Touch input behavior on overlapping ivi surfaces

Vikas Patil vikasmpatil at
Wed May 25 05:43:09 UTC 2016

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 6:44 PM, Pekka Paalanen <ppaalanen at> wrote:
> On Tue, 24 May 2016 18:29:52 +0530
> Vikas Patil <vikasmpatil at> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> Here (attached here the image ) the touch input is not going to surface 1
>> even after touching any of the two buttons on surface 1.  Instead touch
>> event goes to surface 2. Also if I touch anywhere in the area marked green
>> also goes to surface 2 even it being the part of surface 1. Touching on the
>> rest of the light blue area delivers touch correctly to surface 1.
>> Both the surfaces are on one layer only (e.g. layer id 1000)
>> Any one here faced such issue? What could be going wrong here? Any
>> suggestions/ideas?
>> Also try the limiting the input acceptance area using wayland region. But
>> it didn't work.
>>             input_region = wl_compositor_create_region(wlCompositor);
>>             wl_region_add(input_region, 728, 5, 72, 144);
>>             wl_surface_set_input_region(surface, input_region);
> Mind, you need a wl_surface_commit() before that applies. And then,
> maybe something else overwrites it immediately after your hack, sending
> another set_input_region request.

Do you mean I need to call the wl_surface_commit() immediately after
wl_surface_set_input_region() even if it is EGL surface and
somewhere eglSwapBuffers() gets called? If yes then I will test with it.

What is the usage of wl_surface_commit() with EGL and non EGL surfaces (shm)?

>> I am on weston 1.8, wayland-ivi-extension 1.4.0 and qt/qtwayland 5.5.1.
> I really have no idea, but I am quite sure it is a surface configuration
> issue outside of weston core.
> You could look at the Wayland protocol dump of the client to see how it
> sets the surfaces up. Input region should be clipped to the surface
> area in weston core, but maybe the surface has transparent areas and a
> misplaced input region?
> Does that setup even let Weston core handle input focus, or is all that
> hijacked to LayerManager or something?

Thanks. I will have a look at wayland dump. There are ILM API (i.e
ilm_setInputFocus) to set the input focus for specific input device
for specific surface. However AFAIK it is not required for touch input
and it is available for all the surfaces while in case of pointer and
keyboard it need to set using this API for particular surface to
receive input from it.

I really need to know what is the default input behavior with weston
core and ILM (ivi-shell and ilm control) for touch, pointer and

Thanks & Regards,

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