Remote display with 3D acceleration using Wayland/Weston

Christian Stroetmann stroetmann at
Tue Dec 13 22:01:02 UTC 2016

On 13.Dec.2016 21:39, DRC wrote:

I thought about this on the 14th of March 2014 (see also [1]).
Have you looked at ?

Christian Stroetmann

[1] OntoGraphics 

> Greetings.  I am the founder and principal developer for The VirtualGL
> Project, which has (since 2004) produced a GLX interposer (VirtualGL)
> and a high-speed X proxy (TurboVNC) that are widely used for running
> Linux/Unix OpenGL applications remotely with hardware-accelerated
> server-side 3D rendering.  For those who aren't familiar with VirtualGL,
> it basically works by:
> -- Interposing (via LD_PRELOAD) GLX calls from the OpenGL application
> -- Rewriting the GLX calls such that OpenGL contexts are created in
> Pbuffers instead of windows
> -- Redirecting the GLX calls to the server's local display (usually :0,
> which presumably has a GPU attached) rather than the remote display or
> the X proxy
> -- Reading back the rendered 3D images from the server's local display
> and transferring them to the remote display or X proxy when the
> application swaps buffers or performs other "triggers" (such as calling
> glFinish() when rendering to the front buffer)
> There is more complexity to it than that, but that's at least the
> general idea.
> At the moment, I'm investigating how best to accomplish a similar feat
> in a Wayland/Weston environment.  I'm given to understand that building
> a VNC server on top of Weston is straightforward and has already been
> done as a proof of concept, so really my main question is how to do the
> OpenGL stuff.  At the moment, my (very limited) understanding of the
> architecture seems to suggest that I have two options:
> (1) Implement an interposer similar in concept to VirtualGL, except that
> this interposer would rewrite EGL calls to redirect them from the
> Wayland display to a low-level EGL device that supports off-screen
> rendering (such as the devices provided through the
> EGL_PLATFORM_DEVICE_EXT extension, which is currently supported by
> nVidia's drivers.)  How to get the images from that low-level device
> into the Weston compositor when it is using a remote display back-end is
> an open question, but I assume I'd have to ask the compositor for a
> surface (which presumably would be allocated from main memory) and
> handle the transfer of the pixels from the GPU to that surface.  That is
> similar in concept to how VirtualGL currently works, vis-a-vis using
> glReadPixels to transfer the rendered OpenGL pixels into an MIT-SHM image.
> (2) Figure out some way of redirecting the OpenGL rendering within
> Weston itself, rather than using an interposer.  This is where I'm fuzzy
> on the details.  Is this even possible with a remote display back-end?
> Maybe it's as straightforward as writing a back-end that allows Weston
> to use the aforementioned low-level EGL device to obtain all of the
> rendering surfaces that it passes to applications, but I don't have a
> good enough understanding of the architecture to know whether or not
> that idea is nonsense.  I know that X proxies, such as Xvnc, allocate a
> "virtual framebuffer" that is used by the code for performing X11
> rendering.  Because this virtual framebuffer is located in main memory,
> you can't do hardware-accelerated OpenGL with it unless you use a
> solution like VirtualGL.  It would be impractical to allocate the X
> proxy's virtual framebuffer in GPU memory because of the fine-grained
> nature of X11, but since Wayland is all image-based, perhaps that is no
> longer a limitation.
> Any advice is greatly appreciated.  Thanks for your time.

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