[RFC wayland-protocols] Color management protocol

James Feeney james at nurealm.net
Sun Dec 18 17:25:17 UTC 2016

> as Pekka already pointed out there 
> are a few constraints that originate in the design decisions of wayland and 
> are quite different to [those] of X11. We can't change these constraints but 
> have to find a solution that works well with them: ...

I'm more of a bystander to this discussion.  It would be really nice to have a
shared working document, to follow along, showing
1) a list of Wayland design requirements and constraints for color, and
2) a complete list steps needed to process an image, from source to display,
3) distinguishing issues like color gamut from color encoding.

>From there, it would be much easier for people to see where "standard interface"
lines are being drawn, to see what steps are being handled by the compositor vs
an application, to see what steps are automatic and which steps must be manually
configured, and to distinguish what *should be* happening, and to see whether
anything was "missing", in the processing chain.

It is unfortunate that we are all still "stuck in the stone age", exchanging
black and white text documents with email, without the tools needed to draw and
view nice graphics for block diagrams and such.  It is what it is.  Still, some
clever use of ordered lists can go a long way to creating an understandable
sequence with groupings.

Would someone knowledgeable be willing to draft a "Wayland Pixel Perfect Color
Processing Chain" working document and post it somewhere conspicuously?  I'm
thinking that someone already knows enough to just rattle this off, from memory?

Or, is that document already posted somewhere?

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