[PATCH] protocol: Add gaming input protocol

Steven Newbury steve at snewbury.org.uk
Sat Jan 21 15:02:10 UTC 2017

On Fri, 2017-01-20 at 12:22 +0200, Pekka Paalanen wrote:
> Even bigger open questions are how to handle features like touchpads.
> I
> also do not know how player id assignments should be handled, by the
> compositor or by the app? Who would e.g. set up the player id leds in
> a
> controller?
I think this strongly calls for a management daemon to enumerate
composite devices and player assignments [like logind does for users],
and provide fds, whether as part of a compositor or preferably (IMHO)
coordinating with one.  It would be this daemon a libgamecontroller
would talk to, to register player input with "games".
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