[RFC PATCH 0/8] Meson build system

Daniel Stone daniels at collabora.com
Tue Nov 29 16:59:39 UTC 2016

Hi all,
Whilst working on the atomic series, and the recent review spree, I
started to really lose patience with how incredibly slow our build
system is.

This patchset provides a working port to Meson, a Python-based build
system with a Ninja backend. Whilst autotools runs a combination of
shell and Perl (aclocal/automake/autoconf) to generate the build files
and Make and shell to run it, Meson runs its configuration step in
Python, and outputs Ninja build files.

(tl;dr: smaller platforms 3-6x quicker, bigger platforms 2-4x quicker)

There are a few things which attracted me to Meson. It's really,
mindblowingly, fast. There's no artificial split between configure and
build stages (i.e. configure.ac vs. Makefile.am). Its dependencies are
quite lightweight. It has first-class support for pkg-config, and I've
not had a problem with executables, shared libraries, modules, static
helper libraries, binaries to install to libexec, tests[0], etc etc.

I've been keeping an eye on it for a while as it matures; one of the
things which interested me was seeing GStreamer and GNOME start to
migrate some of their projects towards it. Not because they're
incredible and we should blindly follow everything they do, but because
they have a very similar set of build-system requirements to us, and
they have also been very conservative in migrating away from autotools
to date.

I'm incredibly familiar with autotools, dating back to 2004 when I
started experimenting with converting the X server to use it, which
later grew into the xserver module we have today. As new build systems
have come around, I've made a point of looking into them, and trying to
use them.

SCons and waf were immediately disqualified, because I think writing
your entire build in actual Python is insane, and too large a barrier to
entry. CMake is brutally slow[1], I find its interface very unintuitive,
and cmake --help-full splits out a 37,399-line Markup file to stdout. GN
(used for Chrome) is very nice, and I prefer its system of 'configs' to
Meson's per-target flags, but isn't really portable. Most of the rest
focus on languages we don't use, and/or bring massive dependencies.

Meson's the first one I've found that strikes the right balance (not
perfect, but within striking distance) of lightweight DSL vs. useful
programming language. And, it's really incredibly fast. It has far
better support for cross-compilation and sysroots than autotools can
ever hope to have. And it's got quite a good upstream community behind
it, and solid documentation.

I've done a port for Meson, with the full range of options and
configuration available in autotools today. Currently we're missing
Doxygen support (because I haven't got around to it) in Wayland, plus I
haven't been able to test the Weston RDP backend (because it doesn't
build in Fedora 25) or the fbdev backend (because it's 2016), but they
are there. There's also currently no support for 'auto' build options; I
need to look into how best to do that. A couple of the tests in Weston
are missing, and I think also PAM support for weston-launch.

There are also some inefficiencies: currently, for some reason, Meson
will run wayland-scanner once for every generated file _for every
target_. So xdg-shell-unstable-v5-client-protocol.h, for example, gets
built a bazillion times. Fixing that upstream would actually visibly cut
the build times. We could also get a speed boost by moving away from
config.h and using per-target build flags, to avoid unnecessary
rebuilds: this doesn't work with autotools as it only rebuilds if
dependent mtimes change, but Meson/Ninja hash the build flags and force
a rebuild if those change. I'm going to be looking into that later.

It's also smaller than our existing files: 374 lines for Meson versus
481 lines for configure.ac/Makefile.am (excluding doc) in Wayland, and
1602 lines for Meson versus 2373 lines for
configure.ac/Makefile.am/weston-tests-env in Weston.

This conversion requires Meson 0.36, which is available in Fedora 25 and
Debian testing/stretch. It's not available in Ubuntu release versions or
Debian stable/jessie; it can, however, be easily installed through pip
on these systems.

Thanks for this go to the very helpful people on Freenode #mesonbuild,
as well as to the authors of the GStreamer Meson port, who stated that
they did not assert copyrightability over their build files, allowing
me to use some of those as inspiration for this port.

