weston_layout APIs according to
+ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
+ *
+ * UI layer is used to add this surface.
+ */
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_set_panel(struct wl_client *client,
+                             struct wl_resource *resource,
+                             uint32_t id_surface)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
+    struct weston_layout_layer   *ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.ivilayer;
+    const uint32_t width  = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.width;
+    uint32_t ret = 0;
+    uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
+                                            sizeof(*add_surface_id));
+    *add_surface_id = id_surface;
+    ivisurf = weston_layout_getSurfaceFromId(id_surface);
+    assert(ivisurf != NULL);
+    ret = weston_layout_layerAddSurface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
+    assert(!ret);
+    uint32_t panel_height = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->panel_height;
+    const uint32_t dstx = 0;
+    const uint32_t dsty = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.height - panel_height;
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(
+                        ivisurf, dstx, dsty, width, panel_height);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+    assert(!ret);
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+ * A surface drawing buttons in panel is identified by id_surface. It can set
+ * several buttons. Properties of the surface is set by using weston_layout
+ * APIs according to the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
+ * Additionally, the position of it is shifted to right when new one is requested.
+ *
+ * UI layer is used to add these surfaces.
+ */
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_set_button(struct wl_client *client,
+                          struct wl_resource *resource,
+                          uint32_t id_surface, uint32_t number)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
+    struct weston_layout_layer   *ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.ivilayer;
+    const uint32_t width  = 48;
+    const uint32_t height = 48;
+    uint32_t ret = 0;
+    uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
+                                            sizeof(*add_surface_id));
+    *add_surface_id = id_surface;
+    ivisurf = weston_layout_getSurfaceFromId(id_surface);
+    assert(ivisurf != NULL);
+    ret = weston_layout_layerAddSurface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
+    assert(!ret);
+    uint32_t panel_height = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->panel_height;
+    const uint32_t dstx = (60 * number) + 15;
+    const uint32_t dsty = (hmi_ctrl->base_layer.height - panel_height) + 5;
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(
+                            ivisurf,dstx, dsty, width, height);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+    assert(!ret);
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+ * A surface drawing home button in panel is identified by id_surface.
+ * Properties of the surface is set by using weston_layout APIs according to
+ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
+ *
+ * UI layer is used to add these surfaces.
+ */
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_set_home_button(struct wl_client *client,
+                                   struct wl_resource *resource,
+                                   uint32_t id_surface)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf  = NULL;
+    struct weston_layout_layer   *ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->base_layer.ivilayer;
+    uint32_t ret = 0;
+    uint32_t size = 48;
+    uint32_t panel_height = hmi_ctrl->hmi_setting->panel_height;
+    const uint32_t dstx = (hmi_ctrl->base_layer.width - size) / 2;
+    const uint32_t dsty = (hmi_ctrl->base_layer.height - panel_height) + 5;
+    uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
+                                            sizeof(*add_surface_id));
+    *add_surface_id = id_surface;
+    ivisurf = weston_layout_getSurfaceFromId(id_surface);
+    assert(ivisurf != NULL);
+    ret = weston_layout_layerAddSurface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(
+                    ivisurf, dstx, dsty, size, size);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+    assert(!ret);
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+    hmi_ctrl->is_initialized = 1;
+ * A surface drawing background of workspace is identified by id_surface.
+ * Properties of the surface is set by using weston_layout APIs according to
+ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
+ *
+ * A layer of workspace_background is used to add this surface.
+ */
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_set_workspacebackground(struct wl_client *client,
+                                           struct wl_resource *resource,
+                                           uint32_t id_surface)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    struct weston_layout_surface *ivisurf = NULL;
+    struct weston_layout_layer   *ivilayer = NULL;
+    ivilayer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.ivilayer;
+    uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
+                                            sizeof(*add_surface_id));
+    *add_surface_id = id_surface;
+    const uint32_t width  = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width;
+    const uint32_t height = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.height;
+    uint32_t ret = 0;
+    ivisurf = weston_layout_getSurfaceFromId(id_surface);
+    assert(ivisurf != NULL);
+    ret = weston_layout_layerAddSurface(ivilayer, ivisurf);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(ivisurf,
+                                    0, 0, width, height);
+    assert(!ret);
+    ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(ivisurf, 1);
+    assert(!ret);
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+ * A list of surfaces drawing launchers in workspace is identified by id_surfaces.
