[PATCH weston v9 01/62] libweston: Add pixel-format helpers

Daniel Stone daniel at fooishbar.org
Thu Mar 16 10:54:52 UTC 2017

Hey Emil,

On 13 March 2017 at 17:57, Emil Velikov <emil.l.velikov at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10 March 2017 at 15:28, Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org> wrote:
>> On 9 March 2017 at 22:57, Emil Velikov <emil.l.velikov at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> According to WL_bind_wayland_display and the i965/i915 drivers
>>> (afaict) above five should have two planes. Then again, the FOURCC and
>>> DRM formats are pretty clear that we're talking about a packed format
>>> in a single plain... Did you test these, do we have a spec bug, is the
>>> i915/i965 iimplementation working/been tested ?
>> No, they're all right, in their own way. ;) In terms of storage, the
>> buffers are stored purely in one plane, containing (bytewise)
>> YUYV/etc, as encoded in the FourCC. However, to use it from GL, you
>> need to bind the one plane to two samplers: one for luma and one for
>> chroma. Given that the luma and chroma have different subsampling
>> values, you can't bind them to the same sampler. So I think this is
>> correct here.
> Right - I was confused there by the name "num_planes". Worth changing
> to num_of_samplers ?

Maybe, but then it would also be wrong: YUYV's current num_planes == 1
would have to change to num_of_samplers == 2. But num_of_samplers is
already uniquely identified by the sampler type: Y_UV_WL and Y_XUXV_WL
are two samplers, and Y_U_V_WL is three samplers. So in this case we
would just remove it rather than redundantly encode it.

We have some simple checks for these in, e.g., dmabuf, to reject
incoming buffer-creation requests where num_planes does not match the
format. So scrapping num_planes in pixel-formats means that we'd also
have to remove the checks.

>>> Seems like DRM_FORMAT_AYUV is going to act strange with the
>>> pixel_format_is_opaque() helper. As-in latter will return true,
>>> despite the format has alpha.
>> Indeed. I'd be tempted to just delete AYUV tbh.
> Emmanuel mentioned that some userspace (mpv iirc) uses AYUV. Not sure
> if/who much that's applicable here.
> Worst case - one can add it as a follow-up.

Yeah, given that it's not actually supported by Weston at the moment,
removing it wouldn't be a loss. ;)

>>>  - YUV formats - 1/2/3 num_planes ->
>>> respectively
>> Well, you still need the chroma order to figure out if it's XUXV or
>> XVXU; and did you mean to paste the same sampler type three times? ;)
> Nope, they should read Y_U_V_WL, Y_UV_WL and Y_XUXV_WL.
>> I get the point though. The idea was for the combination of
>> num_planes, to uniquely identify the sampler type.
> No objection against the order - thinking that the num_sampler(s) can

Hm maybe, but at the cost of some ambiguity (i.e. num_samplers == 2
could be Y_UV or Y_XUXV). On the other hand, num_samplers is uniquely
deriveable from the texture format, so I'd prefer to stick to the
other way around.


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