How to do mode setting in Wayland

Emmanuel Gil Peyrot linkmauve at
Fri Dec 23 15:58:53 UTC 2016

On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 08:59:20AM +0000, Zhu, Lingyun wrote:
> Hi,


> I'm trying to set mode for a monitor from 4K at 60Hz to 4K at 30Hz (all supported) under wayland/weston.
> But it seems there's no api for doing this.

That’s correct.

> The only mode setting related api is wl_output::mode event, but it's a notifying event.
> How can I change the mode of a monitor under wayland/weston?

The mode can currently only be set at launch time, in the weston.ini
configuration file, output section, in the mode option.

To set a specific refresh rate, you will have to generate a modeline
using the `cvt` tool and paste that in the mode option, see `man
weston.ini` and `man cvt` for more information.

> Thanks,
> Lingyun

Emmanuel Gil Peyrot
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