thanks and introduction

Pekka Paalanen ppaalanen at
Wed Mar 9 10:16:52 UTC 2016

On Mon, 7 Mar 2016 11:43:44 -0800
Bryce Harrington <bryce at> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 09:55:10AM -0600, Yong Bakos wrote:

> > My research focuses on the development of information-centric
> > post-desktop systems, and I am in the midst of implementing a shell
> > client for Weston and, likely, a compositor independent of Weston.
> > As I'm familiarizing myself with the Weston source, I know I'm in
> > for a rather daunting task. My first goal is to get comfortable
> > with the client API by building a few simple clients.
> > 
> > I hope to become a contributor by starting with some 'easy' tasks,
> > even web site / documentation contributions.  
> Documentation's been a weak area for Wayland quite some time, although
> it's gradually getting better.  In particular we lack much depth in
> introductory guides, so as you go through your learning curve, maybe
> take notes and consider making tutorials or other "getting started"
> type materials.
> There are a number of examples in weston/clients that you'll find
> interesting to study.  I'm not sure which I'd suggest as a starting
> point, but simple-shm.c seems not too complex.


yes, simple-shm.c is the simplest example we have that actually gets a
window up, but does not handle input. It shows how to do proper wl_shm
buffer management, and uses the minimum possible of a shell protocol to
get a window up.

The next step is simple-egl.c, which uses EGL and GLES2 instead of
wl_shm and straight pixel poking to get the picture out. It also has
simple input support, responding to few keyboard, pointer and touch
events. It reacts to (forced) resizing unlike simple-shm.

The simple-* demos are self-contained code wise, almost all the other
demos build upon the "toytoolkit" (window.c/h) which supports a lot more

One more example worth mentioning is weston-info.c, which is an
independent tool that prints out the protocol interfaces supported by
any compositor (not just weston), and some more details on the
interfaces it knows about.

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