+ * Properties of the surface is set by using weston_layout APIs according to
+ * the scene graph of UI defined in hmi_controller_create.
+ *
+ * The workspace can have several pages to group surfaces of launcher. Each call
+ * of this interface increments a number of page to add a group of surfaces
+ */
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_add_launchers(struct wl_client *client,
+                                 struct wl_resource *resource,
+                                 struct wl_array *surface_ids,
+                                 uint32_t icon_size)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer;
+    uint32_t minspace_x = 10;
+    uint32_t minspace_y = minspace_x;
+    uint32_t width  = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.width;
+    uint32_t height = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.height;
+    uint32_t x_count = (width - minspace_x) / (minspace_x + icon_size);
+    uint32_t space_x = (uint32_t)((width - x_count * icon_size) / (1.0 + x_count));
+    float fcell_size_x = icon_size + space_x;
+    uint32_t y_count = (height - minspace_y) / (minspace_y + icon_size);
+    uint32_t space_y = (uint32_t)((height - y_count * icon_size) / (1.0 + y_count));
+    float fcell_size_y = icon_size + space_y;
+    if (0 == x_count) {
+       x_count = 1;
+    }
+    if (0 == y_count) {
+       y_count  = 1;
+    }
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_count++;
+    uint32_t *surface_id = NULL;
+    uint32_t nx = 0;
+    uint32_t ny = 0;
+    wl_array_for_each(surface_id, surface_ids) {
+        uint32_t *add_surface_id = wl_array_add(&hmi_ctrl->ui_widgets,
+                                                sizeof(*add_surface_id));
+        *add_surface_id = *surface_id;
+        if (y_count == ny) {
+            ny = 0;
+            hmi_ctrl->workspace_count++;
+        }
+        uint32_t x = (uint32_t)(nx * fcell_size_x + (hmi_ctrl->workspace_count - 1) * width + space_x);
+        uint32_t y = (uint32_t)(ny * fcell_size_y  + space_y) ;
+        struct weston_layout_surface* layout_surface = NULL;
+        layout_surface = weston_layout_getSurfaceFromId(*surface_id);
+        assert(layout_surface);
+        uint32_t ret = 0;
+        ret = weston_layout_layerAddSurface(layer, layout_surface);
+        assert(!ret);
+        ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetDestinationRectangle(
+                        layout_surface, x, y, icon_size, icon_size);
+        assert(!ret);
+        ret = weston_layout_surfaceSetVisibility(layout_surface, 1);
+        assert(!ret);
+        nx++;
+        if (x_count == nx) {
+            ny++;
+            nx = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+ * Implementation of request and event of ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control
+ * and controlling workspace.
+ *
+ * When motion of input is detected in a surface of workspace background,
+ * ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control shall be invoked and to start controlling of
+ * workspace. The workspace has several pages to show several groups of applications.
+ * The workspace is slid by using weston-layout to select a a page in layer_set_pos
+ * according to motion. When motion finished, e.g. touch up detected, control is
+ * terminated and event:ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control is notified.
