[PATCH weston v2 10/11] [RFC] Account for very large repaint window misses

Mario Kleiner mario.kleiner.de at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 22:59:41 UTC 2017

Hi Daniel & Pekka,

finally managed to go through the whole patch series, updated my own 
application to current Wayland/Weston and test it a bit. I like it! It 
would have gotten my Reviewed-by's if i had actually managed to review 
it in some more reasonable time before the merge ;).

The only thing i would suggest is to make the time window for the output 
update coalescing somewhat more tight and mostly to prevent repaint 
deadlines from shifting.

In weston_output_maybe_repaint() you have this...

	msec_to_repaint = timespec_sub_to_msec(&output->next_repaint, now);
	if (msec_to_repaint > 1)
		return ret;

...for skipping an output for coalescing. Given timespec_sub_to_msec 
floor()'s to full msecs, that means you'd accept a next_repaint almost 2 
msecs (~1.999999 msecs) into the future, so for the candidate output 
that would be like moving the repaint window deadline ~ 2 msecs closer 
to the start of a refresh cycle, cutting off more clients earlier from 
getting their surface updates out for the next vblank.

After return from weston_output_repaint() you call ...


... again to update "now", so if weston_output_repaint() for the current 
output involves some serious compositing work, you shift the "now" point 
for the following outputs in the compositors output list further into 
the future, so depending on where an output is in the 
compositor->output_list you could get such delays to add up and 
essentially move the repaint window deadline for later outputs by more 
than 2 msecs closer. I think that's not so good for predictability if 
the position of an output in the output_list and the potentially varying 
composition workload on preceding outputs can shift the repaint 
deadlines for later outputs by a large amount and defer an actual 
coalesced update for all outputs which are caught in this further.

So i'd probably drop that 
weston_compositor_read_presentation_clock(...&now) to prevent this kind 
of drift? And make the msec_to_repaint deadline more like >= 1 instead 
of > 1 to limit the time window to at most 1 msec?

Ideally we'd probably have timers with better than 1 msec granularity to 
deal with high refresh rate displays. The underlying timerfd api for 
wl_event_source_timer_update() seems to support nsecs resolution.

Gamer or Stereo panels with 144 Hz or 165 Hz refresh are now becoming 
more common. One of my users already uses a commercially available 240 
Hz BenQ Zowie panel for reliable fullscreen high-speed animations under 
X11 with the FOSS graphics stack, so refresh durations of only ~4 msecs 
are now a thing and shifting repaint deadlines by 2 msecs or more would 
have significant impact at only 4 msecs refresh.

I assume a very important intended use case for this output coalescing 
is to make sure that outputs which are tightly genlocked/synchronized in 
their video refresh cycles will really update/page-flip somewhat 
reliably together and do so efficiently, e.g., if this is implemented on 
top of some solid atomic flip kms-driver support? Stuff like 
stereoscopic 3D output to two separate genlocked outputs for the two 
eyes (3D cinema, medical/science applications, advanced VR/AR HMD's). Or 
even multi-display walls or VR CAVE environments with > 2 outputs? For 
such apps one would assume the outputs are tightly synchronized, so even 
a < 1 msec window for coalescing should be fine.

If you think about single-display VR apps like 1 output driving a 
regular desktop GUI display, the other driving something like a cosumer 
VR HMD like the HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, we'd also would want to make 
sure the repaint behavior of the output driving the HMD is very 
predictable and stable, even in presence of some activity on the regular 
non-synchronized desktop screen, so apps can minimize motion-to-photon 
latency. Output coalescing which would too liberally coalesce outputs 
which are unrelated in their refresh cycles could hurt such applications 
quite a bit. Or create funny beat patterns when the outputs refresh 
cycles drift against each other (60 Hz vs. 75/90/144 Hz) and the 
compositor alternates between coalescing updates together and treating 
them separately in a way that could cause hard to understand or avoid 
frame drops?

