[RFC wayland-protocols] Color management protocol

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 12:25:39 UTC 2016

On 20 December 2016 at 07:22, Graeme Gill <graeme2 at argyllcms.com> wrote:
> Or be prepared to re-visit Wayland's fundamental design decisions
> if they turn out to be based on a false premise.

I don't think that's fair. I think Wayland is the opportunity to upset
the status quo with color management and do correctly what what never
possible with X11.

Lets be honest for a moment. How many applications support color
management on the Linux desktop? We're asking application authors to
understand things like blending spaces, source and destination
profiles, vcgt, overlapping windows on different crtc's and horrible
concepts like that.

As a framework guy, _and_ an app developer I just want to tag one
surface with a colorspace and then let the compositor figure out all
the grotty details. Anything more and the application author will just
decide it's not worth the bother. To calibrate we just ask for a
surface that's not going to be tampered with, but we don't want to
optimize for this super-uncommon case.

Concepts like _ICC_PROFILE are not going to happen in Wayland, and I
really thing a "late" bound color workflow is what Wayland should be
working towards. We can't live in the 1990's any longer.


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