+ */
+struct pointer_grab {
+    struct weston_pointer_grab grab;
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layer;
+    struct wl_resource *resource;
+struct touch_grab {
+    struct weston_touch_grab grab;
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layer;
+    struct wl_resource *resource;
+struct move_grab {
+    wl_fixed_t dst[2];
+    wl_fixed_t rgn[2][2];
+    double v[2];
+    struct timespec start_time;
+    struct timespec pre_time;
+    wl_fixed_t start_pos[2];
+    wl_fixed_t pos[2];
+    int32_t is_moved;
+struct pointer_move_grab {
+    struct pointer_grab base;
+    struct move_grab move;
+struct touch_move_grab {
+    struct touch_grab base;
+    struct move_grab move;
+    int32_t is_active;
+static void
+pointer_grab_start(struct pointer_grab *grab,
+                   struct weston_layout_layer *layer,
+                   const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface *interface,
+                   struct weston_pointer *pointer)
+    grab->grab.interface = interface;
+    grab->layer = layer;
+    weston_pointer_start_grab(pointer, &grab->grab);
+static void
+touch_grab_start(struct touch_grab *grab,
+                 struct weston_layout_layer *layer,
+                 const struct weston_touch_grab_interface *interface,
+                 struct weston_touch* touch)
+    grab->grab.interface = interface;
+    grab->layer = layer;
+    weston_touch_start_grab(touch, &grab->grab);
+static int32_t
+range_val(int32_t val, int32_t min, int32_t max)
+    if (val < min) {
+        return min;
+    }
+    if (max < val) {
+        return max;
+    }
+    return val;
+static void
+hmi_controller_move_animation_destroy(struct hmi_controller_animation *animation)
+    struct move_animation_user_data *user_data = animation->user_data;
+    if (animation == &user_data->hmi_ctrl->workspace_swipe_animation->base) {
+        user_data->hmi_ctrl->workspace_swipe_animation = NULL;
+    }
+    animation_set_remove_animation(user_data->anima_set, animation);
+    free(animation->user_data);
+    animation->user_data = NULL;
+static void
+move_workspace_grab_end(struct move_grab *move, struct wl_resource* resource,
+                        wl_fixed_t grab_x, struct weston_layout_layer *layer)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    int32_t width = (int32_t)hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width;
+    struct timespec time = {0};
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time);
+    double  grab_time = 1e+3 * (time.tv_sec  - move->start_time.tv_sec) +
+                        1e-6 * (time.tv_nsec - move->start_time.tv_nsec);
+    double  from_motion_time = 1e+3 * (time.tv_sec  - move->pre_time.tv_sec) +
+                               1e-6 * (time.tv_nsec - move->pre_time.tv_nsec);
+    double pointer_v = move->v[0];
+    if (200 < from_motion_time) {
+       pointer_v = 0.0;
+    }
+    int32_t is_flick = grab_time < 400 &&
+                       0.4 < fabs(pointer_v);
+    int32_t pos[2] = {0};
+    weston_layout_layerGetPosition(layer, pos);
+    int page_no = 0;
+    if (is_flick) {
+        int orgx = wl_fixed_to_int(move->dst[0] + grab_x);
+        page_no = (-orgx + width / 2) / width;
+        if (pointer_v < 0.0) {
+            page_no++;
+        }else {
+            page_no--;
+        }
+    }else {
+        page_no = (-pos[0] + width / 2) / width;
+    }
+    page_no = range_val(page_no, 0, hmi_ctrl->workspace_count - 1);
+    double end_pos = -page_no * width;
+    double dst = fabs(end_pos - pos[0]);
+    double max_time = 0.5 * 1e+3;
+    double v = dst / max_time;
+    double vmin = 1000 * 1e-3;
+    if (v < vmin ) {
+        v = vmin;
+    }
+    double v0 = 0.0;
+    if (pos[0] < end_pos) {
+        v0 = v;
+    } else {
+        v0 = -v;
+    }
+    struct move_animation_user_data *animation_user_data = NULL;
+    animation_user_data = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*animation_user_data));
+    animation_user_data->layer = layer;
+    animation_user_data->anima_set = hmi_ctrl->anima_set;
+    animation_user_data->hmi_ctrl = hmi_ctrl;
+    struct hmi_controller_animation_move* animation = NULL;
+    animation = hmi_controller_animation_move_create(
+        pos[0], end_pos, v0, v0,