I've read that the latest Vulkan spec now includes a 
VK_GOOGLE_display_timing extension, intended for VR apps, which is 
pretty close to what was proposed for Waylands presentation_queue 
extension or VDPAU's frame scheduling for video playback.

Comments more to the point of patch 10/11 below...

On 03/13/2017 01:48 PM, Pekka Paalanen wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Mar 2017 14:52:58 +0000
> Daniel Stone <daniel at fooishbar.org> wrote:
>> Hi Pekka,
>> On 10 March 2017 at 13:41, Pekka Paalanen
>> <pekka.paalanen at collabora.co.uk> wrote:
>>> On Wed,  1 Mar 2017 11:34:09 +0000 Daniel Stone <daniels at collabora.com> wrote:
>>>>        * the deadline given by repaint_msec? In that case we delay until
>>>>        * the deadline of the next frame, to give clients a more predictable
>>>>        * timing of the repaint cycle to lock on. */
>>>> -     if (presented_flags == WP_PRESENTATION_FEEDBACK_INVALID && msec_rel < 0)
>>>> -             timespec_add_nsec(&output->next_repaint, &output->next_repaint,
>>>> -                               refresh_nsec);
>>>> +     if (presented_flags == WP_PRESENTATION_FEEDBACK_INVALID &&
>>>> +         msec_rel < 0) {
>>>> +             while (timespec_sub_to_nsec(&output->next_repaint, &now) < 0) {
>>>> +                     timespec_add_nsec(&output->next_repaint,
>>>> +                                       &output->next_repaint,
>>>> +                                       refresh_nsec);
>>>> +             }
>>>> +     }
>>>>  out:
>>>>       output->repaint_status = REPAINT_SCHEDULED;
>>> the very point is to postpone the repaint to a future time so that
>>> clients would not be racing each other any more than they do when the
>>> repaint loop is continuously active. In that sense this is a correct
>>> change. It just seems a bit awkward to use a loop instead computing the
>>> rounded number of frame periods by division.
>> Sure, not that difficult, just a little ugly:
>> int n_periods = !!(msec_rel % (refresh_nsec * NSEC_TO_MSEC));
>> n_periods += msec_rel / (refresh_nsec * NSEC_TO_MSEC);
> Maybe I'll send my own proposal for this, if I can come up with
> something nicer.
>>> However, what strikes me as odd here is that this is done only when
>>> coming from start_repaint_loop(). How could start_repaint_loop() cause
>>> weston_output_finish_frame() to be called with a timestamp that is
>>> older than the most recent vblank?
>> No idea: if you look at the diff, the original code did the exact same
>> thing, but only adjusted by a maximum of one period. I agree with you
>> that it would probably seem better to postpone in all cases, giving
>> sheer predictability (always respecting the repaint window exactly)
>> for speed. But I'd like some more input before changing this, and I'd
>> like to change it in a separate patch to this.

Ok, so i think i can clarify this. The point of this routine wasn't to 
cope with massive scheduling delays/system overload etc. or other mild 
disasters, but only to make sure that clients always see a predictable 
repaint timing, regardless if the repaint loop was/is running when they 
make their surface.commit, or if the output repaint was idle and is just 
restarting the repaint loop, or if the specific client is the 
reason/trigger for the restart of the repaint loop. This to make sure 
that timing sensitive clients can "latch" onto some stable compositor 
timing. See commit b7df04ebc048e18417a13d577d977d6e36c8a8ca

Iff the repaint loop is already running when a client requests an update 
then the repaint window will define the cutoff point / deadline for 
deciding if a clients update makes it for the next vblank, or if it gets 
deferred to the next frame.

Iff the repaint loop was idle, the clients should see the same cutoff 
deadline as if it was running. So two cases for that:

- If the first client in that refresh cycle triggered 
weston_output_schedule_repaint() -> output->start_repaint_loop -> 
weston_output_finish_frame while the output in its current refresh cycle 
is before the repaint window deadline then you'll see a msec_rel >= 0 
and the output should perform a repaint for that client (and possible 
others which commit before the repaint window deadline) targetting the 
next vblank.

