[PATCH weston 1/3] zunitc: wrap dox to 80 columns

Bryce Harrington bryce at osg.samsung.com
Mon Jul 13 12:22:59 PDT 2015

Signed-off-by: Bryce Harrington <bryce at osg.samsung.com>
 tools/zunitc/doc/zunitc.dox | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/zunitc/doc/zunitc.dox b/tools/zunitc/doc/zunitc.dox
index 24f20fa..0222690 100644
--- a/tools/zunitc/doc/zunitc.dox
+++ b/tools/zunitc/doc/zunitc.dox
@@ -96,36 +96,50 @@ Unconditional message logging for failure cases only is
 @section zunitc_execution Controlling Execution
-To control execution, the various zuc_set_* functions can be called before invoking ZUC_RUN_TESTS(). 
+To control execution, the various zuc_set_* functions can be called
+before invoking ZUC_RUN_TESTS().
 @subsection zunitc_execution_commandline Commandline Parameters
-The current implementation defers processing of command-line parameters to the main application hosting the testing. It is possible that a helper to process certain parameters may be added.
+The current implementation defers processing of command-line parameters
+to the main application hosting the testing. It is possible that a
+helper to process certain parameters may be added.
 @subsection zunitc_execution_matching Matching Patterns for Tests
-The function zuc_set_filter() can be used to specify a pattern for matching or excluding tests from a run. The general form is
+The function zuc_set_filter() can be used to specify a pattern for
+matching or excluding tests from a run. The general form is
 @subsection zunitc_execution_wildcards Matching Wildcards
-Wildcards can be used in the match/exclude patterns and recognize the following two special characters:
+Wildcards can be used in the match/exclude patterns and recognize the
+following two special characters:
 - '*' matches any number of characters including zero.
 - '?' matches any single character.
-Calling zuc_list_tests() after zuc_set_filter() can be done to show the effects of the matching without needing to actually run tests.
+Calling zuc_list_tests() after zuc_set_filter() can be done to show the
+effects of the matching without needing to actually run tests.
 @subsection zunitc_execution_repeat Repeating Tests
-Setting the repeat count higher than 1 ( via zuc_set_repeat() ) will cause the tests to be executed several times in a row. This can be useful for stress testing, checking for leaks, etc.
+Setting the repeat count higher than 1 ( via zuc_set_repeat() ) will
+cause the tests to be executed several times in a row. This can be
+useful for stress testing, checking for leaks, etc.
 @subsection zunitc_execution_randomize Randomizing Tests
-Test ordering can be randomized by setting a non-zero positive value to zuc_set_random(). Setting it to 1 will cause the framework to pick a random seed based on the time. A value greater than 1 will be taken as a random seed itself. And setting it to 0 will disable randomization and allow the test to be executed in their natural ordering.
+Test ordering can be randomized by setting a non-zero positive value to
+zuc_set_random(). Setting it to 1 will cause the framework to pick a
+random seed based on the time. A value greater than 1 will be taken as a
+random seed itself. And setting it to 0 will disable randomization and
+allow the test to be executed in their natural ordering.
 @section zunitc_fixtures Fixtures
-Per-suite and per-test setup and teardown fixtures can be implemented by defining an instance of struct zuc_fixture and using it as the first parameter to ZUC_TEST_F().
+Per-suite and per-test setup and teardown fixtures can be implemented by
+defining an instance of struct zuc_fixture and using it as the first
+parameter to ZUC_TEST_F().
 @section zunitc_functions Functions

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