+        (hmi_controller_animation_frame_user_func)hmi_controller_anima_move_user_frame,
+        animation_user_data, hmi_controller_move_animation_destroy);
+    hmi_ctrl->workspace_swipe_animation = animation;
+    animation_set_add_animation(hmi_ctrl->anima_set, &animation->base);
+    ivi_hmi_controller_send_workspace_end_control(resource, move->is_moved);
+static void
+pointer_move_workspace_grab_end(struct pointer_grab *grab)
+    struct pointer_move_grab *pnt_move_grab = (struct pointer_move_grab *) grab;
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layer = pnt_move_grab->base.layer;
+    move_workspace_grab_end(&pnt_move_grab->move, grab->resource,
+                            grab->grab.pointer->grab_x, layer);
+    weston_pointer_end_grab(grab->grab.pointer);
+static void
+touch_move_workspace_grab_end(struct touch_grab *grab)
+    struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = (struct touch_move_grab *) grab;
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layer = tch_move_grab->base.layer;
+    move_workspace_grab_end(&tch_move_grab->move, grab->resource,
+                            grab->grab.touch->grab_x, layer);
+    weston_touch_end_grab(grab->grab.touch);
+static void
+pointer_noop_grab_focus(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
+static void
+move_grab_update(struct move_grab *move, wl_fixed_t pointer[2])
+    struct timespec timestamp = {0};
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &timestamp);
+    double dt = (1e+3 * (timestamp.tv_sec  - move->pre_time.tv_sec) +
+                 1e-6 * (timestamp.tv_nsec - move->pre_time.tv_nsec));
+    if (dt < 1e-6) {
+        dt = 1e-6;
+    }
+    move->pre_time = timestamp;
+    int32_t ii = 0;
+    for (ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) {
+        wl_fixed_t prepos = move->pos[ii];
+        move->pos[ii] = pointer[ii] + move->dst[ii];
+        if (move->pos[ii] < move->rgn[0][ii]) {
+            move->pos[ii] = move->rgn[0][ii];
+            move->dst[ii] = move->pos[ii] - pointer[ii];
+        } else if (move->rgn[1][ii] < move->pos[ii]) {
+            move->pos[ii] = move->rgn[1][ii];
+            move->dst[ii] = move->pos[ii] - pointer[ii];
+        }
+        move->v[ii] = wl_fixed_to_double(move->pos[ii] - prepos) / dt;
+        if (!move->is_moved &&
+            0 < wl_fixed_to_int(move->pos[ii] - move->start_pos[ii])) {
+            move->is_moved = 1;
+        }
+    }
+static void
+layer_set_pos(struct weston_layout_layer *layer, wl_fixed_t pos[2])
+    int32_t layout_pos[2] = {0};
+    layout_pos[0] = wl_fixed_to_int(pos[0]);
+    layout_pos[1] = wl_fixed_to_int(pos[1]);
+    weston_layout_layerSetPosition(layer, layout_pos);
+    weston_layout_commitChanges();
+static void
+pointer_move_grab_motion(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab, uint32_t time,
+                         wl_fixed_t x, wl_fixed_t y)
+    struct pointer_move_grab *pnt_move_grab = (struct pointer_move_grab *) grab;
+    wl_fixed_t pointer_pos[2] = {x, y};
+    move_grab_update(&pnt_move_grab->move, pointer_pos);
+    layer_set_pos(pnt_move_grab->base.layer, pnt_move_grab->move.pos);
+    weston_pointer_move(pnt_move_grab->base.grab.pointer, x, y);
+static void
+touch_move_grab_motion(struct weston_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time,
+                       int touch_id, wl_fixed_t x, wl_fixed_t y)
+    struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = (struct touch_move_grab *) grab;
+    if (!tch_move_grab->is_active) {
+        return;
+    }
+    wl_fixed_t pointer_pos[2] = {grab->touch->grab_x, grab->touch->grab_y};
+    move_grab_update(&tch_move_grab->move, pointer_pos);
+    layer_set_pos(tch_move_grab->base.layer, tch_move_grab->move.pos);
+static void
+pointer_move_workspace_grab_button(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab,
+                                   uint32_t time, uint32_t button,
+                                   uint32_t state_w)
+    if (BTN_LEFT == button &&
+        struct pointer_grab *pg = (struct pointer_grab *)grab;
+        pointer_move_workspace_grab_end(pg);
+        free(grab);
+    }
+static void
+touch_nope_grab_down(struct weston_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time,