- If the first client in that refresh cycle triggered a restart of the 
repaint loop after the repaint_window cutoff deadline then you will get 
a msecs_rel < 0 in the old code and current code, and the clients update 
should get deferred to the vblank after the next vblank, just as would 
have been the case if the repaint loop was running all the time. This is 
what that if-statement => next_repaint += refresh_nsec is supposed to do.

What we want to prevent by shifting the repaint by 1 frame specifically 
during restart of repaint loop if msecs_rel < 0 is that one client 
triggers restart too late in the frame (= after repaint_window 
deadline), then its repaint misses the intended next vblank (n) due to 
the lateness, and a kms page-flip therefore skips to the vblank (n+1) 
after this next one, but now all other potential latecomers from this 
frame (targetting vblank n) and all the clients who wanted to commit an 
update properly in time for the next refresh cycle (n+1) will get 
delayed by a full frame while a kms page-flip waits for the (n+1) vblank 
and only then triggers weston_output_finsh_frame for an update at vblank 
(n+2) earliest. You'd punish clients which are in time by an extra 1 
frame delay (earliest processing/completion at n+2 instead of n+1), and 
all other latecomers by an extra 2 frame delay (n+2 vs. n) while at the 
same time not achieving an improvement for the first latecomer, which 
will likely still skip to n+1 instead of n.

This would be a common scenario, e.g., for 16 msecs refresh rate and our 
default repaint window of 7 msecs = 7/16 ~ 43% probability of a random 
client triggering this.

> Sure!
>>> Did you see a case where it happened?
>> No, it's just something that had been bugging me ever since I started
>> looking into repaint. Found purely by inspection.
>>> I think it would only happen with a) broken driver reporting bad
>>> timestamps with pageflip events (we already verify timestamps from the
>>> vblank query and fall back to pageflip otherwise), or b) something
>>> stalled weston for too long.
>>> a) would be a bug we want to log. b) might be a bug we want to log, or
>>> just high system load in general which we wouldn't want to log, really.
>>> Unfortunately there is no way to tell.
>>> There is the original reason we want to ensure the target time is in
>>> the future, but there are no reasons when doing so would be bad.
>>> Therefore I think this is a good idea.

I'm not sure if generally ensuring that the target time is in the future 
helps or hurts or doesn't matter in practice. That code wasn't meant to 
deal with overload/scheduling delay. I assume you can only get larger 
delays during repaint loop restart or during already running repaint 
loop on system overload, and in that case all predictability is probably 
out of the window and the whole desktop will glitch anyway. One could 
argue that it would be better to just accept defeat and try to get an 
output repaint out as fast as possible, so not too many client 
schedule_repaint requests can back up during the extra time given to 
them by shifting the repaint deadline further into the future, possibly 
making the glitch longer. Not sure if that would matter in practice though.

best and sorry for the late reply,

>>> I'd like to get rid of the loop if it doesn't make things too
>>> messy, even when the "insanity check" already ensures we don't
>>> loop too long.
>> As long as the above looks reasonable, then sure; happy to expand the
>> !! to a ternary or something as well.
>>> Failed insanity check makes the target time 'now'. Should that also be
>>> subject to postponing for a period? I think it would be more
>>> consistent. That is, make the comparison <= 0.
>> Er, unsure. Probably?
>>> What were the arguments you thought to make this an undesireable patch?
>>> I couldn't come up with any.
>> None per se. I flagged it as such because a) it isn't required to
>> achieve the actual goal of the patchset, b) given the somewhat
>> intricate nature of the code in question, I wasn't sure if it was
>> deliberate or not, and c) I only noticed it by inspection and have
>> never observed it myself. But it does indeed seem to be correct, so
>> I'll take that as a positive comment, and maybe wait to see what Mario
>> says before we think about merging it.
> Yeah, let's leave this brewing for a bit.
> Thanks,
> pq

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