Meaning of is_controlled argument of workspace_end_control event

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at
Mon Apr 11 08:51:11 UTC 2016

On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 07:05:17 +0000
"Potrola, MateuszX" <mateuszx.potrola at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a question about one of events from ivi-hmi-controller.xml -
> workspace_end_control.
> What is the meaning of its argument - "is_controlled" ?
> It's not documented anywhere and looking at implementation in
> hmi-controller.c, it seems that this is set according to move of
> layer during mouse grab - if layer will be moved to the right it set
> to 1, otherwise is 0.


I cannot answer that question really, and I doubt if anyone can without
tracing through the code. It could also be an oversight, that code is
demo quality and might use some cleaning up.

It's not a public nor a stable protocol, so if there is no use for the
argument, maybe it's unneeded and can be removed. That protocol is an
implementation detail of hmi-controller which itself is just a demo of
how to use ivi-layout. Both users of the protocol are in the weston
repository: ivi-shell/hmi-controller.c and

Why are you interested? Are you looking to improve the hmi-controller
and the helper client code?

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