+                     int touch_id, wl_fixed_t sx, wl_fixed_t sy)
+static void
+touch_move_workspace_grab_up(struct weston_touch_grab *grab, uint32_t time, int touch_id)
+    struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = (struct touch_move_grab *)grab;
+    if (0 == touch_id) {
+        tch_move_grab->is_active = 0;
+    }
+    if (0 == grab->touch->num_tp) {
+        touch_move_workspace_grab_end(&tch_move_grab->base);
+        free(grab);
+    }
+static void
+pointer_move_workspace_grab_cancel(struct weston_pointer_grab *grab)
+    struct pointer_grab *pg = (struct pointer_grab *)grab;
+    pointer_move_workspace_grab_end(pg);
+    free(grab);
+static void
+touch_move_workspace_grab_cancel(struct weston_touch_grab *grab)
+    struct touch_grab *tg = (struct touch_grab *)grab;
+    touch_move_workspace_grab_end(tg);
+    free(grab);
+static const struct weston_pointer_grab_interface pointer_move_grab_workspace_interface = {
+    pointer_noop_grab_focus,
+    pointer_move_grab_motion,
+    pointer_move_workspace_grab_button,
+    pointer_move_workspace_grab_cancel
+static const struct weston_touch_grab_interface touch_move_grab_workspace_interface = {
+    touch_nope_grab_down,
+    touch_move_workspace_grab_up,
+    touch_move_grab_motion,
+    touch_move_workspace_grab_cancel
+static enum HMI_GRAB_DEVICE
+get_hmi_grab_device(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t serial)
+    if (seat->pointer &&
+        seat->pointer->focus &&
+        seat->pointer->button_count &&
+        seat->pointer->grab_serial == serial) {
+        return HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_POINTER;
+    }
+    if (seat->touch &&
+        seat->touch->focus &&
+        seat->touch->grab_serial) {
+        return HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_TOUCH;
+    }
+static void
+move_grab_init(struct move_grab* move, wl_fixed_t start_pos[2],
+               wl_fixed_t grab_pos[2], wl_fixed_t rgn[2][2],
+               struct wl_resource* resource)
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &move->start_time);
+    move->pre_time = move->start_time;
+    move->pos[0] = start_pos[0];
+    move->pos[1] = start_pos[1];
+    move->start_pos[0] = start_pos[0];
+    move->start_pos[1] = start_pos[1];
+    move->dst[0] = start_pos[0] - grab_pos[0];
+    move->dst[1] = start_pos[1] - grab_pos[1];
+    memcpy(move->rgn, rgn, sizeof(move->rgn));
+static void
+move_grab_init_workspace(struct move_grab* move,
+                         wl_fixed_t grab_x, wl_fixed_t grab_y,
+                         struct wl_resource *resource)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer;
+    int32_t workspace_count = hmi_ctrl->workspace_count;
+    int32_t workspace_width = hmi_ctrl->workspace_background_layer.width;
+    int32_t layer_pos[2] = {0};
+    weston_layout_layerGetPosition(layer, layer_pos);
+    wl_fixed_t start_pos[2] = {0};
+    start_pos[0] = wl_fixed_from_int(layer_pos[0]);
+    start_pos[1] = wl_fixed_from_int(layer_pos[1]);
+    wl_fixed_t rgn[2][2] = {{0}};
+    rgn[0][0] = wl_fixed_from_int(-workspace_width * (workspace_count - 1));
+    rgn[0][1] = wl_fixed_from_int(0);
+    rgn[1][0] = wl_fixed_from_int(0);
+    rgn[1][1] = wl_fixed_from_int(0);
+    wl_fixed_t grab_pos[2] = {grab_x, grab_y};
+    move_grab_init(move, start_pos, grab_pos, rgn, resource);
+static struct pointer_move_grab *
+create_workspace_pointer_move(struct weston_pointer *pointer, struct wl_resource* resource)
+    struct pointer_move_grab *pnt_move_grab = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*pnt_move_grab));
+    pnt_move_grab->base.resource = resource;
+    move_grab_init_workspace(&pnt_move_grab->move, pointer->grab_x, pointer->grab_y, resource);
+    return pnt_move_grab;
+static struct touch_move_grab *
+create_workspace_touch_move(struct weston_touch *touch, struct wl_resource* resource)
+    struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*tch_move_grab));
+    tch_move_grab->base.resource = resource;
+    tch_move_grab->is_active = 1;
+    move_grab_init_workspace(&tch_move_grab->move, touch->grab_x,touch->grab_y, resource);
+    return tch_move_grab;
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control(struct wl_client *client,
