[RFC wayland-protocols] Color management protocol

Kai-Uwe ku.b-list at gmx.de
Tue Dec 20 12:05:10 UTC 2016

Am 20.12.2016 um 10:08 schrieb Pekka Paalanen:
> Niels had an extremely good point that compositors *can* do all the
> hard stuff too, by using the libraries the CMS experts have written.
> This is not the X11 where you cannot add these features and
> dependencies to the X server.

That's not correct. Keith Packard and other people rejected the idea of
adding a new XCMS layer in the X server. He said color conversion
belongs into the window manager. So we are using today the X property
system to communicate between applications, compositors and
configuration libraries/systemsettings dialogs (beside the
Xinerama/XRandR gamma table APIs).

IMO the main difference to wayland is that: we do not know a similar
inherent transport mechanism for meta data like Xatom is for X11. (I
share Graemes position, that the meta data communication path should
match that of wayland in order to remain compatible. I do not like the
idea to randomly add different mechanism as wayland extents
capabilities. Most relevant image file formats had adopted some way to
attach meta data. Otherwise workflows are not flexible enough.) That
meta data communication path has __not__ necessarily the need to
configure wayland.


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