[PATCH 1/3] Extend WAYLAND_DISPLAY and name parameter semantics to support absolute paths. For example WAYLAND_DISPLAY="/my/path/wayland-2" or connect_to_socket("/my/path/wayland-2").

Bill Spitzak spitzak at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 11:28:57 PST 2015

On 03/05/2015 03:15 AM, Marek Chalupa wrote:

> I wonder if this is right. Until now, when you had display_name,
> you knew that the socket was $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/display_name.
> Now it can be anywhere and you still have just name of it. However, this
> does not look like a big deal since
> s->display_name is used only in wl_display_add_socket_auto where we use
> our own names.

Probably display_name should be equal to the WAYLAND_DISPLAY variable. 
So if an absolute path is given then display_name starts with a slash.

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