+                                     struct wl_resource *resource,
+                                     struct wl_resource *seat_resource,
+                                     uint32_t serial)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    if (hmi_ctrl->workspace_count < 2) {
+        return;
+    }
+    struct weston_seat* seat = wl_resource_get_user_data(seat_resource);
+    enum HMI_GRAB_DEVICE device = get_hmi_grab_device(seat, serial);
+    if (HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_POINTER != device &&
+        HMI_GRAB_DEVICE_TOUCH != device) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (hmi_ctrl->workspace_swipe_animation) {
+        hmi_controller_animation_destroy(&hmi_ctrl->workspace_swipe_animation->base);
+    }
+    struct weston_layout_layer *layer = hmi_ctrl->workspace_layer.ivilayer;
+    struct pointer_move_grab *pnt_move_grab = NULL;
+    struct touch_move_grab *tch_move_grab = NULL;
+    switch (device) {
+        pnt_move_grab = create_workspace_pointer_move(seat->pointer, resource);
+        pointer_grab_start(
+            &pnt_move_grab->base, layer, &pointer_move_grab_workspace_interface,
+            seat->pointer);
+        break;
+        tch_move_grab = create_workspace_touch_move(seat->touch, resource);
+        touch_grab_start(
+            &tch_move_grab->base, layer, &touch_move_grab_workspace_interface,
+            seat->touch);
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+ * Implementation of switch_mode
+ */
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode(struct wl_client *client,
+                               struct wl_resource *resource,
+                               uint32_t  layout_mode)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    switch_mode(hmi_ctrl, layout_mode);
+ * Implementation of on/off displaying workspace and workspace background layers.
+ */
+static void
+ivi_hmi_controller_home(struct wl_client *client,
+                        struct wl_resource *resource,
+                        uint32_t home)
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = wl_resource_get_user_data(resource);
+    if ((IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_HOME_ON  == home && !hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.isFadeIn) ||
+        (IVI_HMI_CONTROLLER_HOME_OFF == home && hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.isFadeIn)) {
+        uint32_t isFadeIn = !hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade.isFadeIn;
+        hmi_controller_fade_run(isFadeIn, &hmi_ctrl->workspace_fade);
+    }
+ * binding ivi-hmi-controller implementation
+ */
+static const struct ivi_hmi_controller_interface ivi_hmi_controller_implementation = {
+    ivi_hmi_controller_set_background,
+    ivi_hmi_controller_set_panel,
+    ivi_hmi_controller_set_button,
+    ivi_hmi_controller_set_home_button,
+    ivi_hmi_controller_set_workspacebackground,
+    ivi_hmi_controller_add_launchers,
+    ivi_hmi_controller_workspace_control,
+    ivi_hmi_controller_switch_mode,
+    ivi_hmi_controller_home
+static void
+unbind_hmi_controller(struct wl_resource *resource)
+static void
+bind_hmi_controller(struct wl_client *client,
+           void *data, uint32_t version, uint32_t id)
+    struct wl_resource *resource = NULL;
+    resource = wl_resource_create(
+            client, &ivi_hmi_controller_interface, 1, id);
+    wl_resource_set_implementation(
+            resource, &ivi_hmi_controller_implementation,
+            data, unbind_hmi_controller);
+static void
+launch_hmi_client(void *data)
+    /*Nothing to do here*/
+ *  exported functions
+ ****************************************************************************/
+module_init(struct weston_compositor *ec,
+            int *argc, char *argv[])
+    struct hmi_controller *hmi_ctrl = hmi_controller_create(ec);
+    if (wl_global_create(ec->wl_display,
+                 &ivi_hmi_controller_interface, 1,
+                 hmi_ctrl, bind_hmi_controller) == NULL) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    struct wl_event_loop *loop = wl_display_get_event_loop(ec->wl_display);
+    wl_event_loop_add_idle(loop, launch_hmi_client, ec);
+    return 0;

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