Skylane - implementation of Wayland in Rust

Auke Booij auke at
Fri May 5 13:53:14 UTC 2017

On 5 May 2017 at 09:53, Pekka Paalanen <ppaalanen at> wrote:
> What could you do then, if you don't want to wrap the C implementation
> of libwayland...
> Borrowing the idea from Daniel Stone from whom I heard it first, the
> only other option is to reimplement libwayland *including* its C ABI in
> Rust. You need to completely throw away the C implementation of
> libwayland and replace that with your own libwayland-*.so built with
> Rust. Then you will get libEGL calling into your implementation and it
> will be the sole implementation, which should let things work.

This is exactly the approach I am taking with sudbury [1] (written in
Haskell, see also my 1st of April RFC). The client side is up and
running, and while I am aware of the further complications on the
server side, I think these are solvable.


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