Anyway, here are some benchmarks I've done on build times, across the
full range of the computing-power spectrum:

System 1 ('RPi2'): Raspberry Pi 2, 900MHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A7, 1GB
RAM, storage on SD card, make -j8

System 2 ('Rock2'): Radxa Rock2 Square, Rockchip RK3288 SOC, 1.6GHz
quad-core ARM Cortex-A17, 2GB RAM, storage on eMMC, make -j8

System 3 ('Laptop'): Dell XPS 13 9350, 2.5GHz dual-core Intel Skylake
i7-6500U, 4MB cache, 16GB RAM, storage on NVME/PCI-E, make -j8

System 4 ('Xeon'): HP Z840, 2.4GHz 14-core Intel Broadwell Xeon
E5-2680v4, 35MB cache, 128GB RAM, storage on NVME/PCI-E, make -j18[2]


Documentation is disabled to give an apples-to-apples comparison; also
Meson's default use of ccache is disabled for the same reason. 'make
install' is split into a separate make invocation, because it fails in a
dependency-relinking catastrophe otherwise.

Note that the time involving test is mostly dominated by sanity-test,
which takes around 5.7s (!). If you subtract that from the runtimes, the
differentials for the faster machines becomes far more apparent.

Test 1 ('full'): full configuration, build, test, and install
  - time (../autogen.sh --prefix=/tmp/wayland-autotools --disable-documentation && make -j$JOBS check && make install)
  - time (CC=gcc meson --prefix=/tmp/wayland-meson .. && ninja test install)

Test 2 ('rebuild'): full rebuild and install
  - touch ../src/wayland-util.h && time (make -j$JOBS && make check install)
  - touch ../src/wayland-util.h && time (ninja test install)

Test 3 ('check'): relink libweston and test
  - touch ../src/wayland-server.c && time (make -j$JOBS check)
  - touch ../src/wayland-server.c && time (ninja test)

Test 4 ('install'): no changes, install
  - time make install
  - time ninja install

         |             RPi2 |           Rock2 |          Laptop |           Xeon |
Full     | 353.34s / 65.78s | 96.80s / 25.30s | 27.78s / 11.24s | 22.71s / 7.19s |
Rebuild  | 103.73s / 53.83s | 43.61s / 16.17s | 13.80s /  9.63s | 10.87s / 6.12s |
Check    |  44.67s / 14.76s | 17.63s /  7.23s | 13.22s /  8.80s |  6.67s / 5.41s |
Install  |   6.39s /  3.46s |  1.71s /  1.13s |  0.47s /  0.14s |  0.75s / 0.36s |


Documentation is disabled to give an apples-to-apples comparison; also
Meson's default use of ccache is disabled for the same reason. 'make
install' is split into a separate make invocation, because it fails in a
dependency-relinking catastrophe otherwise. The RDP backend is disabled
for both, so I can actually build it on Fedora.

Test 1 ('full'): full configuration, build, test, and install
  - time (../autogen.sh --prefix=/tmp/weston-autotools --disable-rdp-compositor --disable-devdocs --disable-setuid-install && make -j$JOBS check && make install)
  - time (CC=gcc meson --prefix=/tmp/weston-meson -Dbackend_rdp=false .. && ninja test install)
  + -Dclients_dmabuf_drm=false / --disable-simple-dmabuf-intel-client on the ARM systems

Test 2 ('rebuild'): full rebuild and install
  - touch ../libweston/compositor.h && time (make -j$JOBS && make check install)
  - touch ../libweston/compositor.h && time (ninja test install)

Test 3 ('check'): relink libweston and test
  - touch ../libweston/timeline.c && time (make -j$JOBS check)
  - touch ../libweston/timeline.c && time (ninja test)

Test 4 ('install'): no changes, install
  - time make install
  - time ninja install

         |              RPi2 |            Rock2 |          Laptop |           Xeon |
Full     | 685.80s / 163.20s | 188.55s / 34.55s | 53.96s / 12.47s | 25.78s / 6.26s |
Rebuild  | 231.78s /  77.62s |  62.26s / 19.45s | 25.75s /  6.81s | 14.25s / 4.80s |
Check    |  37.21s /  27.18s |  12.00s /  6.82s |  4.91s /  3.22s |  4.42s / 3.65s |
Install  |  21.32s /   7.31s |   7.03s /  1.98s |  1.63s /  0.38s |  2.23s / 0.73s |


[0]: Support for skipping tests has still not quite yet landed, which is
     a black mark indeed: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/1110
[1]: cf. https://lwn.net/Articles/706653/ and thread
[2]: This would be -j28, but the build just fails at higher parallelism
     levels. I don't know why.

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