[PATCH 2/2] Support for adjusting socket access rights to allow group of users to connect to the socket.

Jussi Laako jussi.laako at linux.intel.com
Mon Nov 24 23:22:47 PST 2014

On 19.11.2014 16:22, Pekka Paalanen wrote:
> When a session compositor is started, you can already use
> WAYLAND_SOCKET environment variable to pass an opened connection to it.
> If your system compositor forks session compositors, no problem. If
> something else starts your session compositors, you need a wrapper
> program to pre-create a connection to the socket file in the shared
> directory (that is not your XDG_RUNTIME_DIR) and then exec the session
> compositor.

We are running system compositor under one special user session, in this 
case user "genivi". This is normal session other than it is not visible 
to logind (pam_systemd is not called).

Then, in our login manager (TLM), other seats are set to wait for the 
system compositor lock file to appear before logging in default (guest) 
user sessions. These are normal sessions visible to logind and weston 
for each seat runs inside the user session. When user is logged out, the 
weston instance is terminated and restarted for the next user session.

Passing WAYLAND_SOCKET environment from a user session of user X to 
another newly created user sessions Y and Z is not very straightforward 
operation... Also lifetime of the Y and Z vary and new sessions will be 
spawned after one is terminated while the system compositor persists.

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